看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 推 zeff: 講到sharon loudwire出的最新那個top 10有一個就是sharon 丟 02/25 00:02 : → zeff: iron maiden 雞蛋 02/25 00:02 : → zeff: 幹超不爽的 她叫Maiden 要尊重 02/25 00:02 正好前一陣子有看到Bruce和Ozzy雙方關於這件事的訪談 本持著八卦的精神來翻譯一下~XD IRON MAIDEN Vocalist: 'SHARON OSBOURNE Is Obviously Completely Mad' 鐵老木主唱:SHARON OSBOURNE很顯然就是個蕭婆 來源:https://tinyurl.com/ybvupwqs Immediately after IRON MAIDEN's triumphant show at Ullevi stadium in Gothenburg on July 9, 2005, Dickison told Kerrang! magazine, "I'd like to go to America and say 'You're very good, but you're not as loud as 56,000 fucking vikings in a football stadium.'" The following week, the band went to America to play at Ozzfest, but the outspoken vocalist didn't have a lot of nice things to say about it. 就在鐵媽2005年7月9日於歌德堡Ullevi體育場盛況空前的演出後,Dickison告訴《 Kerrang!》雜誌,「我很想到美國演出,跟觀眾講,『你們非常棒,但你們沒有5萬6千個 維京人同在一個足球場那樣大聲!』」隨後那星期,樂團到美國參加Ozzfest的演出,但 這位直率敢言的主唱對那場表演沒有甚麼好話可說。 (譯註:在那場演唱會中因Sharon Osbourne不滿Bruce對他們家族實境秀 《The Osbournes》的批評和指出Ozzy使用提詞機,安排了一群人在鐵媽表演時對台上 丟擲雞蛋、瓶蓋、冰塊等物品,並且切斷PA。當鐵媽離開後,Sharon上台聲言她很喜 歡鐵媽,但認為Bruce是個王八蛋。) "It was my usual love/hate relationship with corporate America," says Dickinson. "Ozzfest is a corporate rock event at which they sell the front 10-12 rows to corporate seats and not to kids. Most of the bands pay a lot of money to be on the Ozzfest, they get paid next to nothing. The whole way it's being portrayed as being some kind of altruistic holiday for all the bands is absolute nonsense, it's complete bullshit. Most of the bands are there because they paid to be there. That's the way it's run. We went out and we were like, 'Okay, why aren't there any people down the front?' Well, because it's restricted seating and because they don't have tickets. 'What?!' That's fucked, so we said so. I said so every night. Some fat cunt with greasy hair sat eating his hamburger with 50 seats empty all around him. Where are all the kids? They're held behind the barrier and they can't get any closer, because that's the way the venue is run. That sucks." 「這就是我和美國主辦方常有的那種愛恨交織的關係,」Dickinson說,「Ozzfest是個搖 滾樂商業活動,他們把前10到12排的座位賣給協辦單位當公關票,而不是年輕人。大多數 的樂團付了大把鈔票好在Ozzfest上演出,但卻幾乎收不到任何錢。整個活動被描述為開 放給所有樂團參加的無私節慶,根本是無稽之談,完全是鬼扯。大多數的樂團會出現在那 兒,是因為他們付了錢。這就是它的運作方式。我們走上舞台,發現『好吧?為什麼前排 都沒有人?』因為那是保留席,人們沒有那裡的票。『什麼?』那爛透了,所以我們直言 不諱,我每個晚上都把這件事給講出來。某個頭髮油膩膩的胖子座在前排吃漢堡,他旁邊 的50個座位都空無一人。而那些年輕人呢?他們被擋在後面,無法來到舞台前方,因為這 就是主辦方的營運之道,這爛透了。」 Close-Up: Did you expect Sharon Osbourne to take the measures that she took? Close-Up:「你有預料到Sharon Osbourne會這麼過分嗎?」 Bruce: "No, I think they were extraordinary, weren't they? Childish and uncalled for, and quite dangerous, really, when you consider there could've been a riot among the rest of the audience. Extraordinary! She is obviously completely mad!" Bruce:「不,我認為那些行為不正常,難道不是嗎?幼稚又沒必要,而且很危險,真的 ,你想想看,那很可能會演變成一場暴動。根本不正常!很明顯她完全就是個蕭婆」 Close-Up: You kept quiet. Weren't you dying to fight back in the press? Close-Up:「你一直保持沉默,難道你不會想要在媒體上反擊回去嗎?」 Bruce: "There's no purpose of starting a soap opera. I mean, she IS a soap opera. That's what she does, that's what 'The Osbournes' is, that's what this 'X Factor' and all this reality TV bullshit is. IRON MAIDEN is IRON MAIDEN, we don't participate in that kind of crap. We don't do [MTV show] 'Cribs' or the celebrity garbage that is everywhere, that pervades people's lives and they think is important. We don't do 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here', 'Big Brother', or any of that shit. So doing any more than stating the facts and let people make up their own mind is just playing to the press. It's just gonna create more crap. There was so much stuff on the Internet, there were so many people who saw exactly what happened. Let the people tell the story, we don't need to say anymore than 'Okay, this is what happened. If you don't believe us, you can find out.'" Bruce:「沒必要把這件事搞成狗血八點檔。