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3/28 UPDATE: 根據loudwire的報導(https://tinyurl.com/t8x6ntv) 樂團官方說Till只在加護病房待了一晚,並且澄清沒有感染武漢肺炎 -- 消息來源:Blabbermouth (https://tinyurl.com/yxydd9ruAccording to German newspaper Bild, RAMMSTEIN singer Till Lindemann is in intensive care in a Berlin hospital after being diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. 根據德國媒體《圖片報》報導,RAMMSTEIN主唱Till Lindemann在確診武漢肺炎 後,住進了柏林醫院的加護病房,此疾病是由新型冠狀病毒所引發。 On March 15, Till and his LINDEMANN band performed a concert in Moscow. Upon his return to his home country of Germany, he was hospitalized with an extremely high fever and he later tested positive for coronavirus. He was immediately sent to intensive care and placed under quarantine. 3月15日,Till和他的樂團LINDEMANN在莫斯科演出,回到德國後,他因高燒 住院,隨後確診冠狀病毒陽性。他很快就被送進加護病房隔離。 The 57-year-old Till, who was in critical condition, is now said to be feeling better and his life is no longer in danger. 57歲的Till一度生命垂危,但據傳現在情況已經好轉,脫離險境。 There have been more than 549,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 24,000 deaths so far worldwide, putting public health systems and emergency services under immense pressure. 目前全球已有超過549,000人確診冠狀病毒,死亡超過24,000人,對醫療與急救 系統造成極大的負荷。 As of Wednesday morning, Germany had nearly 34,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, the fifth-highest figure worldwide, with 171 deaths. 截至週三上午,德國已有將近34,000個確診病例,人數為全球第5高,其中171 人死亡。 According to the Washington Post, fewer Germans who are diagnosed with the coronavirus are dying compared to other countries. In Germany, only 0.4 percent of the people who have tested positive for the virus have succumbed to COVID-19. 根據華盛頓郵報,德國確診死亡的人數較其他國家來得少。在德國,確診的人中 只有0.4%因此而喪命。 Many reasons are being cited for the disparity, including the fact that 80 percent of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany are in people under the age of 60, which means that the disease has not yet hit as hard among the oldest and most vulnerable members of the country's population. 關於這種(死亡率上的)差異,有許多解釋,其中包含了德國80%的確診案例都 在60歲以下,亦即此病在該國的老年及體弱者之間的傳播情形尚未那麼嚴重。 U.S. officials have repeatedly urged Americans to heed what federal, state and local officials are asking of them in order to curtail the spread and dampen the impact of the virus on the population. 美國政府不斷強烈要求美國人聽從聯邦政府、州政府和地方政府的命令,以減少 病毒在民眾之間的傳播和帶來的衝擊。 California recently estimated that more than half of the state — 25.5 million people — will get the new coronavirus over the next eight weeks. 加州最近預估在未來的八週,將會有超過半個州──即2,550萬──的人感染新型 冠狀病毒。 A new CDC report has offered proof that younger adults are just as likely as anyone to contract the virus, with nearly 40 percent of COVID-19 cases found between the ages of 20 and 54. CDC的一份新報告證實年輕人和其他族群一樣容易感染冠狀病毒,將近40%的 武漢肺炎患者年齡分布在20歲到54歲之間。 The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) put its worst-case scenario at 1.7 million COVID-19 deaths in America. 美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)預估在最壞的情況下,武漢肺炎將會在美國造成 170萬人死亡。 繼Testament的Chuck Billy之後,Till也確診了....希望兩位都能早日康復 -- 「既擇之則愛之。你永遠不會看到他媽的Yngwie Malmsteen彈Les Paul,但那個 狗娘養的大概可以拿撿把刺刀來彈,照樣彈得很神。懂我的意思嗎?伊金變態! 要是出現一張他彈Les Paul照片,那真是超詭異der。假如你看到Angus Young 彈Les Paul,你心裡的os大概會是:『趕羚羊咧!世界末日要到了!』」 ──Zakk Wylde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1585318687.A.383.html
CSFV: 挖勒...QQ 03/27 22:29
toymy: 0 0 03/27 22:39
LouisTung: 喔幹 03/27 22:39
flower42: 幹 03/27 22:55
Opethmist: 幹... 03/27 22:57
Ning01: 中共賤畜支納粹根本世界毒瘤人類下限禍害全地球 03/27 23:11
leo07251413: ....我的老天 03/27 23:19
leo07251413: 武...武漢...武漢肺炎... 咚咚咚 03/27 23:20
aturtle0604: 無言到爆 03/27 23:24
tootallchop: 三…三小 03/27 23:34
madeathmao: 加護病房...shit 03/27 23:40
twnhpssc: 幹你支那武漢肺炎 03/27 23:42
BigOB: 0. 0 三小!!! 03/27 23:57
wwwc: 幹幹幹幹 03/28 00:36
flower42: https://i.imgur.com/ETUCheO.jpg 03/28 02:57
flower42: 所以是Safe? 03/28 02:58
surefour: 聽說他們15號還在表演....好像是從俄羅斯那邊感染的吧=. 03/28 03:19
surefour: .= 03/28 03:19
surefour: 喔靠原來內文就有寫了 犯蠢 03/28 03:19
bornof: 沒有啦 03/28 04:33
c332008: 還好沒事 但還是要說幹你娘支那 03/28 08:03
DarkHolbach: 一堆大咖中獎,連英國首相都中獎 03/28 09:02
DarkHolbach: 中國真是危害世界 03/28 09:03
xerophil: 已確認不是covid19,不過呼吸道出問題到住院還是蠻嚴重的 03/28 09:19
謝謝,根據loudwire的報導(https://tinyurl.com/t8x6ntv) 樂團官方說Till只在加護病房待了一晚,並且澄清沒有感染武漢肺炎 把消息更新在上方了 ※ 編輯: coolfly ( 臺灣), 03/28/2020 09:56:20
CRYM: 嚇死QQ 03/28 23:09
ausstin: 嚇到..…. 03/30 01:14
trukinus: I Love Rock N Roll原唱者幾個小時前也剛因武漢肺炎去世 03/30 19:08
trukinus: 了 03/30 19:08