看板 SENIORHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
倒數3天了… 英文作文還是救不太起來 (學測作文8分= =) 所以背了一些句型 剛剛練習寫了一篇 發現句型套進去後 感覺前後不太順暢 題目、正文如下: 題目:What Makes a Person Successful 第一段: 成功者必備的1或2項特質, 並對特質加以說明。 第二段: 舉例印證, 並說明這些特質如何幫助他成功。 In this fast-moving society, effective time management is indispenable to success. Time and tide wait for no man. There is no denying that so precious i s time that we cannot afford to waste it. Those who always put off till tomorr ow what they should do today will know true value of effective time managment at the eleventh hour. Consequently, under no circumstances should we fool arou nd if we want to succeed. In the course of my schooling, I will never forget one of my classmates Pa ul who won first place in every examination. Efficient time management was a c ornorstone to his remarkable academic performance. He was of the opinion that the importance of efficient time management could not be overemphasized. Thus, he studied hard all the time even at a ten minute recess after each class. Th is was the reason why he never failed in any test. Nothing in the world can de light me so much as having a friend who is a model of diligence. It can be eas ily proved that nothing is more valuable than efficient time management if we want to become a sucessful person. 想請教版上英文高手 我的時態和介詞等等有謬誤嗎? 有沒有辦法加連接詞改的流暢一些? 字彙有更好的替換詞嗎? 這篇有機會15分嗎@@? (打字怪怪的, 有些字好像空格不見黏在一起) 謝謝!! 祝指考戰士們金榜題名:) -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1403922160.A.576.html
happyyoung:第一段effective time management要不要直接換成effici06/28 10:52
happyyoung:ency?06/28 10:52
※ 編輯: shin1019 (, 06/28/2014 11:48:06
QQEBM:這怎麼看都不像學測拿8分的樣子XD 06/28 13:26
typhoonnat:對阿 應該起碼12以上吧 06/28 13:28
Regrett:想拿15要寫長一點吧? 06/28 13:50
dhpscience09:這樣已經夠了吧 06/28 13:59
ap954212:不錯了 06/28 16:50
plsmaop:Fast-moving是什麼?跟ever changing一樣嗎? 06/28 19:31
loverainy12:我學測作文沒寫完14分寫得比這爛多了 原po這一定15up 06/30 14:52
Willistar:我覺得問題出在內容ㄟ 06/30 20:37
Willistar:內容有點貧乏 第一段感覺要有別的東西 不要只是一直在 06/30 20:41
Willistar:說效率很重要 可以說是因為發生啥事 所以你開始重視 06/30 20:41
Willistar:效率 06/30 20:41
Willistar:文法單字感覺很蠻強的 有些我也沒看過 加油啦 06/30 20:44
shin1019:謝謝大家~ 明天加油!!! 07/01 21:41
sneak : 文法單字感覺很蠻強的 https://daxiv.com 10/24 08:20
sneak : Fast-moving https://noxiv.com 12/14 20:01