她自己就夠狗血八點檔了,那就是她在幹 的事,那就是《The Osbournes》在幹的事,那就是《X Factor》和那堆狗屁實境秀在幹 的事。鐵媽就是鐵媽,我們不搞那種狗屎爛蛋。我們不會去上(MTV的)《Cribs》或那些 氾濫的垃圾名人秀,他們認為闖入別人的生活之中很重要。我們不會去上《I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here》、《Big Brother》,或任何這類的狗屁。我們也不會 說些不是事實的話讓別人在那邊腦補,好去搏版面,那只是在製造更多狗屎爛蛋的事。關於丟雞蛋事件)網路上有很多資料,而且很多人都親眼目睹了整個經過,就讓人們去闡 述這個故事吧,我們沒必要說什麼話,除了『是的,這件事就是這樣。假如你不相信我們 ,你可以去查證』。」 Close-Up: An hour ago I was surfing the Net and did a search on Google on "IRON MAIDEN + Sharon Osbourne" and this comment from Blabbermouth came up: "I fucking hate IRON MAIDEN, but fuck Sharon Osbourne." You must've loved the aftermath of the egg incident. All of a sudden everyone, even people that weren't into IRON MAIDEN, were rooting for you. Close-Up:「一小時前我上網估狗了一下『鐵媽+Sharon Osbourne』,看到 Blabbermouth上有人評論,『我他媽的討厭鐵媽,但幹妳娘咧Sharon Osbourne。』你一 定會愛死丟雞蛋事件後群眾的反應。突然之間,每個人都站在你這邊,就連不喜歡鐵媽的 人也一樣。」 Bruce: "I see what you mean. I think the key is that this was a collision between two completely different worlds. The world that Sharon lives in is of world of... She goes to fashion shows and her daughter is the new face of whatever it was, some make-up bullshit or something you put on your face. Vogue magazine and all that kind of crap. She's put herself in that world and done that by choice. And lots of people do [that] and they're supermodels. All those people have their picture taken on red carpets and appear in fashion magazines. That's not our world, that's not my world. I don't ever go to places like that. I'd rather have all my teeth pulled out and have nails hammered into my gums than go there, to a fashion show and hang out with supermodels! Bruce:「我懂你的意思。我想這件事的關鍵在於兩個不同的世界產生了衝突。Sharon所生 活的世界......她參加時裝秀、她的女兒外表變了--不管那是什麼原因,是因為化妝還 是對自己的臉做了什麼--她接受《Vogue》雜誌的採訪等各式各樣這類狗屁。她讓自己 身處在那樣的世界,而那是因為她自己選擇要這麼做。很多這麼做的人都是超級模特兒, 她們會在紅毯上照相,現身在時裝雜誌上。這不是我們的世界,不是我的世界,我從來不 會去那種場合。比起到那種地方,參加時裝秀、和超模們混在一起,我還寧可長著一口 暴牙,嘴裡戴著牙套呢!」 "What we do is we are a heavy metal band and what we care about is our fans. That's it. So our strength comes from that simplicity. You know, what do I care if I never appear on reality TV? 'Fucking great, thank you! Can I have it in writing?' But in her world, that's really important. In her world, it's really important what you look like. In her world, facelifts are really important. In my world, I don't give a fuck. I get old and I get wrinkly. Who gives a shit?" 「我們是一支金屬樂團,我們關心我們的歌迷,就這樣。我們的力量來自於我們就是這樣 單純。你知道,假如我永遠上不了實境秀,我怎麼想嗎?『那根本他媽的太棒了,謝謝你 !我可以把這件事寫到文章裡嗎?』但在她的世界中,那非常重要;在她的世界中,外貌 型像非常重要;在她的世界中,拉皮非常重要。而在我的世界中,我他媽的根本不在乎。 我老了、有皺紋了,誰在乎啊?」  ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Ozzy Osbourne says "Bruce Dickinson is a CUNT 'who needs a fucking Psychiatrist'" Ozzy Osbourne說「Bruce Dickinson是個爛人,他需要看他媽的精神科醫生。」 來源:https://tinyurl.com/y7tc8lfr The Quietus: In 2005 your wife Sharon allegedly arranged eggs to be thrown at Iron Maiden while they played at the Ozzfest, supposedly because Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson had made some comments on stage that she disliked. What's your take on that? The Quietus:「2005年你的妻子Sharon涉嫌在Ozzfest上教唆觀眾向正在表演的鐵媽丟 雞蛋,原因據說是因為她不爽鐵媽主唱Bruce Dickinson的一些發言,你怎麼看待這件 事?」 