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Convinced? I’m not. But this is an idea that seems to have taken root in our popular culture, helped by “shock expos廥 ,a few books, and the 2011 film H ysteria, where Hugh Dancy, playing a real Victorian doctor called Mortimer Gra nville, turns his 1880s invention of a muscular massage device into a sexual a wakening for his female patients. 請問有人知道文中shock expos廥是什麼嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1591091638.A.390.html
Timekeeper: shock expos廥06/02 18:21
※ 編輯: a3380101 ( 臺灣), 06/02/2020 18:23:58
a3380101: 是shock expos廥但不知道為啥打不出來 06/02 18:24
louis0523: http://i.imgur.com/14TCdBh.jpg 06/02 18:28
patient35: 記得分類 06/02 18:42
Klaus337: 某個專有名詞吧 如果你在考試的時候應該會直接跟你講是 06/03 00:58
Klaus337: 什麼 06/03 00:58
Klaus337: 另外方便給個文章的原網址嗎 06/03 00:58
cuylerLin: exposé是法文來的字,意思是公開揭露 , either in a 06/03 01:38
cuylerLin: discreditable or an innovative way,所以 shock 06/03 01:39
cuylerLin: exposé就是針對某一事件相當驚人的公開揭露 06/03 01:40
cuylerLin: 文中應該是帶有一種sarcastically innovative的語氣, 06/03 01:40
cuylerLin: 因為可能不符合當時代的社會風氣之類的;又或者例如矽 06/03 01:41
cuylerLin: 谷公司Theranos後來被人揭穿都是幌子,也是一種 shock 06/03 01:41
cuylerLin: exposé, in a discreditable way of course. 06/03 01:42
sadlatte: 為什麼不估狗 06/03 12:01