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終於把這天殺的種族介紹他媽的翻完了,累死人了我的天...... 由於這個爛種族的介紹實在落落長,因此我會分成幾篇貼上來 大概一天一篇吧 請大家幫我檢視修訂,這篇對我來說就好像在看奇怪的文言文一樣...... ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/oRHT9 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能修改 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== 二、Endless 永恆族 The first to travel widely between the stars were known as the Endless. Much is told of the Endless--of their technologies, of their societies, and especially of the uncountable splinters into which their nation eventually shattered itself. Their history is glorious but above all tragic; though they unlocked the secrets of time-space, the stars, and life itself they were unable to master their own internal conflicts. But we must remember this: though their explorations covered millions of stars across endless light-years of space, even they are barely a drop in the vast sea that is the universe. 第一個漫遊於星海之中的種族,以「永恆族」之名聞名於世。有許多關於永恆族的傳說─ 他們的科技、他們的社會、特別是他們國度裡數不盡的小團體並最終撕裂了他們自己。他 們的歷史光輝但悲慘,雖然他們解開了時空、群星和生命的祕密,卻無法掌控自己內部的 衝突。但我們必須記得這件事:儘管他們的探索橫跨了太空無盡光年並發現了數百萬的星 球,但就算是他們仍只是宇宙滄海中的一粟。 What remains now of the Endless are strange, disjointed traces in the forms of seeds, of observatories, of experiments, of cities and worlds and perhaps – though not all of this is clear or verifiable – in the forms of other peoples. 永恆族現在留下的只有奇怪、無條理的記錄,形式包含了種子、天文、實驗、城市、世界 以及─雖然這並不確定─也許其他種族。 History 歷史 Origins 起源 The Endless society developed on a large, cool planet that they called Tor. It was the second large body orbiting a star now known simply as Prime. Their history is similar to many other peoples who would eventually solve the mysterious physical and mathematical puzzles of space flight: A tale of creation, evolution, growth and prosperity, interlinked with famine, war, disease, and danger. 在一個現在只知道名字叫做普萊姆的恆星旁,環繞著它的行星中第二大的是一個又大又冷 的行星,永恆族的社會就是從這裡開始發展,他們稱呼這顆行星為托爾。他們的歷史與其 他許多最終能解開太空飛行的物理與數學難題的種族相似,一個關於創造、發展、成長和 興旺的傳說,與饑荒、戰爭、疾病和災難交織在一起。 In fact, the race that we now refer to as the "Endless" started as separate and distinct groups on the planet. For the first several millennia of their existence these peoples were only peripherally aware of each other's existence, as they established themselves with difficulty on a planet whose long winters made development slow and arduous. The early Endless history is therefore marked by gradual change among a gradually expanding and inter-related series of tribes. In their early ages before modernization and industrialization, these peoples were: 事實上,我們現在所知的「永恆族」原本是該星球上的一個特立獨行的分離團體。在他們 存在的前幾千年中,這些人跟其他團體的存在比起來不過是旁枝末節。他們費盡千辛萬苦 ,在一個時常寒冬的行星上建立基地並緩慢艱苦的發展著。因此,早期永恆族的歷史的特 徵是在逐漸的擴張及部落間的相互關係之間逐漸的變化。在他們工業化與現代化之前的早 期時代,這些部落有: Tandu - Farmers and builders who practiced high-intensity cultivation of wet crops as soon as the rivers unfroze. They lived on the equatorial strip of Tor, largely sedentary with a life that revolved around their villages and farms. 譚篤:他們是農夫和建築工,在河流解凍後會開始進行高度的水耕作物種植。他們居住在 托爾的赤道帶,平常過著農耕村落的生活。 Haduns - Nomadic hunter/gatherers and herdsmen who split off from their brethren, the Tandu, in the distant past. Crossing a land bridge that was briefly accessible during a period of warmth, the Haduns ended up in the coldest, most northerly latitudes of the planet. However, in the vast deserts of ice and snow they discovered numerous volcanic vents. These formed oases amid the frigid surroundings, becoming villages, centers of religious observances, and major trading posts. 