看板 SEVENTEEN 關於我們 聯絡資訊
200522 (1) EP. 03 在陌生的道路上 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/n6LaGLUaQOY
首爾和日本等4個都市的世界巡迴成功的結束後 離開並前往亞洲巡迴的第一站都市雅加達的SEVENTEEN 連續的公演行程讓成員們的精神與體力接近極限 可是在粉絲們的熱情歡呼下公演的序幕又再次拉開 但這瞬間,看似順利的公演在某刻又出現了反轉 隊長S.COUPS突然離開舞台並表示無法繼續參與公演 接著成員淨漢也因為頭痛而緊急返回宿舍… 究竟S.COUPS發生了什麼是呢? After a successful world tour in Seoul and 4 cities of Japan, SEVENTEEN moves to Jakarta, the next city of their Asia Tour. The members were nearing their mental and physical limits due to the series of concert schedules, but another performance begins with the cheer of their fans. The concert seemed to be going well, but in a moment’s notice a sudden turn of events follow. The leader S.COUPS suddenly comes down from stage and cannot continue on with the concert, while Jeonghan was also sent back in a hurry to rest after suffering headaches… What has happened to S.COUPS? #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/eIkYFGL.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeWmVwAGxG/ (2) EP. 03 在陌生的道路上 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/n6LaGLUaQOY
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYlu0G9U0AAtuw3?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1263665914802667520?s=20 (3) EP. 04 這條路的盡頭 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/PWMheVU_rEY
第二個亞洲巡迴地區來到了曼谷的SEVENTEEN 到達彩排現場的成員們,現在因為要以12人填滿舞台的關係 移動動線、歌詞、流程腳本等等有更改的地方 全都需要再次檢查過的狀況,需要好好的化解度過這關 另一邊,成員們稱為舞台上的瘋子,有很多地方可以學習的HOSHI HOSHI今天也為了一直等待著SEVENTEEN舞台的粉絲們 更加認真用心全身投入的跳著舞蹈 HOSHI在每次公演中那怕是一個瞬間都沒有草率馬虎地跳舞過 那是對粉絲的最大禮儀,也是HOSHI稱之為愛 今天他也為了大喊"現在是幾點"而用盡全力 SEVENTEEN moves on to the next city of their World Tour, Bangkok. After their arrival, they work hard to make the best stage possible with only 12 members during the rehearsal. The members say that Hoshi is crazy for the stage and he is someone they have a lot to learn from. As always, Hoshi dances until his body breaks for fans who have avidly waited. Every moment counts for him while on stage. Hoshi says that is the courtesy and love he feels for his fans. As always, he is doing his best today so that he is able to say “what time is it”. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/8rYswjy.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeXLBvAc_c/ (4) EP. 04 這條路的盡頭 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/PWMheVU_rEY
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYlx6wuVcAAFriH?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1263667171936223232?s=20 200523 (5) [17'S] Bangkok Night [眼睛彎彎的笑臉] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYtLQgWUcAI4Zk3?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYtLQgcVcAAnVD0?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1264186878615420928?s=20 200525 (6-7) HAPPY SEVENTEEN's DAY! SEVENTEEN CARAT 以後也永遠永遠一起[閃亮心] #HAPPY_SVT_DAY #SVT_5th_Anniversary #5Years_with_CARAT https://imgur.com/bnJW2aX.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnXY86gS9n/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY3x58TUEAAhGwO?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1264934252778360833?s=20 200526 (8-9) 'SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD' Weekly Scheduler 2020.05.27(Wed) 12PM(KST) EP.05,06 2020.05.29(Fri) 12PM(KST) EP.07,08 #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/QPjXOah.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAopx0CAxgv/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6XzT2UYAAUo8K?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1265115464260153344?s=20 (10) [閃亮的心]HAPPY SVT DAY Behind (1) ▶ https://weverse.io/seventeen/media/2140 Behind (2) ▶ https://weverse.io/seventeen/media/2141 #SEVENTEEN #SVT_5th_Anniversary #HAPPY_SVT_DAY https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1265296504446541825?s=20 200527 (11) EP. 05 面對未知的道路 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/DwzNPNeoF7M
與新年一起拉開序幕的北美8個都市的世界巡迴 終於到了美國第一場公演的日子 成員裡狀態最好的珉奎,從彩排開始到公演為止 亦步亦趨顧這顧那的連一點小事都不錯過的樣子 公演以來持續跟粉絲們溝通讓北美初公演成功落幕的珉奎 為了拍攝'Snap Shoot' MV 在紐約街頭跟成員們一起享受了歡樂時光, 也用相機將他們的模樣永遠紀錄在影片裡 With the start of the year, the North American tour of 8 cities began. The first day of the concert in the U.S. finally comes. From the rehearsal until the show begins, Mingyu is in the best condition of all the members. He takes care of the production crew and tries not to miss out on even the little things. After a successful start of the first U.S. show, Mingyu steps out on the streets of New York to film his 'Snap Shoot' MV with the members to capture the precious moment. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/7XJqQPa.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CArOkzLDizB/ (12) EP. 05 面對未知的道路 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/DwzNPNeoF7M
