看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官方IG和臉書都更新了這條消息 https://www.instagram.com/p/B27xlsSAoM0/ A Note from Lars, Kirk, and Rob ・・・ We are truly sorry to inform our fans and friends that we must postpone our upcoming tour of Australia and New Zealand. ・・・ As most of you probably know, our brother James has been struggling with addiction on and off for many years. He has now, unfortunately, had to re-enter a treatment program to work on his recovery again. ・・・ We fully intend to make our way to your part of the world as soon as health and schedule permit. We’ll let you know as soon as we can. Once again, we are devastated that we have inconvenienced so many of you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to experience our shows. We appreciate your understanding and support for James and, as always, thank you for being a part of our Metallica family. ・・・ All tickets purchased to the shows in Australia and New Zealand, including Enhanced Experiences and Black Tickets, will be fully refunded. Links to more details on how to obtain your refund are posted on Metallica.com. 來自Lars, Kirk, Rob的共同聲明 簡單來說 困擾James數十年的酒精成癮問題近期又浮上檯面 為了讓他的戒酒過程更順利 所以樂團決定將原訂的大洋洲巡迴延後 其實看到消息還蠻意外的 本來以為這些中年大叔時到今日該戒的都戒得差不多了 沒想到乍看之下還蠻清醒的James居然還在為酒精成癮所苦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1569642411.A.9A2.html
xerophil: 一直上節目談戒酒,很難不想起要喝酒吧 XD 09/28 11:51
uminn: 希望還能巡演的時候能來台灣QQ 09/28 15:09
RIFF: Come crawling faster Obey your Master 09/28 17:22
RIFF: 還以為這團寫這種歌 會很清新健康 09/28 17:23
RIFF: 酗酒恁多年 腦子應該有受傷吧? 影響創作? 09/28 17:24
RIFF: 其實我完全不在意作品有藥(酒)味 應該很多粉都是吧 09/28 17:25
oas: 啥?! 昨天在Youtube才剛看完今年七月在瑞典的演唱會捏~~~ QQ 09/28 21:58
zeff: 比較怕酗酒St anger會再出現 09/28 22:17
kee32: 會暫停一定是很嚴重啦! 09/28 22:17
wpd: 又把團員當出氣筒霸凌了嗎? 09/28 23:01
ppc2t2: 去AA然後跟大家說Hi everyone, I AM THE TABLE! 09/29 00:17
ParkChanWook: 幹 好險墨爾本的票還沒買 09/29 01:48
morlboro: Dave表示 09/29 23:10
Mustaine應該想也沒想到 自己都清醒十幾二十年了 當初因為酗酒而把他開除的前隊友居然還在和酒精成癮苦戰
h806266509: 話說威秀有上映s&m2電影喔場次不多大家可以看個止癢 09/30 17:27
Metallicat: 快來台灣 09/30 21:24
Imhuang: S&M2在10/9會先在美國上映 10/01 20:09
godamage: 明年來台機會更低了 ,台灣可能又要再一次跟Metallica 10/02 13:02
godamage: 差身而過了T_T 10/02 13:02
去年看了現場還撿到匹克 無憾! ※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 10/03/2019 11:07:00
hyper99: 大巨蛋蓋好等你們來 10/05 13:58
EDGE: 不能出國還是可以先到威秀戲院看演唱會電影版過乾癮 10/06 18:14