看板 RedSox 關於我們 聯絡資訊
37歲的Dustin Pedroia正式宣布退休,結束14年的球員生涯。過去幾年飽受膝傷所苦, 過去三年只出戰9場比賽。 紅襪剛剛已經調整陣容,清出Pedroia在40人陣容的位置。 -- Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia has announced his retirement, the team announced Monday. Pedroia, 37, played 14 years with the club but has appeared in only nine games over the last three years due to recurring knee injuries. -- 正式聲明 Red Sox officials praised Pedroia in a release from the team. “Dustin is so much more than his American League Most Valuable Player award, his All-Star Game selections, and the Gold Gloves he amassed throughout his impressive 17-year career in our organization,” said Principal Owner John Henry. “Dustin came to represent the kind of grit, passion, and competitive drive that resonates with baseball fans everywhere and especially with Red Sox fans. He played the game he loves in service to our club, its principles and in pursuit of championships. Most of all we are forever grateful to him for what he brought to our club and to our region as an important role model showing all of us how much one can accomplish with determination and hard work.” “Dustin has been an integral part of our club from draft day through retirement,” said Chairman Tom Werner. “During his time with the Red Sox, we have had the opportunity to see Dustin evolve into one of the best second basemen in the game as a player and watch him grow as a husband to Kelli and father to his three incredible children. The full impact of the Pedroia family extends well beyond the walls of Fenway Park and into the Boston community through their work with military families and the Jimmy Fund. We congratulate Dustin on a tremendous career, and thank him and Kelli for their contributions to our club and our community.” “Through championships and injuries, Dustin’s disciplined approach never wavered,” said President and CEO Sam Kennedy. “His work ethic is incomparable, and we saw him attack his rehab during the last chapter of his career with the same intensity he approached the batter’s box in his prime. I know hanging up his spikes is not an easy decision for a competitor of his caliber. We are fortunate to have had him in a Red Sox uniform for so long and look forward to welcoming him back to Fenway Park to celebrate his career. ” -- ◢██◣ ◢███ █◣ ◢█ ◢███ ◢██◣ █ ◥█◤ █ █ █ █◣ █ ▅▅ ████ ████ █ █ █◥◣█ █ █ █ ◥█ ◥███ █ ◥███ ◤ █ ◥ Kim Taeyeon - https://youtu.be/4HG_CJzyX6A Four Seasons
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RedSox/M.1612196207.A.782.html
SmallHanley: 推 02/02 00:20
inixmasa: QQ 02/02 00:22
vince4687: 祝福小派 02/02 00:23
WaterWood: QQ 沒機會抽Prime卡了QQ 02/02 00:25
yankeessuck: QQ 02/02 00:26
WaterWood: 該死的鬼腳 02/02 00:26
s6525480: 感謝 02/02 00:29
albert12188: 可惜了... 02/02 00:29
MrJohn: 感謝。退休後好好休養吧 02/02 00:31
live1002: 辛苦了 02/02 00:34
Maggiepiggy: 媽的鬼腳:) 02/02 00:35
yankeessuck: 真的可惜。還好當初小派的最後一季正常出賽有follow 02/02 00:35
yankeessuck: 到 02/02 00:35
DPedroia: 謝謝帶給我們的美好回憶 02/02 00:37
leevincent: 感謝小派 我最愛的球員 02/02 00:39
sh3312037: 謝謝小派,我最喜歡的二壘手 02/02 00:40
yuffie: 感謝派派!辛苦了QQ 02/02 00:46
buyiwhy: 永遠的偶像跟英雄,退休快樂! 02/02 00:47
TKW5566: 謝謝小派T___T 02/02 00:49
pedrovish: 還是到了這天 以為會有很多想法 但現在內心只覺得空空 02/02 00:51
pedrovish: 的 什麼難過不捨都不足以形容現在的心情 02/02 00:51
s92eric0405: 退休愉快小派!07因為你才開始看紅襪的 02/02 00:51
barber: 謝謝小派,永遠忘不了你的拚勁 02/02 00:55
th11yh23: 真希望再看到一次小派的Laser show 生涯波士頓 感謝 02/02 00:57