哈登斯:他們是遊牧的獵人、採集者和牧人,在久遠以前從譚篤中分離出來。哈登斯當時 跨過一個只有在溫暖期才會露出來的陸橋並最終抵達了這顆行星的最冷最北緯的地方。然 而,他們在那邊廣大的冰原上發現了許多火山口,這些火山口在這嚴寒的環境之中組成了 許多綠洲,並成為他們的村落、宗教儀式中心和主要的交易站。 Eaür - Different from the Tandu and Haduns were the Eaür, who evolved from ocean life in the saline seas. Sedentary hunter/gatherers, these ocean dwellers evolved from many-armed sea creatures, growing and tending the great purple coral reefs that provided both food and shelter. 耶烏爾:耶烏爾和譚篤及哈登斯都不一樣,他們是從海中生物發展而來的。這些從多臂海 洋生物演化而來的海洋居民是定居型的獵人和採集者,培育並照料提供他們食物和庇護的 巨大紫色珊瑚礁。 Ancestors of the Endless 永恆族的祖先 Tandu 譚篤 As civilization developed, the Tandu—like many other sentient beings— followed the path from town to city, then to city-state, and finally to nation. They were of average height, stocky, fair-skinned, and tended to be silent and serious. Bringing forth food from the tundra-like ground was a difficult task, and communities banded together for the long hours of arduous work during the planting and harvesting of their brief season. It was among the Tandu that writing and education first developed, and in particular physical sciences and construction. Their long winters were dedicated to study, thought, prayer, and philosophical debate. 就像其他智能生命的文明發展史一樣,譚篤從鄉鎮發展為城市、從城市發展出政府、最後 成為國家。他們矮壯、皮膚白皙且天性安靜嚴肅。要從凍土上把食物變出來是個艱鉅的任 務,而各社群在長時間的艱困工作及短暫的收穫季中緊緊的繫在一起。譚篤是最早發展書 寫、教育的種族,特別是在自然科學和建築方面。他們把漫長的冬天花在學習、思考、祈 禱和哲學辯論上。 And to war. Of the many species of animal on Tor that sought to find food and shelter during the long nights, the yellow snakes and the horde spiders were the worst. The snakes fed on simple organisms that lived in the snows, curving slowly through the frigid fields under the bright sun as they sifted snowy powder through their great maws and strained out whatever was edible. Their bodies and especially their mouths became imprinted with yellow stains from the pigments of the millions of tiny organisms they ate. Behind them they left great icy trails and tunnels in the snow dunes, evidence of their passage and danger for the unwary traveler. 說到戰爭,在托爾上的許多物種都要在長夜中尋找食物和庇護所,其中最危險的是黃蛇和 群生蜘蛛。這些蛇以生活在雪裡的小生物為食,他們會在太陽下緩緩爬過寒冷的地表,邊 爬邊把雪吞入巨大的胃裡並把所有能吃的都過濾掉。他們的身體,特別是嘴巴被他們吃下 去的數百萬小生物給染成了黃色,他們爬過後會在雪丘上留下爬痕和隧道,成為他們經過 的證據和對那些粗心大意的旅行者的危險。 The horde spiders, on the other hand, were hive creatures. They hunted en masse, sending out scouts who called for assistance when they found food by rubbing their hind legs together to make a chirping sound. Reinforcements would arrive, tumbling and scrambling over the snows, joining together to bring down even beasts the size of the yellow snake. The Tandu learned how to imitate the call of the horde spider, and in times of dangerous infestations scouts went out to track the spiders, making the chirping noise when midway between several nests so the spiders would arise and exterminate each other. 另一方面,群生蜘蛛是群居型生物。他們集體狩獵,當看到獵物時會派出斥候用摩擦後腿 的方式發出唧唧的聲響呼叫支援。那怕獵物像黃蛇那麼大,援軍仍會從雪上爭先恐後的出 現並加入放倒獵物。譚篤學到如何模仿群生蜘蛛的呼喚聲,在容易發生蜘蛛侵擾的危險期 間,斥候會追蹤蜘蛛的足跡,並在數個巢穴中間發出唧唧聲,這樣蜘蛛就會出現並消滅彼 此。 