看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第一次這麼晚發文@@不知會有多少人看到 這篇是我的粉專收到一則訊息希望我能翻譯EPICA的兩首歌!! 所以 之後會翻Unleash!! 粉專:https://goo.gl/VUoTeM (話說ptt.cc的短網址不能用了?!) --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8y99z5EVtY
We're in a time where all enterprises fall 我們身處的時代 雄心壯志皆殞落 We should beware of the wolves that haunt us 我們不容忽視周遭虎視眈眈的狼群 They are not all the same, cannot take the blame 他們不盡相同,無法一概否定 Await the time to unchain Utopia 只能靜待時機解放完美烏托邦 Am I the only one who sees the troubled lines? 難道只有我發現動盪不安的界線? Reading illusive writings on the mirror 對著鏡子閱讀虛幻的語言 Is there a way that we can all erase mistakes and start a new 是否有一個抹去錯誤重啟新生的機會 Don't mislead us and stop stabbing with blunt knives 別誤導我們 別再用鈍去的刀鋒折磨我們 Liberty unchained 釋放自由 We're in a time where all enterprises fall 我們身處的時代 雄心壯志皆殞落 We should beware of the wolves that haunt us 我們不容忽視周遭虎視眈眈的狼群 They are not all the same, cannot take the blame 他們不盡相同,無法一概否定 Await the time to unchain Utopia 只能靜待時機解放完美烏托邦 What is a reason to wreck hopes and all our dreams? 破壞我們夢想和希望的理由是什麼? You're leaving endless riddles for the masses 你對大眾留下數不盡的謎團 Does it make sense to mend the cracks that you hide behind our backs? 撫平你隱瞞已久的傷痕到底合不合理 It's afflicted by a virus of the brain 腦中的病毒持續給你折磨 Liberty unchained 釋放自由 Recite the insane 吟詠瘋狂 We're in a time where all enterprises fall 我們身處的時代 雄心壯志皆殞落 We should beware of the wolves that haunt us 我們不容忽視周遭虎視眈眈的狼群 They are not all the same, cannot take the blame 他們不盡相同,無法一概否定 We should beware of the lives that are at stake 我們不容忽視那些岌岌可危的生命 Before it's all too late 在為時已晚之前 Can we believe it all? 我們能全盤相信嗎? Should we all take the fall? 我們該接受墮落嗎? Our backs against the wall 我們已無可退路 United we stand tall 只能團結頑命抵抗 Why should we all believe you? 為何我們要相信你? Carry your own burden 承受你的重擔 We won't succumb to 現在我們不再屈服於 your delusion now 你製造的錯覺 We're in a time where all enterprises fall 我們身處的時代 雄心壯志皆殞落 We should beware of the wolves that haunt us 我們不容忽視周遭虎視眈眈的狼群 They are not all the same, cannot take the blame 他們不盡相同,無法一概否定 Await the time to unchain Utopia 只能靜待時機解放完美烏托邦 Why should we all believe you? 為何我們要相信你? Carry your own burden 承受你的重擔 We won't succumb to 我們不再屈服於 your deceiving games 你製造的謊言 Conquer the insane 擊潰那些瘋癲 Time to free ourselves once more from the ball and chain. 現在我們該從鎖鏈中解放,重獲自由 --- 本篇翻譯同步刊登於尬叉易影網誌 https://godxtaiwan.blogspot.com/2018/09/epica-unchain-utopia.html 你們的支持是我最大的動力,感激感激~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1538413084.A.9EA.html
jojolia69: 女神:> 10/02 08:53
awesome123: 推 10/02 14:03
heil3266: 推 10/02 14:50
hunk124: 推! 10/02 18:34
zodiak: 推 10/03 03:50
EDGE: 推~ 10/03 08:43
ga2006410493: 推 10/03 16:25
Nishikino252: 推推 10/03 22:24
zyh4c4: 讚 10/03 23:13
h57124342000: 推 10/08 13:33