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http://0rz.tw/Z4ReX Saunders: German Marquez's fire, Kyle Freeland's ice give Rockies best pitching duo in club history 如火般的 Marquez 與如冰般的 Freeland 組成了洛磯隊史上最棒的左右護法 German Marquez is a 23-year-old right-hander from San Felix, Venezuela. He throws 95 mph fastballs with wicked movement that set up his nasty curveball and a beastly slider. He's struck out 221 batters this season, setting a franchise record. 23歲的 Marquez 來自委內瑞拉 San Felix,憑藉著他巫師般位移的 95mph 速球、噁心 的曲球與野獸般的滑球,他今年投出了221次三振寫下隊史新記錄。 Kyle Freeland is a 25-year-old Colorado Native. The lefty paints the black with a fastball, cutters and sliders. He entered Friday night's game against the Nationals riding a seven-game winning streak characterized by a 2.10 ERA. It was the longest streak by a Rockies starting pitcher since Ubaldo Jiménez won a club record nine in a row in 2010. 25歲的 Freeland 則是科羅拉多本地人,憑藉著速球、卡特球及滑球,在本季最後一場 面對國民的比賽寫下了先發七連勝,僅次於 2010 年 U-Ball 的九連勝記錄,而在連勝 期間, Freeland 的防禦率只有 2.10。 Marquez is fire. Freeland is ice. Together they form the best one-two punch in Rockies history. What's more, if they stay healthy, they'll provide a franchise foundation for seasons to come. It's been amazing to witness their education and evolution over the last two seasons. Freeland 如冰,Marquez 如火,兩人組成了洛磯隊史最堅強的頭兩號先發,倘若能保持 健康,更是接下來球季球隊的基石。看著他們倆學習成長進化是多麼令人驚豔的事啊! I could wax poetic about the dynamic duo, or toss out some amazing statistics, such as: 兩人史詩般的統計數據如下: ◎ Freeland is 9-1 with a 2.49 ERA with Colorado winning 12 of the 14 starts since the All-Star break. During that stretch, he’s limited left-handed hitters to a .094 batting average (5-for-53). 明星賽後 Freeland 的成績是9勝1敗 2.49 的防禦率,在也先發的14場比賽中,洛磯贏 了其中的12場,期間左打者面對他僅僅有 .094 的低打擊率(53支5)。 ◎ Freeland is fourth in the National League with a 2.85 ERA. Among left-handed starters, his ERA is the lowest in the NL. Freeland 本季防禦率是國聯第四名的 2.85,也是國聯左投手中最低的。 ◎ Since July 11, Marquez has pitched seven consecutive quality starts at Coors Field, going 4-1 with a 1.90 ERA, 68 strikeouts and only 10 walks. 7/11 以來,Marquez 在庫爾斯球場投出連七場的QS優質先發,其間成績為4勝1敗,1.90 的投手自責分率,68次三振及僅僅10個保送。 ◎ Marquez has posted 12 consecutive quality starts, tied with Jimenez in 2009 for the second-longest, single-season streak in franchise history (Jimenez hold the record of 15, from April 5-June 17, 2010). Marquez 連續 12場QS優質先發追平了 U-Ball 2009年的表現並列第二名,而隊史單季最 長的連續優質先發記錄則發生在 2010 年同樣由 U-Ball 所創的15場。 But a more-telling perspective on Freeland and Marquez comes from their teammates. 接下來聽聽看隊友們如何談論這兩位強投。 Third baseman Nolan Arenado, who for years has been waiting for this kind of starting pitching, is crazy about both of them, for different reasons. 長久以來渴望著強投奧援的 Nolan Arenado 為兩人的表現感到欣喜若狂。 “Kyle wants the ball, that's always the easiest thing to say about him,” Arenado said. “But when I think about Kyle, I think intensity. He's very intense out there — on the mound, hitting, in between starts, working out. He's a pretty intense player. I love that. I get intense sometimes too, so I really love that about him.” Arenado 表示:Kyle Freeland 對棒球充滿渴望,是個非常認真的球員,無論是在投球 板上、打擊區,甚至是兩次先發間的練習,都非常認真,這點跟 Arenado 自己本身很 像,也因此 Arenado 喜歡他這個特質。 And Marquez? “He's dominant, and he's different from Kyle,” Arenado said. “Freeland doesn't have the ‘velo’ like Marquez. But Freeland, he's smart. He can read swings and understands how he needs to throw his pitches. Marquez can go out there and dominate teams with his stuff. He's that good.” 至於 Marquez 呢?他跟 Freeland 不太一樣,他擁有掌控全場君臨天下的氣質。 Freeland 沒有 Marquez 那麼快的球速,但他靠著智慧與從打者揮棒的觀察中去擬定投 球策略解決對方打者,然而 Marquez 則像是完全靠他的球質就能凌駕在對方打者之上, 他就是那麼棒! Right-hander Jon Gray, 26, who’s struggled to harness his own talents since the Rockies selected him as the third overall draft pick in 2013, can’t help but admire the twosome that’s carried the Rockies on their shoulders. 承受了 2013 年選秀首輪第三順位期待與壓力的 Jon Gray 則對他們倆分擔起洛磯輪職 重任表示讚揚。 “A lot of Kyle's success comes from his being aggressive,” Gray said. “ With Kyle, it's always on, 100 percent. All the time, in whatever he does. I've seen him like that out on golf course. He's the same way. Jon Gray 認為 Kyle Freeland 的成功來自於他的積極,他總是百分之百準備好他該 做的工作,連在高爾夫球練習場一樣,也同樣地認真。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rockies/M.1538305750.A.374.html
Akromas: 感謝整理~ 09/30 19:38
senrewd: 推推 09/30 20:27
ygjhsu: 最後一句應該是指Freeland 連打高爾夫都很認真吧 09/30 20:43
EE1: 感謝!!!對齁..應該是這個意思..突然提到高爾夫球場轉不過來XD 09/30 21:21
※ 編輯: EE1 (, 09/30/2018 21:22:41
Obama: 姜桂自己振作點,明明有強投資質的 09/30 21:56
JonGray: 我會加油的! 09/30 22:00
netil2222: 樓上加油 09/30 22:08
zkow: 兩邊都加賽了 10/01 07:17
kaoshaoying: 很喜歡Jon Gray但還是他必須在關鍵時證明自己才行 10/01 08:10
Akromas: 明天的加賽其實是洛磯季後賽的正式開始~ 10/01 11:41
Akromas: 而先發就是Marquez 10/01 11:42