Haduns 哈登斯 The nations formed from the Haduns were of a very different nature. The search for food was a year-round effort, for even in winter game could be had when it came out to feed—occasionally on the herds that the Haduns kept near the warm volcanic feeding grounds. Dark-skinned, dark-haired, sky-gazers, and philosophers after their own fashion, they spent the coldest nights living on stores of dried meat and frozen soups, telling stories of the constellations and the things that moved just beyond their sight in the darkness. Hunting remained the primary activity and was an important indicator of adulthood, making the Haduns resourceful, resilient, and tough. 哈登斯組成的國家位於很不同的自然環境中。他們終年努力尋找食物,因為就算在冬天也 會有餵養的問題─有時是因為那些被哈登斯養在溫暖的火山養殖場的牲畜。他們黑膚黑髮 ,有著天藍色的眼珠,天性帶有哲學家的思想。在最冷的冬天夜晚,他們靠著儲存的乾肉 和凍湯過活,說著關於星座和在黑暗中從他們眼前一閃而逝的東西的故事。狩獵一直都是 主要的活動,也是成年的指標,這讓哈登斯資源豐富、精力充沛且堅強。 Toughness was needed, as Haduns families and towns were constantly at risk from several dangerous species. There were the White Ones, great predatory beasts that ran on four legs or two, covered with white hair and noiseless as the wind when hunting. Out in the great windswept reaches of the North were also the packs of silver wolves, nearly invisible in the windswept grayness of the arctic plains. 堅強對哈登斯很重要,因為他們的家族和城鎮經常處於好幾種危險的威脅之下。有種全身 被白髮所覆蓋、名為白獸的巨型掠食性野獸,會以四腳或兩腳奔跑,並藉著風來在狩獵時 消除聲音。在北方風力最強的地方還有銀狼的蹤跡,牠們在被強風肆虐的灰色極地上幾乎 無法以肉眼發現。 Unfortunately for the Haduns there were also the Borers. These were omnivorous tunneling larvae many times larger than a person, with a circle of chitinous beaks around a central maw, a rigid crest behind, and a much smaller body that followed. Thriving in the warmer, softer earths near the volcanic vents, they exploded from the ground in search of food. It is for this reason that the Haduns never built on the earth unless necessary, and also why an important role for the village youths was to lie alert, ear to the ground, concentrating and listening for that sound like grinding seeds. 對哈登斯很不幸的是,此處還有穿孔者。這種擅鑽隧道、無所不吃的蟲一般比一個人還大 ,在牠的中央口旁有一圈甲殼質的喙,其後有著硬毛,再來是小的多的身體。這些蟲住在 火山口旁比較溫暖、鬆軟的土中,並會從地底鑽出以尋找食物,這就是哈登斯在非必要的 情況下不會在地上蓋建築的原因。因為如此,村中的年輕人會躺在地上並聽地面動靜以為 警戒,他們會全神貫注聽那種像是種子磨碎的聲音。 Eaür 耶烏爾 Alien and far removed from their terrestrial neighbors, the Eaür evolved in the deeps as stewards of the seas and explorers. Colored in the blues and browns of the sea, as their brains grew and bodies developed they developed first vestigial, then fully functioning limbs. Eaür society, though sedentary and communal, was ever at risk from the large numbers of predators that stalked the oceans. 耶烏爾很早以前就被他們的陸地鄰居們當做外人排除在外。他們在海洋中逐步發展成老練 的管理者和探險家。他們身上的藍色和棕色來自大海,而隨著大腦和軀幹的進化,(譯註 :這句不會翻譯)。耶烏爾雖然有個穩定且自治的社會,但他們仍要面對大量海中掠食者 的威脅。 For this reason the Eaür were the first to aggressively adopt and integrate other species into their society. Using them as scouts, as builders, as mounts, and as sources of food and clothing, they went to great lengths to tame and harvest the wide range of beasts living in the oceans. There were some, however, who were beyond their control. The scythefish were pests of the worst sort. Like swimming blades with a long, razor-sharp crest of accreted ceramics, schools of these were capable of swimming through a town and leaving nothing but bloody ribbons behind them. Complex defenses occasionally worked, but the Eaür relied primarily on the assistance of the great cloudfish. These were great spheres of gastric juices that floated slowly through the oceans, digesting anything that came within reach of their trailing tentacles. The problem was that it took centuries to train, educate, and control the cloudfish to the point where they understood friend from foe. 