看板 SCU_LAWS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
世宗的Mid-term 總是令人戰戰兢兢,卻有種不言而喻的興奮和愉悅~ 1. What is the meaning in Hulle v. Orynge case for the action of an injury ? 2. Why D is not answerable for an inevitable injury? (Weaver v. Ward) 3. Two dogs, owned by P and D, were fighting, D tried to seperate them by hitting them with a stick. In doing so, D backed up toward P, and in raising his stick over his shoulder, struck P in the eye, injuring P. How the court discussed the case and gave the judgement ? 4. Why D is not liable for the injury to P because of his sudden stricken by an illness? 5. What are the reasons for P who has sustained property damage caused by D's blasting on nearby property can maintain an action for damage without showing that D was negligent? 6. D, a 6-year-old boy, pulled the chair out from under P while P was in the act of sitting down, causing P falling to the ground and injury. D defended he was a minor and did not have any wilful purpose in doing so for the injury of P. How the Court ruled the case and who won ? 7. D was hunting for wolves that P's dong had a resemblance to a wolf, D in good faith believed to be wolf and killed P's dog. Is D answerable for the value of P's dog? 8. Why an insane person is liable for the intentional damage to the injured person in the same circumstances in which a normal person would be liable? 9. D touched P's shoulder to get her attention over the noise of the alarm, causing P's injury. What are the reasons for the court to rule that D is not liable for battery? 10. Why the court refused to apply the doctrine of strict liability to automobile drivers? ---------------------------------------- 修了英美侵,我看英文的速度在不知不覺中變得更快了^^ 世宗其實教得很好,有認真就有收穫 ┴∪┴ -- Yijich -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SCU_LAWS/M.1510843687.A.F8C.html