看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/R6Epp3 Galneryus 2018演唱會 LIVE DVD 00:00 Enter the new age 3:30 Heavenly punishment 10:08 Wings of justice 16:10 The shadow within 22:10 With sympathy 28:25 Wherever you are 36:30 Rising infuriation 44:40 Brutal spiral of emotions 56:20 Ultimate sacrifice 1:09:30 Fumiya drum solo 1:17:50 Unitied flag 1:23:30 Save you 1:30:40 Kizuna (絆) 1:39:32 Bash out 1:50:06 Raise my sword 2:00:20 Struggle for the freedom flag 2:09:15 Destiny -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1527240329.A.51B.html
Ning01: 推05/25 17:42
Opethmist: 低調05/25 18:01
haycheese: 3Q05/25 20:52
aquavocal: 推推~05/26 11:18
gt35abe: 低調推05/26 11:32
※ 編輯: Gavatzky (, 05/26/2018 11:56:01
GTR12534: 低調推 05/26 15:34
LeadenLight: 低調推 05/26 18:01
m04120310: 大推 05/27 23:57
Gavatzky: google被下架了 想看的可以去嗶站看喔 06/01 12:15