因此,耶烏爾是最早以侵略的方式吸收並同化其他種族到他們社會裡的種族。他們長時間 馴養並利用大部分種類的海中生物,把這些種族作為斥候、建築工、座騎以及食物和衣服 的來源。然而,有些種類仍然是他們無法控制的。鐮魚是有害生物中最糟糕的一種,就像 是(譯註:就像是什麼鬼?)。一群鐮魚能夠游過一個城鎮,並除了血帶以外什麼都不留 下。耶烏爾曾經做過數種防禦對策,但他們最主要依靠巨大雲魚的幫忙。這些魚就像是在 海中緩慢的載浮載沉的巨大胃酸球,把任何游經牠們拖曳著的觸手的東西都消化掉。有個 問題是,要能訓練、教育和控制雲魚以使牠們能分別敵我,需要花好幾世紀。 The greatest risk, however, aside from the occasional carnivorous dinosaur, was the great leviathans. Larger than the field of view, they announced their arrival hours ahead through the hooting and wailing of their slow, mournful song. Scythefish would swim through one, feeding, and move on; cloudfish would tag a ride for days, feeding on the slowly moving mountain of flesh. But the leviathans were too vast and too scarred to be troubled by this. Nudging along the floors and ridges of the sea, their great trawler of a mouth would take in everything, scraping down to rock and ice whatever lay in their path. The first Eaür strategies involved small villages in crevices or valleys, or larger ones with bolt-holes into cliff faces. Over the ages the leviathan grew to have a mythical status, and in fact they were unsure if there were more than one, or where they (or it) came from, or whether there was something—may the waters preserve us—even greater and more fearsome that drove them (or it) up from the hadopelagic depths. 然而最大的威脅,除了偶然出現的恐龍以外,就是巨大的利維坦。這種怪物會佔滿人的整 個視野,他們用呼呼聲和尖嘯聲組成一首緩慢、哀傷的曲子,宣告他們在數小時後的到來 。鐮魚會游過其中一隻、進食、然後前往別的地方;雲魚會佇留在旁幾天,並用這座緩慢 移動的肉山飽餐一頓,但利維坦實在是太大,以至於這點傷害對牠們根本不造成影響。牠 們從海床和海脊上緩慢的推進,把任何事物都掃進牠們的巨嘴,(譯註:這句不會翻譯) 。最早的耶烏爾的應對策略是把小村莊藏在小裂縫或小谷地,較大的(譯註:不知道藏在 哪裡)。隨著時間過去,利維坦的真相彷彿披上了神祕的面紗,事實上連這種生物是否有 超過一隻、牠(們)從哪裡來、或是否─願水神保佑我們─有更大更恐怖的東西把牠(們 )從海洋的深淵趕出來,全部都不確定。 These were the three main peoples, then, from whom sub-tribes and offshoots spread and developed over the centuries. While stress and struggle was inevitable, the great, world-changing events only began when these three civilizations began to meet. 這三支是主要的種族,他們的支族在幾世紀內往外散佈並發展。雖然壓力和掙扎是無可避 免的,但在這三個文明開始相遇時,巨大、能改變世界的事件才剛要開始。 Discovery of Space Flight 初探太空飛行 Due to a series of laws regulating the speed of industrialization called the teyun, the discovery of space travel technologies was followed very slowly by the exploitation of space itself. As resources were tight and investment limited, an effort as vast as creating life-supporting spacecraft that could travel interstellar voids was necessarily slow to develop. By the fifth century M.E., however, local space mining of nearby objects and asteroid belts had supplied enough precious materials for the various Torians to finally build crafts that were on the scale of their ambitions. 因為有一系列(譯註:不知道”called the teyun”到底是他自創的專有名詞還是只是打 錯字)法律規範了工業化的速度,(譯註:後面這句怎麼看怎麼怪)。因為資源短少及投 資限制,創造能維生的星際間太空船的努力勢必得減緩。然而,在50世紀M.E(譯註:不 知道M.E是什麼的縮寫),在鄰近星體及小行星帶的區域性太空採礦使的托爾人有足夠的 珍貴礦物,最終能建造太空船以完成他們的雄心壯志。 Some of the notable early efforts were: 早期有些著名的成就: Muiril Soault, captain of the ship "The Bright Things Beckon", that first established a viable mining colony on a near-Tor object; 姆伊瑞.