看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
**轉自官方FB** Dear Lamb of God fans, We returned last week from a great European festival run and our final tour with Slayer in North America. We are excited to keep the momentum going and dive into the next record. We'd like to officially welcome Art Cruz, who has been playing drums with us on tour for the last year, as the new drummer of Lamb of God. Art will be joining us in the studio as we begin pre-production and recording of a new album. We're very proud of everything this band has accomplished over the last two decades. We would like to thank Chris Adler for his contributions over the years and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Thank you, John, Mark, Randy & Willie 代打鼓手Art Cruz轉為正式團員 原鼓手Chris Adler退團QQ 希望Chris能早日康復... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1563595096.A.0C7.html
Opethmist: 等等 Chris怎麼了qq? 07/20 13:23
Opethmist: 而且他老兄又是團長,不知道現在團務改誰處理 07/20 13:24
KhePri: wtf QQ 07/20 13:38
l17: 出車禍...所以才退團... 07/20 14:33
LCFFFFFF: QQ 07/20 15:25
RIFF: ORZ 07/20 15:50
AuroraSkyFox: 所以真的傷到這麼嚴重喔... 07/20 16:24
umi0912umi: QQ 07/20 16:33
SacrificesPi: 去年出車禍後找代打鼓手 現在突然退團了QQ 07/20 17:19
Imhuang: 可惜了…他很適合LoG的說 07/20 17:58
Opethmist: 是車禍到多嚴重啊... 早日康復qwq 07/20 18:01
ETeating: QQ早日康復 07/20 21:35
saigxx: 哭哭 Chris快回來啊 07/20 21:58
saigxx: 還以為LoG到解散都不會再換團員了.... 07/20 21:59
l17: 剛剛google一下 車禍是發生在2017年底而且還蠻嚴重的 07/21 01:18
l17: IG上面照片是肩膀縫了很多針還有其他部位傷害 已經無法打鼓 07/21 01:18
l17: 新鼓手已經加入新專輯錄音 Chris應該是退出想散散心XD 07/21 01:23
LCFFFFFF: 再QQ一次 很喜歡他打鼓那種穩健的感覺 07/21 10:39
Imhuang: 節奏穩不說,他LoG裡用的tone也壞到不行 \m/ 07/21 11:54
ppc2t2: 精密的肌肉控制技術傷過很難回來了Q 07/21 18:38
kingroy: Megadeth前陣子是誰在打阿? 07/22 05:36
Opethmist: Dirk的樣子 Chris好像只有參與錄音沒有上巡迴 07/22 14:42
episode666: Megadeth鼓手真是高風險職業,除了出車禍外,已經有 07/22 19:04
episode666: 兩位前鼓手RIP了 07/22 19:04
Gavatzky: 出車禍有時候不一定是身體受傷,常常會伴隨著創傷症候群 07/23 04:52
Opethmist: 這個最慘... 07/23 22:32
unrealfox: 他好像斷鎖骨,肩膀手臂活動都需要鎖骨支撐,感覺短期 07/25 15:39
unrealfox: 內很難看到他打鼓了 07/25 15:39
TheCrossRoad: 出車禍十之八九都會斷鎖骨,應該是有更嚴重的傷 07/31 05:08