看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛在臉書上面看到 好像是失眠太嚴重 影響音樂表現 所以他從鼓手轉行政 新鼓手是 Kai Hahto 官網連結:http://nightwish.com/en/news#2459 How to begin telling something that you wouldn’t want to have to tell, although you know that the decision you made is the only (at least the only right) one you could make at the moment? I face this dilemma now, and will do my best to find the right words. For a number of years, I have suffered from occasional but very difficult insomnia, something that has been my unwanted companion during many of our tours, too. I’ve done my best to try to control it or at least to cope with it. Still, we don’t even really know why we need sleep, so unfortunately there’s not much information available on why some of us suffer from sleeplessness. There is no 100% cure for the problem. During the last month, it has become evident for me that due to my insomnia, I can’t fulfill my duties as a musician in the way that I’d want and with the precision that the music deserves. Thus I have decided to step aside from my duties as the drummer of Nightwish during the recording of the forthcoming album and the subsequent tour. I will still be involved in managing the day-to-day affairs of the band, but the dearest and the most important thing, playing, is, for the time being, not possible. Time will tell what the future holds. On a personal level, my decision obviously feels indescribably sad. Fortunately, looking at it with some distance, it is “just” part of the constant, inevitable ebb and flow of life. The sad things are part of it as well as the beautiful, unforgettable experiences and adventures that I’ve already had the pleasure to experience in spades. Surely, there will still be many adventures ahead, too. My good friend Kai Hahto will play drums on the forthcoming album. I’m extremely grateful that he didn’t hesitate for a minute when he decided to help us in this challenging situation. What comes to touring, everything is still open, but we will let you know as soon possible what the line-up will be. If beginning this was hard, so is ending it. So maybe I will just quote something fitting. “You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot losesomething that you are." ─ Eckhart Tolle Best regards, Jukka Nevalainen / Nightwish http://youtu.be/3W7TJcuuYgQ
-- 減緩地球溫室效應你可以做到的十件事(節約能源): 1.多搭乘公共運輸交通工具 6.隨手關閉不需使用的能源 ex: 電燈或冷氣 2.臨時路邊停車請記得熄火 7.不用氟氯碳化物噴霧產品 3.開關冰箱次數盡量減少 8.多走樓梯減少搭電梯 (還可以順便減肥) 4.多以晾衣服代替烘衣服 9.有錢人請買油電混合車為環保盡份心力 5.少喝碳酸飲料 10.多唸書少蹺課..少上PTT = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1407320801.A.3BC.html
c20001222:QQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/06 19:18
masataka:!! 08/06 19:23
GTR12534:推 08/06 19:25
lonelyport:天啊!!!! 08/06 19:31
joker2340:他蠻會演的捏 08/06 19:39
Orodruin:!!! 08/06 21:31
Orodruin:比起新鼓手我比較需要新專輯 08/06 21:32
BigChiu:騰雲和大先生也是這樣哩.... 08/06 22:20
l17:海盜鼓手長期航海需要休息啊 08/06 22:33
Opethmist:比起這些,我更想趕快聽到Winter Sun的Time II... 08/07 00:24
MayNelly:QQQQQQQQQ 08/07 01:29
white123123:Jari之前好像說設備不足專輯又生不出來了...... 08/07 11:39
yumshit1999:等Wintersun+1 08/07 12:35
au3rupy3:新專輯好像錄音中,預計明年春天上市? 08/07 20:02
hodslance: ㄙ齒韟~何月可以聽到演場會in台灣XD 08/14 13:43
※ 編輯: turnsongyy (, 06/21/2015 13:38:46