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY_grbHU8AE0aur?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1265477855359557632?s=20 (13) EP. 06 過了這條路的折返點後 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/Qwog34RDcno
突如其來的暴風雪預告,讓芝加哥公演差一點就要取消的明顯狀況下 因為移動行程提早前往的關係SEVENTEEN平安無事的抵達了 JOSHUA說如果能初演小時候看過的TV節目好像會很不錯 而在2020年1月,JOSHUA在美國的宣傳行程裡展現了全方位的溝通 並積極地跟粉絲對話的模樣,彷彿看到以前曾說過的那些話都真實實現了 但是,看似完美消化行程的JOSHUA 其實在世界巡迴的中後段開始就飽受頭痛與失眠的痛苦… SEVENTEEN safely arrives in Chicago by adjusting their schedule due to an unexpected heavy snow alert, which could've cancelled the Chicago concert. Joshua expresses his interest in appearing on a TV channel he grew up watching. Then as January 2020 came by, Joshua achieves what he’s aspired to do since he was young, all the while meeting fans across the board. On the surface everything seemed smooth sailing, but Joshua was suffering from headaches and insomnia since the beginning of the World Tour. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/Is2lG6X.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CArPN3JjjCz/ (14) EP. 06 過了這條路的折返點後 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/Qwog34RDcno
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY_h5IZUcAA6R2v?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1265479111767543810?s=20 (15) [JOOX] CARATs! THE 8 and Jun prepared a special stage and live for you♥ Please stay tuned for details via the link below: ▶ https://facebook.com/JOOXHK/videos/287584469084033 #SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1265541414412341248?s=20 200529 (16) EP. 07 一起走的這條路 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/8ccB0dHDTAk
北美巡迴第五個都市休士頓 彩排結束後的成員們雖然適應了時差但是依然存在著體力上的極限 雖然成員們各自有在公演演出前的時間內儲備體力的方法,但還是有疲倦勞累的時候 這種時候勝寛就會準備各式各樣的營養劑位成員們補充 現在關照成員們這件事情,已成了普通又平凡的日常也是無法根絕的習慣了 比誰都要擔心並照護著成員們的勝寛 認為無論在那裡,只要13個人都在一起的這瞬間就是最珍貴的 Houston, the fifth city in SEVENTEEN's North American Tour. After rehearsals, the members say that even though they've adjusted to jet lag, they still struggle to maintain their energy. Before the show, each member tries to save energy in their own way, but nonetheless they face exhaustion. Whenever the members are struggling, SeungKwan takes care of them with his assorted supplements. For him, taking care of the members is nothing special or new but a routine. As a member who worries and cares for other members the most, SeungKwan believes that wherever he is, the moment he shares with the 13 members is most precious. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/ukxsksH.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwYKUID6mr/ (17) EP. 07 一起走的這條路 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/8ccB0dHDTAk
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZJz2fzUMAADADd?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1266202625512337408?s=20 (18) EP. 08 暫時休息後,再次... | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/KmCsYuDqwe4
墨西哥的公演場 短暫的彩排也產生了呼吸困難又悶喘的狀況 因為高山地區特有環境因素的關係,讓成員們最後還是吃了頭痛藥,以繼續做萬全準備 其實DINO對於自己在上一場休士頓的公演表現並不滿意 自己因為狀況不好而無法100%表現出來的問題總是掛在心上 想著即使現在會馬上倒下,為了因為SEVENTEEN而空出時間來的粉絲們 也想要盡最大努力在舞台上展現給粉絲們 At the concert venue in Mexico City, even just a short rehearsal leaves the members short of breath and weak. Due to the nature of this alpine region, the members take aspirin and prepare for the show. Truthfully, Dino was dissatisfied with his previous performance in Houston. He couldn't get over the feeling that he did not put forth his 100% on stage due to his bodily condition. Even if he collapses this instant, he wanted to show his best performance for the fans who made their way to see them. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/9RLKdus.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwYvA_Ds-T/ (19) EP. 08 暫時休息後,再次... | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/KmCsYuDqwe4
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZJ1XF6U0AA3_IE?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1266203892091514881?s=20 (20) [JOOX-THE 8] Did you reserve for 'IDOL STATION' yet? Participate from JOOX HK, TH, MY, ID, MM & ZA for the gift event by leaving your thoughts on THE 8's song in the comment section of JOOX FB. Click post below to join & reserve! ▶ https://facebook.com/JOOXHK/videos/879374122545976/ #SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1266286347880296448?s=20 CR. 推特 @pledis_17、IG @saythename_17 翻譯 PTT-SEVENTEEN@yenie -- ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SEVENTEEN/M.1591114101.A.B16.html