看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這首的副歌是Rev唱的! lyrics: Shh! Quiet, you might piss somebody off! 「噓,小聲一點啦,搞不好別人聽到會不爽」 Like me, motherfucker, you've been at it for too long 就是林北啦,小王八蛋,你幹話是講完了沒 While you need off others insecurities 當你被那些不安全感給壓迫時 You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds 國家給你需要,你還忘恩負義反咬一口 Self-righteousness is wearing thin 你的自以為是逐漸減弱 Lies inside you head, your best friend 在你和你朋友的腦子裡 Heart bleeds but not for fellow men 心為不是同胞的人淌血 Broken glass, your fake reflection 玻璃碎屑照出你的虛情假意 (Rev) I've had enough, it's time for something real 我受夠了,現在該有人來說說真話 I don't respect the words you're speaking 你的一字一句都不值得尊重 Gone too far, a clone 太過分了,你根本是複製人! So, how does it feel to know that someone's kid in the heart of America 現在你知道有別人家的小孩在外面奮勇殺敵, has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights 只為了保護你的權利,讓你可以享受現在的生活 So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults his family's existence? 結果讓別人家生死未卜的感覺如何? Well, where I'm from we have a special salute that 哦對了,我的老家有個習俗叫做"特別禮炮" we aim high in the air towards all those pompous assholes 就是我們把大砲對準那些自大的混帳 Who spend their days pointing fingers... 那些整天把矛頭指向別人的人,說一聲 FUCK UUUUUUU! 幹你娘勒! - Shh, be quiet, you might piss somebody off 「噓,小聲一點啦,搞不好別人聽到會不爽」 Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long 就像這個國家因為互相針鋒相對被摧殘的心跳 I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your 你休想把我歸類成像你那種 generous hypocrisy, collecting enemies 假大方真製造敵人的假道學 Tabloid gossip queen, worthless man 小道八卦你最厲害,毫無用處的廢物 There's no need for us to bury you 我們根本連掩蓋你都不用 Selfish agenda once again 你又再次說出自私理由 Right this way, you dug your own grave 那就繼續,你不過是在自掘墳墓 I've had enough, it's time for something real 我受夠了,現在該有人來說說真話 I don't respect the words you're speaking 你的一字一句都不值得尊重 Gone too far, a clone 太過分了,你根本是複製人! All the way from the east to the west 這國家從東岸一路到西岸 We got this high society looking down on their very foundation 他們立下根基打造先進的社會結果被民眾瞧不起 Constantly reminding us that our actions 這些建設提醒我們,我們的生活 are the cause of all their problems 都會變成他們麻煩的來源 Pointing their fingers in every direction 但有群人四處指責 Blaming their own nation for who wins elections 抱怨那些自己投出來的領導者 They never contributed a fucking thing to the country they love to criticize 但那些人從來沒為自己整天批評的國家做過半點屁事 Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue 辯解那些穢語,忽略那些謊言 Depictions we see, try and get through 我們看到的景象,試著去經歷 Admitting mistakes can hurt 承認錯誤難免會有傷痛 I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first 我不會是最後一個,但肯定不是第一人 (whisper) shh, be quiet, you might piss somebody off... 「欸欸,安靜,搞不好別人聽到會不爽」 Self-righteousness is wearing thin 你的自以為是逐漸減弱 Lies inside you head, your best friend 在你和你朋友的腦子裡 Heart bleeds but not for fellow men 心為不是同胞的人淌血 Broken glass, your fake reflection 玻璃碎屑照出你的虛情假意 I've had enough, it's time for something real 我受夠了,現在該有人來說說真話 I don't respect the words you're speaking 你的一字一句都不值得尊重 Gone too far, a clone 太過分了,你根本是複製人! --- 希望各位可以給我一個對 A clone 翻譯的參考 我原本想翻"你根本不是人!"但覺得有點超譯...... 本篇網誌: https://bit.ly/2OcqoYl 我的粉專: https://www.facebook.com/godxtaiwan.blogspot.tw/ 你們的點閱是對我最大的支持! 感恩再感恩 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1570112768.A.F75.html
Gavatzky: 推 好歌 10/23 19:35