看板 SENIORHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
是昨天的事了但拖到現在才打出來xDD 早上九點二十分左右到人社二館 之前已經有探過路所以不會很緊張 裡面已經有很多考生跟家長在準備 雖然只考筆試 還是有不少人穿著很正式像來面試的 我自己是穿黑長褲+假兩件上衣(看起來像襯衫外面套針織) 9:30開始排隊簽到 可以先進教室看座位 40分左右清場放考卷 55分再統一進場 然後講一下規則就開始了 考試時間10:00-11:30 題目有四題翻譯跟一篇作文 以下依個人印象跟上網查詢列出(大多是新聞或網路文章 有些有小小改文字) 如有錯漏敬請指正 翻譯: 1.文字,不只用來溝通,更是美感的表達(5%) 2.宜蘭縣羅東鎮國華國中參加全國音樂比賽、籃球賽,榮獲雙料冠軍(10%) 3.草莓脆弱,果肉容易受損(5%) 4.台東林管處邀請遊客做四件愛綠島的事,包括植樹、租借電動機車或腳踏車、淨海淨灘 、及幫忙帶垃圾回台東(10%) 作文: 先看一篇文章 我是在這個網站找到的 http://web.beitberl.ac.il/~miryam.siara/courses/eng/4.3%20Birth-Order.htm The Birth-Order Myth By Alfie Kohn “No wonder he’s so charming and funny – he’s the baby of the famil y!” “She works hard trying to please the boss. I bet she’s the firstborn.” Anyone that selfish has to be an only child.” It’s long been part of folk wisdom that birth order strongly affects p ersonality, intelligence and achievement. However, most of the research claimi ng that firstborns are radically different from other children has been discre dited, and it now seems that any effects of birth order on intelligence or per sonality will likely be washed out by all the other influences in a person’s life. In fact, the belief in permanent impact of birth order, according to Ton i Falbo, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, “comes f rom psychological theory that your personality is fixed by the time you’re si x. That assumption simply is incorrect.” The better, later and larger studies are less likely to find birth ord er a useful predictor of anything. When two Swiss social scientists, Cecile E rnst and Jules Angst, re赳iewed 1,500 studies a few years ago, they concluded that "birth-order differences in personality…are nonexistent in our sample. I n particular, there is no evidence for a “firstborn personality.” 看完後要寫一篇300-500字的文章 內容包含你是否相信人的出生順序(在家裡排老幾)會影響人的個性或能力 我是寫不相信啦 畢竟題目都寫這是迷思了 然後我也很討厭有些人會一直說「他獨生子欸,難怪他那麼自私」 因為我自己也是獨生女啊 可是我才沒有這樣QQ 但以前都習慣寫180-250字左右 這次差點詞窮 翻譯也不是很有把握 現在只能祈禱教授賞識我的文章了 真的好想上交大啊啊啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1490418924.A.EEE.html
chuchu37241 : 用心推,原po正妹,一切順利 03/25 13:17
Xuxxin : 好難的感覺 03/25 13:25
ckjonathan : 厲害! 03/25 14:21
energyy1104 : 第一次知道交大有外文 03/25 16:41
dreamsletter: 為什麼覺得翻譯扣除地名以外比只考還人道 03/25 21:19
markxmusic : 看到果肉愣了一下 然後才想到...我真的不會QQ(祝 03/25 22:35
markxmusic : 樓主上~) 03/25 22:35
leochen0410 : pulp嗎 03/26 15:23
NCTUbigGG : >////< 03/26 18:50
jason880331 : 母豬 03/28 18:13
antony990505: 大家國英社都考幾分啊 03/28 23:16
yunchieh0214: 想請問原po最後有上嗎~我後天也要去筆試了 現在有 04/11 08:33
yunchieh0214: 點ㄘㄨㄚˋ 04/11 08:33
yunchieh0214: 先謝謝你願意上來分享去年的考題~ 04/11 08:35
dchiu815 : 推今年剛考完 04/13 11:55