看板 RedVelvet 關於我們 聯絡資訊
▶前言 還記得2019年底,改版專輯[The ReVe Festival: Finale]發行前,那棟蓋在官方IG上的貝貝101大樓嗎? 當時覺得大樓中的歌曲故事非常有趣,就順手打了逐字稿+翻譯。 可惜那次回歸,在發行兩天後因為電視台的失誤造成成員Wendy重傷結束,這些文字也很快就被埋進電腦深處。 經過一年八個月,官方IG這次不蓋大樓改經營雜貨店啦! 雜貨店的概念以及商品簡介依然充滿趣味,馬上就讓我想起被埋在電腦深處的故事們。 很開心企畫團隊延續貝貝怪奇詭譎又高雅的概念,精心撰寫屬於貝貝的故事,更開心貝貝真的要回歸了! 分享故事逐字稿+翻譯,重溫之後準備好跟貝貝一起開始全新的冒險吧。 ▶正文 故事按照公開順序排序,附上可搭配的聲音及畫面(圖片/影音)連結。 https://i.imgur.com/oRrV2MX.jpg
Chapter 15 Zimzalabim https://bit.ly/37IB35t Zimzalabim~ The magic word summons bells and drums that line up and begin their parade. ReVe follows the musical notes through the parade and comes across a secret magical space. The entrance reads "Think of a wish and keep on saying, Zimzalabim~". Zimzalabim~魔法咒語喚醒了鈴鼓聲,它們列隊並且開始遊行。ReVe跟隨音符穿越在遊行 之中來到秘密魔法基地。入口處標示著「許個願望,然後一直念Zimzalabim~吧」。 Chapter 14 Sunny Side Up! https://bit.ly/2VPoymw Bright yellow sun rises and all of the flowers around ReVe stretch their necks towards the light. The sun throws a tantrum, heating up the whole world and everyone begins to scramble restlessly. Alarmed! ReVe turns the flowers to keep them from burning until the sun finally stops its tantrum. 金黃色的暖陽昇起,環繞著ReVe的花朵們各個伸長脖子面向陽光。太陽卻在此時發起脾氣 ,讓世界燥熱了起來,引起大家的騷動。小心!ReVe幫花朵們轉向以免被灼傷直到太陽消 氣。 Chapter 13 Milkshake https://bit.ly/3sk5Cb7 The ground below ReVe shakes and opens up, swallowing ReVe whole. ReVe falls down an endless void and her hands and feet begin to freeze from the cold air. The fruits falling with ReVe turn to her and say with a smile, "This always happens when the ice and milk fight, you have to shake your body to keep it from freezing." ReVe shakes and shakes her body and feels her softly melt. At last, she arrives at a white, snow covered field. ReVe腳下的地面在劇烈搖晃後裂開,將其吞噬。ReVe墜入無盡的深淵中,雙手雙腳因為寒 冷的空氣開始結凍。跟著ReVe一起掉落的水果們轉向她微笑說道:「當冰塊與牛奶起爭執 時,總是會這樣,妳必須搖晃妳的身體避免結凍。」ReVe不停地搖晃身體感到自己正在融 化,最後降落在一片白雪皚皚的平原。 Chapter 12 Bing Bing https://bit.ly/2EthuPP Suddenly, a huge guitar appears and begins to circle above ReVe's head, another guitar misses ReVe by a whisker, when more and more guitars continue to fly over at lightning speed, ReVe thinks to herself, she's better off heading back with the guitars. 突然之間,一把巨大的吉他出現在ReVe頭頂上盤旋著,另一把吉他與ReVe擦身而過,當越 來越多的吉他呼嘯而過,ReVe想著她最好還是跟著吉他回去。 Chapter 11 Parade https://bit.ly/36Bsuqo The sun is highest in the sky and the whole world begins to sizzle. ReVe tightens her shoestrings and begins to run with the wind. The cool wind sweeps over the hills and the green meadows and nudges ReVe on. ReVe run faster and faster, so fast that she's unaware of her cheeks turning burning red. 太陽高高掛在空中,萬物開始嘶嘶作響。ReVe繫緊了她的鞋帶隨著風奔跑。