看板 Rockets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Growing Pains 成長的痛苦 I don’t want to hear this shit at all.” 我根本不想聽這些屁話 That’s what was going through my head. It was late in the 2011-12 season. I was with the Houston Rockets, and we were in Denver playing the Nuggets. Kevin McHale was talking to me during the game, but I don’t really remember what he said because I was tuning him out. There were a few other incidents like it that year. I remember a film session where he called me out, and I didn’t like it. Moments where my mindset became, Damn, this might not work out. 這念頭一直在我腦海,2011-12賽季末,在一場與金塊的比賽中,當時我還是火箭球員,冰 箱正在跟我說話,我不太記得他當時說啥了,因為我無視他的存在。而那年像這樣的事情有 很多,我記得有一次影片檢討會議,他把我叫出去,而我很不喜歡這樣,當時我的念頭是, 該死的,這根本不管用。 McHale’s coaching style is exactly like his playing style: hard-nosed, rugged, up in your face. It’s about team, team, team, and doing whatever it takes to be the best teammate possible. He pushed each player hard to make his team the best. But I didn’t know how to interpret his style. I didn’t understand his philosophy. 冰箱的執教風格的確就像是他的打球風格一樣,強硬、嚴厲,沒在跟你客氣的。不過這是為 了球隊,只要能讓隊友成為最好都要去做。他努力鞭策著球員使球隊變得更好,但我當時沒 法理解他的執教風格、哲學。 Which sucks, because he was only trying to help me become a better player. 他只是想幫助我,讓我成為更好的球員。 If I had allowed him to coach me, things could have worked in Houston. 如果當時我乖乖接受他的執教,或許在火箭時期就奏效了。 In the summer of 2014, before I re-signed with the Toronto Raptors, I visited the Rockets as a free agent. It was a typical free agent meeting. Daryl Morey, Houston’s general manager, explained the team’s goals and how it could work out having me back. They tried to sell me on the organization, like every team does. 2014夏天,在與暴龍重新簽約之前,我以自由球員的身份拜訪火箭,在一個很典型的自由球 員會議中,莫雷解釋球隊的目標以及他們要如何使用我,嘗試向我推銷他們的營運團隊,就 像其他球隊所做的一樣。 But I also made sure to apologize to Coach McHale. During my time with him, I was immature. I didn’t handle things the right way. 但我很確定要給冰箱一個道歉,在為他打球的那段時間裡,我很不成熟,我並沒有用正確的 方式來處理事情。 Looking back, the issue wasn’t even about Coach McHale, really. My frustration was from losing Rick Adelman, whom Coach McHale replaced during the offseason before my last year in Houston. I had grown to trust Rick with every call, and just as importantly, it felt like he trusted me from the start. When I was traded from Memphis to Houston in 2009, he played me 15 minutes in my first game, even though I’d been with the team less than 24 hours. Rick was just a laid-back coach who let players learn on their own and coached them when they needed to be coached. There were definitely expectations, but generally, he let me figure out how to meet those expectations. 回頭過來看,這根本不是冰箱的問題,真的。我的挫敗是源於失去矮逗人,我在火箭最後一 個賽季之前的休賽期間,冰箱取代他的教練職位。我是在矮逗人執教下成長起來的,並且信 任他call的所有戰術,而同樣很重的一點就是,從一開始為他打球時,他就已經很信任我了 。2009年我從灰熊被交易到火箭,第一場他就讓我打了15分鐘,即使當時我報到時間還不到 24小時。矮逗人真的是一個比較寬鬆的教練,他讓球員自我學習,他只會在球員們有需要被 執教時才執教。他有一定的期望目標,但一般情況下,他讓球員自己想辦法來達成目標。 When you keep getting better and growing under the same coach for four seasons, it’s hard to adjust to a new style. I was used to Rick Adelman not giving a damn where I picked up on defense, and suddenly Kevin McHale was making me pick up full court. I didn’t want to adapt. We all question things we’re told, but as a point guard, you still have to believe in — and do — what the coach is asking, then trust they’ll make adjustments when necessary. 當你在同一位教練下,經歷了4年的成長,真的很難去適應新教練的風格。在矮逗人時期我 根本沒再打防守,突然冰箱開始要我整場都打出防守。我根本不想去適應。當時我們討論的 所有事情通通都爭執過,但是做為一個控衛,你仍然需要去相信以及實行,教練所要求的事 情,然後相信他們在必要時刻會做出調整的。 As a leader, I have to be on the same page with the coach. He can’t trust me if I don’t trust him. 作為一個領袖,我必須與教練站在同一邊,若我不信他的話,那麼他也沒辦法信任我。 And for most of my lifetime, trust has been hard for me to give. 而在我人生大部分的時間裡,對我而言,給予信任是很困難的。 http://www.theplayerstribune.com/kyle-lowry-raptors-nba-all-star/ 崩潰之餘來點不一樣的 我怎覺得矮逗人執教風格是冰箱對鬍子的執教風格.. 是經過羅莉失敗才調整自己的風格嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rockets/M.1455253363.A.324.html
kusami : 崩潰日還沒到 19號早上如果什麼都沒變才是崩潰開始 02/12 13:04
kusami : 遇到鄉民的跟風真的是一件很無奈的事 02/12 13:05
kusami : 對勇士打出進5成命中 37/5/5 守死K湯還說他的鍋XD 02/12 13:05
JCrawford : 不意外,連ESPN都開始出招說要交易鬍子了 02/12 15:46
tliu223 : 再怎麼說鬍子也是隊內最好的資產啦 02/12 16:50
AAApower : 認真跟鄉民解釋,鄉民反而會越酸越高興的,何必呢? 02/12 16:59
mhkt : 不要跟鄉民解釋了 鄉民只是來看熱鬧的 02/12 19:24
mhkt : 況且這季火箭本來就是不在狀態內 跟上季比差異大 02/12 19:25
kusami : ESPN只有那個什麼P啥的 沒聽過的專家 02/12 20:27
kusami : 說到上季 這樣的確是鬍子的錯 每天開神燈掩蓋問題 02/12 20:28
kusami : 大家都有看到沒開神燈的場次其實跟這季一樣 02/12 20:28
mindd : 對勇士這場到底是 DH沒跟哈登配好 還是單打實力就 02/12 21:12
mindd : 在這裡. 哈登苦苦追分 但是DH被蓋幾鍋就GG了 02/12 21:13
JCrawford : U質寫手 灌籃率越低越毒 那Nash從沒扣過籃 是不是 02/12 22:46
JCrawford : 獨霸XDDD 笑翻了 02/12 22:47
mindd : 本來我也是覺得哈登很獨,不過DH的技術完全沒變阿,還 02/12 23:07
mindd : 看他籃下打不進去真得是...很難and1 很不爽XD 02/12 23:08
chenlansue : DH原本四個拉開是希望他能在低位單打 結果護球不好 02/12 23:15
chenlansue : 容易被包夾掉球外 現在駭客變成顯學 對方會毫不猶豫 02/12 23:16
chenlansue : 在低位失去位置就犯規推擠 萬一魔獸脾氣自爆就更賺 02/12 23:17