看板 SEVENTEEN 關於我們 聯絡資訊
200601 (1) [17'S] 克拉們引頸盼望的論理之夜回來啦 [眼冒愛心的笑臉] 升級後光速回歸的SEVENTEEN與 I'm 圓佑 MC! 今天也展現了彼此尊重、關懷、有品格的討論秀的小十七們 [拍手] 能說服克拉們的理論是什麼呢 [驚嘆號與問號] #湯飯_一飲而乾_接收_掌聲喝采 #在北極_與北極熊_做朋友 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZbobb0VcAE85B8?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1267455911905259520?s=20 200602 (2-3) SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD' Weekly Scheduler 2020.06.03(Wed) 12PM(KST) EP.09,10 2020.06.05(Fri) 12PM(KST) EP.11,12 2020.06.07(Sun) 12PM(KST) EP.13,EPILOGUE #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZeYoweVAAAXaYP?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1267652155877580802?s=20 https://imgur.com/1afogow.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6rVHLjNSK/ 200603 (4) EP. 09 用我的速度走這條路的話 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/IUUkR8RB3hI
SEVENTEEN裡最會調節本人步調的成員是VERNON 巡迴公演過程中透過適當的選擇與控制 來釋放能量、結束公演後好好睡覺休息還進行自我啟發 公演結束的夜晚,VERNON用從韓國帶來的錄音配備進行RAP的創作練習 歌詞對上節奏,再搭上旋律後漸漸完成了 來聽聽一直在苦惱如何成為最符合SEVENTEEN的成員的方法是什麼的VERNON的故事 Within SEVENTEEN, Vernon is a member who knows how to keep his pace. During a show, he portions his energy well, and after a show, he sleeps, or works on self-improvement. The night after a show. Vernon practices rap making on his recording equipment he brought from Korea. He checks the lyrics and rhymes, and builds a melody to perfect the song. This is his story of constantly working to be a perfect member for the team SEVENTEEN. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/cSWJHOK.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9QIwgDEyB/ (5) EP. 09 用我的速度走這條路的話 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/IUUkR8RB3hI
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZjh46YU4AILsVM?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268014567612801026?s=20 (6) EP. 10 面對自我的時間 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/5HTS8X0Ickw
都市中心可以欣賞電車路過的風景,朝美國聖荷西前進的SEVENTEEN 在SEVENTEEN裡展現出的模樣稱為時尚的THE8 直到世界巡迴前夕為止對於公演服裝活耀地提出反饋 也對服裝持有不同於別人的熱愛與價值觀 來聽看看為了給粉絲們展現新樣貌而做了他最大努力的THE8的故事 Where you can see the tram pass right through the city landscape, SEVENTEEN are now in San José. THE 8 has a special love and philosophy when it comes to fashion. He contributed the most feedback into the team's stage outfits for the world tour, and he says fashion is his way of expressing himself within SEVENTEEN. Always working hard to show fans a new side of him, we listen to THE 8's story. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/8rUh8h2.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9QvfmjF-x/ (7) EP. 10 面對自我的時間 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/5HTS8X0Ickw
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZjltPKUMAIYS2R?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268015889594499072?s=20 (8) [17'S] [櫻桃][白飯][老虎臉] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZkNt3TVcAAdq7H?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZkNt3SUYAEoImw?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268059861327085568?s=20 200605 (9) [NEWS] pepsi ONLINE SHOWCASE : FOR THE LOVE OF 大韓民國 2020.06.27.20:00(KST) #SEVENTEEN with #pepsi #SEVENTEEN #pepsi #pepsishowcase #FORTHELOVEOFIT #FORTHELOVEOF大韓民國 #FORTHELOVEOFKOREA https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZtp9jwUYAA8s0s?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268724237746843648?s=20 (10) EP. 11 走向我吧 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/HINUT3gK3ME
都市街頭處處被雨淋得溼答答的西雅圖 今天是北美最後公演的日子 像是約好的成員們都異口同聲說最感謝淨漢 事實上淨漢從日本巡演開始就受頭痛之苦連公演都很艱難的撐著繼續 在雅加達時曾跟S.COUPS一起中途離開舞台,而從曼谷開始就因舞蹈過於激烈, 許多首歌曲無法消化 每次都和成員們與克拉們說著對不起然後盡己所能地參與能參與的公演的淨漢 這次來聽聽遵守了與成員們和克拉們的約定到最後, 一起慶祝北美最後一場公演的淨漢的故事 Soaked in the rain, this is the city of Seattle. Today is the last day of the North American Tour. As if their minds are synced up, the members all thank Jeonghan the most. In truth, Jeonghan has been struggling to perform the show due to his headaches from the beginning of the world tour. Jeonghan once had to come down from the stage with S.COUPS in Jakarta. And starting from Bangkok, he couldn’t join the stages with heavy choreography. Jeonghan always apologized to his members and fans but worked hard to participate the best he could during the concert. Keeping his promise to the members and fans, we hear Jeonghan's story as he celebrates the end of the North America Tour. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/yAXrtpm.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCZuHHDRm0/ (11) EP. 11 走向我吧 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/HINUT3gK3ME
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZt2zGJUYAAc_Yd?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268739334984744961?s=20 (12) EP. 12 走在黑暗的夜路時 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/yQYt8bkk5dU
偶然的街頭CASTING讓JUN開始了歌手之路 在中國曾作為童星活動的JUN,一直是透過成員們來學習如何成長為更棒的歌手 不論是與粉絲們溝通時、唱歌時或跳舞時,都會將從成員們身上學到的融進自身 這是不管何時都把SEVENTEEN擺在自身前面, 為了展現最佳樣貌給粉絲們而努力的JUN的故事 Jun began his journey as a singer from an unexpected street casting. As he was a child actor in China, he always learns how to grow as a singer from his members. When communicating with fans or singing and dancing, he tries to learn from his members for self-improvement. Always putting SEVENTEEN first before himself, Jun works hard to show his best. This is his story. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/USEjCeP.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCaTJejrCz/ (13) EP. 12 走在黑暗的夜路時 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/yQYt8bkk5dU