sin5447: 謝謝你 小派 ! 02/02 01:04
Absioute: 謝謝你 小派 02/02 01:15
hahabis: 永遠的偶像,我兩件紅襪球衣都是15號 02/02 01:31
hahabis: 希望一定要給小派一個很棒的退休儀式 02/02 01:31
spreesell6: 覺得難過,在我心中他絕對是名人堂級二壘手 02/02 01:36
DavFlow: 小派再見 我的青春也離開了 02/02 01:43
MikeNapoli: Peddy辛苦了 02/02 02:08
Davidjones: QQ 02/02 02:19
Unleashed: 感謝Peddy QQ 02/02 02:41
keltt: 小派,謝謝你! 02/02 04:23
momochii: 謝謝小派,每次看到你在場上的拼勁,就感覺永遠都不會輸 02/02 05:24
nyct: Nomar後最愛的球員... 02/02 06:55
mayzn: Peddy再見,Machado真他媽該死~ 02/02 07:21
k385476916: 感謝Peddy為襪襪的付出 02/02 07:25
ruffryders: 謝謝小嘴砲 02/02 07:47
force2: 感謝小派 拚勁球員典範 02/02 08:03
xd987: QQ 02/02 08:05
firecrest: 嘴砲派,謝謝你!!永遠的小巨人QQ 02/02 08:13
oadas: 被髒馬一腳踢下球壇 太難過了 02/02 08:19
BrandonMai: 07年的成員都退光了 02/02 08:21
tortoise2006: 謝謝小派 02/02 08:35
wtsph: 可惜... 02/02 08:41
LBJKO: 謝謝小派Q.Q 02/02 08:49
iwgpg1ghc: 最愛的選手,小派,謝謝你 02/02 09:03
anfernee0520: 謝謝Peddy 珍重再見QQ 02/02 09:20
arrow1013: 再見了!球場上的小巨人! 我們會懷念你 02/02 09:20
mimikuX: 再見了嘴砲派 我最愛的球員 沒有之一QQ 02/02 09:28
htme: 謝謝小派,謝謝你帶來的兩座冠軍及奮戰精神 02/02 09:29
HercuLiz: 推小派QQ 02/02 09:38
tetsufuu: 感謝小派 02/02 09:40
leosky41: 感謝你,紅襪的隊魂 02/02 09:44
ckranger: 謝謝小派 02/02 09:49
Lmkcat: Thank you, Peddy 02/02 09:58
ramirez: QQ 謝謝小派 永遠記得你在場上的拚勁 02/02 10:02
pedro4545: 07是不是剩下Lester QQ 02/02 10:20
igoati60153: 最愛的紅襪球員 謝謝小派 02/02 10:23
igoati60153: 好多球員也都在ig發文祝福 02/02 10:24
NorMingz: 這一天還是來了 02/02 10:37
sppray: QQ 02/02 10:41
shall: 謝謝Peddy給紅襪迷10多年美好的日子 02/02 10:44
victo1992r: 謝謝你 小派 02/02 11:01
nolander: 謝謝派凸,希望退休後一切很好 02/02 11:26
sakuragi1002: 辛苦了 02/02 11:37
seekforever: 感謝Pedey 紅襪的靈魂 02/02 11:45
JUNstudio: 謝謝Pedroia,你永遠是我心中不變的內野小巨人 02/02 11:48
iverson0968: 唉 02/02 12:10
vibration333: 小派退休還是要繼續講幹話喔! 02/02 12:29
vion321: 感謝小派 02/02 13:26
a2202612345: QQ 02/02 13:27
FATDUDU: 感謝你的付出 QQ 02/02 14:24
marsdaddy: 這一天終究來了,謝謝小派...QQ 02/02 14:34
summer12273: Q.Q 02/02 15:09
josephhsu: 謝謝小派,辛苦了 02/02 15:24
bredsox04: 謝謝! 02/02 15:27
BIGBRA: 從當年農場的top prospect,一路看到退休 真是不捨QQ 02/02 15:45
letitbee: 推 T_T 02/02 16:16
GetBeard: QQ 02/02 16:21
BHrabal: QQ 02/02 16:34
tia999: QQ退休養生 02/02 16:38
kazamishu: thank you, Peddy~ 02/02 17:16
f80242: 謝謝小派 02/02 18:13
bostonred: 謝謝 本來打算要衝你的退休戰的..... 02/02 18:31
jandin: 感謝派爺的付出QQ,紅襪的二壘是最安心的存在 02/02 18:48
IronChef: 謝謝給我們快樂的258年 02/02 18:55
RobertLeaf: QQ 02/02 18:59
DPedroia: respect 02/02 19:12
hahabis: 一定要幫他辦個搞笑又溫馨的退休派對啦!!! 02/02 19:32
GJIRO: 感謝小派 02/02 20:04
KingofBoston: QQQQQQQQQQ 02/02 20:52
Orcish: 02/02 21:00
hsupigskin: 唯二兩件從官網訂購再寄回台灣的球衣,一件是隊長 02/02 21:35
hsupigskin: varitek,另外一件就是小派。 02/02 21:36
SorrowWind: 小派辛苦了 02/02 21:53
KAIS: 謝謝派爺帶給球迷的一切, 祝你退休生活順心如意 02/02 21:59
ruffryders: 謝謝小嘴砲 謝謝你帶來的美好回憶 02/02 22:06
Carmelo3: QQ 02/02 22:24
Junken: 看了各種報導心中充滿著滿滿情懷 謝謝你小派 祝福! 02/02 23:15
error404joe: 真的是很可惜,剛出來時就很喜歡他,感謝小派 02/02 23:19
nfsnfs: 謝謝小派 QQ 02/02 23:46
saso00: 感謝小派 有你真好 02/03 00:34
mlm90f0: 感謝小派 02/03 03:32
Greg031207: Respect 02/03 07:55
Stanlee0312: 感謝小派的付出 02/03 10:16
LesBleus: QQ 02/03 17:26
mygoing: 感謝小派 02/03 17:43
scheiss: 無腦粉來推個 02/03 22:01
bostonred: 只要上場就是拚盡全力的精神 02/04 01:07
ilovesin: 謝謝 02/04 08:56
myde: 最喜歡的球員之一,好懷念他的比賽阿! 02/04 11:26
buyiwhy: 派爺我愛你 02/04 11:33
Rodriguez: Farewell,Dustin. 02/04 19:06
bluemaker: 去Fenway買了一件有號碼的Jersey就是Pedroia,QQ 02/04 22:35
s42327: Pedroia扛HR的帥氣畫面永遠難忘 02/08 22:46
mark30204: 謝謝小派的付出 02/12 00:10
dadaHOPE: 感謝你 03/01 11:03
DoD2: 11 QQ 03/05 21:58
gordon1126: 謝謝Peddy...我的紅襪回憶 03/24 01:03
dragon2000: 推 04/13 17:27