看板 RedVelvet 關於我們 聯絡資訊
211202 todayis_wendy Instagram 更新 IGTV https://www.instagram.com/tv/CW-FSYipkpN https://youtu.be/wnBjmzWMFYU
The Black Skirts X Wendy 空港路 'Airport Goodbyes'✈ 能夠和前輩一起合作非常的榮幸[愛你][合掌] @holideez Composed by The Black Skirts Lyrics by The Black Skirts Arranged by The Black Skirts, CADEJO Eletric Guitar, Synths, Programming, Samples by Jo Hyu Il Rhodes, Organ, Piano by Ko Kyung Chun Story https://bit.ly/3DgTDPj https://i.imgur.com/zzn10JF.gif
[偷笑][飛吻] https://i.imgur.com/TrIj1IP.jpg
謝謝美度[飛吻] https://i.imgur.com/lmlCy9C.jpg
初行路 @MONOTREE_JH @MINGTION_ [讚] [合掌] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RedVelvet/M.1638454718.A.E3A.html
tyxyht: 溫超棒!!! 12/02 23:06
denny0731: 推 12/02 23:51
ark666: 推推 12/03 00:24
rry1234: 推!! 12/03 00:35