Ozzy Osbourne: You know what? Unbeknown to me, every night he was going on stage slagging me off. And that wasn't fair. If he didn't like the fuckin' tour, he should have said "I'm jumping [off] the fuckin' tour," but to go on stage and fuckin' slag me off for no reason... I'd never said a fuckin' bad thing to him. The bass player [Steve Harris] came round at the last gig and said "I'm sorry about Bruce," and I'm like, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Nobody had told me, you know. I said, "You know what? I don't understand what the fuck you're talking about here." Ozzy Osbourne:「你知道怎麼樣嗎?他根本不認識我,卻每晚都在台上罵我,這有失 公道啊~假如他他媽的不喜歡那個巡迴,大可以說『拎杯退出這幹他媽的巡迴啦!』 但他卻照樣登台,然後毫無理由地罵我......我他媽的可從沒說過他的壞話欸!他們 家貝斯手(Steve Harris)在差不多最後一場演唱會時跑來跟我說,『我 對Bruce的行為感到很抱歉。』我當時只覺得,『你他媽的系底咧共三小?』你知道, 根本沒人告訴我這回事啊!我回答說,『你知道嗎?我根本他媽的不知道你在說什麼 。』」 And so, I mean, Sharon got pissed off... it was nothing to do with me. I suppose Sharon got pissed off. I'll back my wife up to the hilt, but I didn't know what was going down. But you know what? [Maiden were getting] a few fuckin' quid out of that Ozzfest. If you've got something to talk to me about, be a man. Come to my face and say, "I think you're a fuckin' asshole." Don't be a fuckin' idiot. It's so pathetically childish. 「我是說,Sharon氣炸了......那件事跟我無關啦,但我想Sharon真的氣到爆炸。我當然 完全挺我老婆啊~但我當時不知道會發生什麼事。但你知道嗎?鐵媽他們從Ozzfest這兒 賺了不少錢,假如你要批評我,那就像個男子漢一樣,到我本人面前來說『拎杯認為你他 媽揪機掰。』別像個腦殘一樣。那真是可悲幼稚到極點。」 Unfortunately the rest of the band had to suffer: I suppose they were pissed off with him. But it's wrong: I've never, ever, ever spoken to the guy... No, I tell a lie, one night they were about to go on stage and I didn't know anything was going down, and I said to them, "Have a good show, guys." But I don't like all that shit going down. If you don't like me, just say "I don't like you, I'm doing this festival but I think you're a cunt." That's all right. But to go on my stage and start slagging me off - that ain't fair. They weren't fucking slagging me off when they got paid every fucking night. 「很不幸地其他團員也因此遭殃:我想他們大概對他很火大吧。但他那樣真的很不優:我 從來沒跟這傢伙說過話......不,這樣說就撒謊了。有一晚他們正要登台,而我對接下來 會發生的事一無所知,我跟他們說,『祝你們大家演出順利。』但我不知道會有這些Bruce批評他的)鳥事發生。假如你不爽我,你就直說,『我超不爽你der,我會參加這個 音樂祭,但我認為你就是個爛人。』這很ok啊!但跑到我的舞台上大肆批評我--這說不 過去吧?我們每晚都有付錢給他們欸,他們根本不該這樣罵我。」 The Quietus: It was disappointing to see the two biggest British metal bands in disagreement. The Quietus:看到英國兩大金屬樂團互看不順眼還蠻令人難過的。 Ozzy Osbourne: To this day I don't understand what the fuckin' beef was. I just don't get it. To go on the Ozzfest and slag [people] off, that's crazy. I really think he needs a fuckin' psychiatrist if he does that, he's fucking nuts. It's an irresponsible fuckin' thing to do. Sharon must have got pissed off with this cunt, you know. Ozzy Osbourne:「至今我仍不懂兩邊這樣勢成水火是搞什麼,我真的不懂啊。你跑來參 加Ozzfest,然後在那邊批評辱罵別人,這不是起肖是什麼嘛!如果有人這麼做,我認為 他需要他媽的看精神科醫生,他媽的根本神經病,做這種事根本他媽的不合理。Sharon鐵 定對那個爛人很火大啊!你知道的。」 -- I had nothing but the embittered sun... 我一無所有,除卻那怨毒的太陽…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1519543280.A.9F9.html
zeff: Steve Harris : 幹 02/25 15:54
MotleyCrue: XD 02/25 16:12
bggayba: Ozzy的回答好有畫面阿哈哈哈 02/25 16:37
※ 編輯: coolfly (, 02/25/2018 17:19:22
randyrhoads: 笑死w 02/26 07:23
erotica: Who's the fucking justin bieber? 02/26 12:00
eric555066: ozzy就是運太好,能遇到Sharon這種老婆真的是他的福氣 02/26 13:06
oberonz: 她根本把Ozzy的形象塑造成一個藥磕到腦子壞掉的肖顛老頭( 02/26 16:29
oberonz: 雖然說事實好像也是如此) 02/26 16:29
eric555066: Ozzy真的是瘋人阿 板上有他的自傳 02/26 16:53
LouisTung: 推 02/28 18:57