涼風吹拂無數 的山丘綠野並且輕推著ReVe。ReVe跑得越來越快,快到沒有注意到自己的雙頰發紅。 Chapter 10 LP https://bit.ly/36zNpKy The sun's tantrum burns ReVe's whole body and she hurriedly goes to meet the sea. The azure sea greets ReVe, inviting her to step closer. Suddenly a haze rises from the ground and blurs ReVe's view, dazed and feeling like she's dreaming, ReVe unwittingly dances with the haze on the powdery white sand. 炙熱的太陽灼燒著ReVe的身軀,她匆忙地來到海邊。蔚藍的大海向ReVe打招呼,邀請她再 靠近一點。突然,霧氣壟罩模糊ReVe的視線,彷彿迷失在夢境中,ReVe不知不覺地在綿密 的白沙上與霧起舞。 Chapter 9 Umpah Umpah https://bit.ly/34vcIfB The bored sea pulls a trick on ReVe, ReVe trips and falls into the blue water. She thrashes around but then remembers to collect her senses and catches her breath, "Umpah Umpah!" Soon, ReVe is back on the surface. As a gesture of apology, the sea presents her a magical scenery. 無聊的大海跟ReVe開了一個玩笑,ReVe被絆倒掉進藍色的海水之中。她猛烈掙扎,隨即想 起要集中精神屏住呼吸,Umpah Umpah! 不久後,ReVe便回到水面。大海為了道歉,向她 呈現一道魔幻的景色。 Chapter 8 Capool https://bit.ly/2RWDrPs ReVe's heart skips a beat when she hears lively clapping. It's the only sign she understands in this land of mysteries. It's a sign inviting her to go on a journey together! 當ReVe聽到熱烈的掌聲時,心跳漏了一拍,這是她在這神祕世界中唯一理解的徵兆,是邀 請她一起旅行的暗示! Chapter 7 Love Is The Way https://bit.ly/35vifEd Feeling mischievous, ReVe hums a song and senses her heart become sweetly buoyant. At times like this, she feels like shouting with everything she's got "Yea yea yea yea yea~". 帶著一點淘氣,ReVe哼著歌感受她溫和輕快的心情,此時此刻,她只想大聲地對她所擁有 的東西滿足的高唱Yea yea yea yea yea~。 Chapter 6 Jumpin' https://bit.ly/2r6k2AD The sun grows tired and ReVe finds herself bored, still bursting with energy, she stretches her hand towards the sun, asking it to play, but the sun avoids ReVe. ReVe begins to jump up and down, high enough to reach the sun. She keeps on jumping. Jump! She doesn't stop jumping. Jump! 太陽變得無精打采,ReVe卻依然精力充沛並且感到無聊,她伸出手邀請太陽一同玩耍,但 太陽躲避了ReVe。ReVe開始上下蹦跳,跳到可以碰到太陽的高度。她一直跳,跳!她不停 地跳,跳! Chapter 5 Ladies Night https://bit.ly/2Z5pccv The magical scenery presented by the sea fades away and the stars begin to wake up. Believing it's time to start the real celebration, ReVe starts writing invitations. Today, she feels like pouring her heart out under the glittering starlight until the night ends. 大海呈現的魔幻景色漸漸消去,星星甦醒。ReVe相信是時候開始真正的慶典,於是她開始 寫著邀請函。今天,她想在星光熠熠之下傾吐心事直到夜晚結束。 Chapter 4 Eyes Locked, Hands Locked https://bit.ly/2MaTDJg As ReVe prepares for our time together, her heart flutters and hums a song. ReVe's song flows like the milky way in the sky, while the twinkling stars brighten up the very moment. Right at this moment, everything in the universe meet ReVe's eyes and smile to her. Tonight, ReVe finds the courage to stretch her hand out. 