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZt4B0SVAAAoRZr?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1268740597600272384?s=20 200606 (14) COSMOPOLITAN KOREA Behind [照相機] #SEVENTEEN #COSMOPOLITANKOREA https://imgur.com/Jhhsbky.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGGna7jK27/ 200607 (15) EP. 13 直到決勝線為止我會在你身邊 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/PZSkKgo0rxY
亞洲第4個地區馬尼拉 DK從首爾初公演開始到馬尼拉最後公演為止, 整個SEVENTEEN的世界巡迴都很認真地進行自我管理 雖然每次公演結束後都會反覆回想反省, 但只要公演開始就會展現出比任何人都享受公演的模樣 就這樣DK透過這次世界巡迴成長許多,也超越了自己的極限.. 這是熱愛舞台與愛護成員們,與眾不同的DK的故事 The fourth region for the Asia Tour, Manila. DK has diligently taken care of himself during SEVENTEEN's World Tour, from their first concert in Seoul up to their show in Manila. When a show is over, he may take time to go through the performance and look back on himself, but now he has learned to truly enjoy his time on stage. Through this World Tour, he has grown the most, and overcome his own limits... With an incomparable amount of love for the stage and for his members, we hear DK's story. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/Us9yoYW.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHjUIoja5Z/ (16) EP. 13 直到決勝線為止我會在你身邊 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/PZSkKgo0rxY
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ4J54oU8AEIyCM?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269464120102813696?s=20 (17) EPILOGUE. 我們,再一次 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/16gbvZ5LLCo
一起歷經6個月長途旅程的SEVENTEEN 雖然沒能完成亞洲與歐洲的所有公演,但為了大喊初安可的粉絲們, 正準備著再次將手圍繞成圈走上舞台 SEVENTEEN has been through a long journey the past 6 months. Although they could not finish the rest of their tour in Asia and Europe, they are preparing once more to join hands and come out for their encore performance. #SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://imgur.com/aGIXtZr.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHj5GUjTu6/ (18) EPILOGUE. 我們,再一次 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD ▶https://youtu.be/16gbvZ5LLCo
#SEVENTEEN #HIT_THE_ROAD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ4LXCjUcAI_hbT?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269465390314217473?s=20 200608 (19-22) [17'S] 今天也很HOT地燃燒起來[火焰]以更上一層樓的主題回來的論理之夜! 西裝造型也完美消化的小十七 [淚流滿面] 今晚也跟GOING一起愉快地畫下句點 [雙心] #小十七的_無邏輯_啞口_無言 [老鼠] #百聞_不如一見_GOING_SEVENTEEN [狂笑] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_riFBU0AIGvYi?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_riFDUcAAd6g_?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_riFEU8AArrf2?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269992618731028480?s=20 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rj6bVAAAsAdb?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rj7GUYAAVx9Y?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rj9kU4AQ2kKU?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rj9lUMAAq9v0?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269992646304358400?s=20 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rlfoVAAAMZbn?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rlgbU0AA4MGf?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rlgvUMAEq576?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269992672606879747?s=20 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rnBBVcAAs4zg?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rnBlU8AA6enS?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_rnCCU4AI8sBv?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1269992692550778881?s=20 200609 (23) 20200610 Happy JUN's Day [貓臉] #Happy_JUN_Day #JUN #SEVENTEEN https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaDtuQZU4AAH0i_?format=jpg https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1270370068262617090?s=20 200610 (24) [JOOX-THE 8] Hi CARATs! You can rewatch THE 8's performance of "Falling Down" on JOOX via the link below. Hope you enjoy it :) ▶ https://youtu.be/ITKsSwMz4l8
#SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1270687403380891648?s=20 200611 (25-30) SEVENTEEN 'My My' Official MV ▶https://youtu.be/PQOJJ037ys8
#SEVENTEEN #Henggarae #MyMy #200622_6pm https://imgur.com/r18mnk6.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTI9MGjhIl/ https://imgur.com/jBrAkwQ.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTI_gqjdnV/ https://imgur.com/jMT06sk.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTJB9JjiHx/ https://imgur.com/THNtqH6.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTJEBljUnh/ https://imgur.com/chGvQU4.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTJGBZD3HY/ https://imgur.com/kbDeacs.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTJH6qjqoR/ 200612 (31) [NEWS] S.COUPS、JOSHUA、圓佑、THE8 虎牙TV <虎牙超級偶像聯賽>預定出演 敬請期待 ▶ S.COUPS: https://huya.com/660808 JOSHUA: https://huya.com/661230 圓佑: https://huya.com/660717 THE8: https://huya.com/661107 #SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1271286113164857349?s=20 (32) [JOOX-Jun] [禮物] You can check the present Jun prepared for you at JOOX on 6/16! JUN準備的禮物可以在6/16透過JOOX確認! #SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1271395074186698753?s=20 (33) [VIDEO] THE 8 JOOX Behind the Scenes ▶ https://m.weibo.cn/5518837994/4515098389421603 #SEVENTEEN https://twitter.com/pledis_17/status/1271429246401961988?s=20 CR. 推特 @pledis_17、IG @saythename_17 翻譯 PTT-SEVENTEEN@yenie -- ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SEVENTEEN/M.1591978088.A.0BC.html