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Unbound(the wild ride)是同名專輯裡的歌 不是主打所以比較少人聽過 個人覺得不輸主打啊哈哈 聽歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp4mOBinFkc
lyrics: Somewhere life is good, and things go as they should 總有個美好的地方,生活永遠順順的過 It's hard to find, but that's alright yeah 很難尋覓,但也沒關係 Searching for the way, push harder everyday 找尋解決的路徑,每天更加努力 It's deep inside, that shining light yeah 很難挖掘,光芒就在盡頭 But I'm scarred, by barriers placed in my path 但我因沿途的阻礙傷痕累累 I'm scathed 受了些傷 This ride that takes me through life 這段旅程帶我領略人生 Leads me into darkness but emerges into light 潛進黑暗深淵,又在光芒中躍出 No one can ever slow me down 沒有人可以攔住我 I'll stay unbound 現在我無拘無束 Sometimes when we're young, and always on the run 我們還很年輕時,還在四處奔波時 It gets so dark and I know that place yeah 生命變得灰暗,但我還記得那處所在 So don't be too concerned, you've got a lot to learn 所以不必太憂心,許多東西等著你去學習 Well so do I and we've got plenty of time yeah 我也是,好在我們時間還很充裕 Don't fall off the track yet with so many races to go 別偏移軌道,還有很多場比賽等著我們 Hold on 再撐著點 This ride that takes me through life 這段旅程帶我領略人生 Leads me into darkness but emerges into light 潛進黑暗深淵,又在光芒中躍出 No one can ever slow me down 沒有人可以攔住我 I'll stay unbound 現在我無拘無束 Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own 有人生活過得不太對,但怎麼過各有己見 But living in fear, endless shame for countless years 活在恐懼中的生活,是數不盡的恥辱和歲月 I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day 我從未讓自己被終將一死的恐懼淹沒 I never viewed my life as something... slipping away 從沒想過自己的生命其實......稍縱即逝 (repeat) There's nothing here to take for granted 眼前的景象並非理所當然 With each breath that we take 我們的每一次呼吸 The hands of time strip youth from our bodies 時光之手悄悄奪走我們的青春 And we fade 使我們凋零 Memories remain 時間不再回頭 As time goes on 徒留回憶 (repeat) --- 這篇翻譯原網址 https://godxtaiwan.blogspot.com/2019/04/avenged-sevenfold-unbound-wild-ride.html 我ㄉ粉專 https://www.facebook.com/godxtaiwan.blogspot.tw/ 您們的點閱是對我最大的支持! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1555678292.A.DAF.html
hao0313: 我以前也常常聽這首 好聽 04/19 21:47
※ 編輯: ReyYJR (, 04/20/2019 00:41:14