當ReVe正在為我們相聚的時光準備時,她的心怦怦跳成一首歌曲。ReVe的歌曲如銀河在空 中流動般,閃爍的星光加以點綴。就在這一刻,彷彿宇宙萬物都落入ReVe的眼中向她微笑 。今晚,ReVe找到勇氣走下去。 Chapter 3 Remember Forever https://bit.ly/2trnUNd The burning red sun tucks in behind the horizon, followed by the moon. Alone, ReVe gazes up at the silent night sky. She closes her eyes and pricks her ears to the sound of roaring fireworks and warm laughter. ReVe opens one eye to see a merry-go-round going round and round; she opens both eyes to see the sky bursting with dazzling fireworks. Below the glittering sky, a hand stretches out towards ReVe, She takes the hand, ready to lead the way to a never-ending festival. 火紅的夕陽躲入地平線,月亮緊接在後。ReVe獨自凝視寂靜的夜空。她閉起眼睛豎起耳朵 聽著煙火的喧囂及溫暖的嬉笑。ReVe睜開一隻眼睛看著旋轉木馬轉呀轉,她睜開雙眼看到 天空中綻放的煙火。在絢爛的天空之下,一隻手伸向ReVe,她握住了手,準備引領通往一 個永不落幕的慶典。 Chapter 2 In & Out https://bit.ly/2SauyBQ ReVe treads down the endless hole when she suddenly hears someone approaching. Swish! The sweetly scented wind tickles ReVe's nose. ReVe stretches her hand and tries to seize the elusive wind, her head whirls, intoxicated by the scent, but ReVe keeps on reaching. Finally, the wind approaches and whispers in ReVe's ears, "Come, I'll take you to a new world!" ReVe順著無底洞往下走時突然聽到有人靠近。Swish!風吹拂過ReVe,芳香使得她的鼻子發 癢,ReVe伸手試圖抓住難以捉摸的風,卻如夢似幻迷失於芳香之中,但ReVe仍然努力伸出 手。終於,風靠近ReVe在她耳邊低語;「來吧!我會帶妳到新世界。」 Chapter 16 La Rouge https://bit.ly/2PBFw1G One, two, three. Bright red light sweeps over and exuberant music flows out, ReVe grows giddy, as light footsteps and whispers approach her. One, two, three. Red shoes pause in front of ReVe and whisper the words again, before breaking into an endless dance. 1、2、3。明亮的紅光灑入,活潑的音樂流淌,當輕快的腳步與低語聲靠近時,ReVe感到 頭暈目眩。1、2、3。紅鞋再次停在ReVe面前低語,之後便跳起了永無止境的舞步。 Chapter 1 Psycho https://bit.ly/35KOlfk Today the sun and the moon stop their game of hide and seek and approach each other. With each step they take, the sky darkens and the world murmurs, but the sun and the moon hold on to each other as if it were the end of the world. Bam! At that moment, a wide hole opens up in the pitch-black sky, entranced by the sun and the moon's giggles trickling out of the hole, ReVe embarks on a new adventure. 今天太陽與月亮停止了捉迷藏的遊戲向彼此靠近。它們每靠進一步,天空便黯淡下來,世 界竊竊私語。但太陽與月亮相互扶持彷彿世界末日來臨般。Bam!在那瞬間,漆黑的天空中 出現一個大洞,太陽與月亮的笑聲從中飄揚而出,ReVe開始了全新的冒險。 翻譯tyxyht@PTT -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RedVelvet/M.1629031306.A.633.html
angel5433: 感謝翻譯整理! 08/15 22:35
yangted: 謝謝用心整理推~~~ 08/15 22:42
rry1234: 推推 好讚 08/15 22:49
lalangel: 推推 08/16 18:42
denny0731: 推 感謝用心整理!! 08/16 20:56