蘇傲特,「光明召喚者號」的船長,他在一個托爾旁的星體建立了第一個可運作 的採礦場。 Blyoskel Kyoich, Reverend Father of a small religious community based on Haduns shamanism, who set up a biosphere on Erat, the small planetoid closer than Tor to Prime; 比路斯科.坎歐伊可,他在一個由哈登斯薩滿構成的小型宗教社會中是位廣受尊敬的長老 ,他在一個比托爾還靠近普萊姆主星的小行星.耶瑞特上設立了一個生態圈。 Hubel Keer, admiral of the "Ask and Answer" flotilla that departed Tor to set up a permanent scientific observatory base and resource harvesting factory called "One Great Step" at Kuiper-belt radius from Prime; 修貝爾.奇爾,「問與答」艦隊司令,他率領艦隊離開托爾,並在普萊姆主星的庫柏帶建 立了一個永久性的天文觀測科學基地和資源製造工廠,這次行動稱為「一大步」。 Dauoing Foieq, captain of the ship "So Must We All One Day", which departed on a one-way (and ultimately suicidal) mission to orbit the nearest star. 達歐因.佛葉克,「(譯註:不知道什麼東西)」號船長,他執行一項無法回歸(就是自 殺性的)任務,要繞著最近的恆星的軌道運行。 There is one other name that should be mentioned at this point in Endless history: Rheuaril Beih. Beih was one of a group of miners who had grown up on "One Great Step", and thus was the first of many more Torian generations who would become increasingly distant from their home world and culture. Prospecting for rare elements needed for the construction of robot factories that would one day build the "So Must We All One Day", she came across a form of mineral that was at that time unknown to the Torians. A series of tests turned up a most unexpected result when the mineral reacted to stimuli, consumed energy, and altered its shape. It was in this way that Beih went down in history as being the first to discover an alien life form. That species, known as the Harmony, had apparently been sentient since the dawn of time in the known universe. A fundamental creature born of the energies of the Big Bang, the living rocks of the Harmony were capable of manipulating quantum energies and gravitation. The Harmony spread itself at widely varying speeds across the stars using space-time anomalies, gravitons or even interplanetary transport networks. Little direct knowledge was gained due to the near impossibility of communication, but study of the Harmony led to leaps in the Torians' ability to manipulate gravity and time-space. 在永恆族的這段歷史中,還必須提起一個人的名字:瑞瓦日.貝,她是「一大步」時期中 長大的礦工中其中一人。托爾人的後代有一大部分變得和他們的家園和文化越來越疏離, 而貝是這群人的第一代。她的工作是尋找稀有元素以建造機器人工廠,這個工廠日後會建 造出「(譯註:不知道什麼東西)」號。她有一次偶然發現了一種礦物,當時沒有任何托 爾人知道這東西。在測試之下更發現了相當令人意想不到的結果:這種礦物,不單對刺激 有反應,而且更會消耗能量及改變形狀。貝也因為成為第一個發現外星生命型態的人而留 名青史。這種被稱為調和者的活體岩石是從大霹靂的能量中出生的基本產物,並能夠操縱 量子能和重力。調和者利用時空扭曲、重力或甚至行星間運輸網,以各種速度散佈於群星 之間。托爾人幾乎無法直接獲得關於調和者的知識,因為幾乎無法和他們溝通。但關於他 們的學習使他們對於操縱重力和時空的能力有了飛躍性的成長。 The Diaspora 大移民 While one would typically expect Beih's encounter to lead to an explosion in manned space flight and intergalactic development, the truth of the matter is that building and manning a craft to cover those distances is an enormous undertaking even at a highly advanced level of technology. For this reason, it took decades and even centuries for the Torians to begin to explore their arm of the galaxy. Spread out across numerous systems and planets, generations away from the planet where the race was birthed, it is at this point that the term "Torian" started to become meaningless, and the people known as the "Endless" were born. 雖然人們都預期貝的這次偶遇將會使銀河內等級的載人太空飛行有爆炸性的發展,但事實 是:儘管科技的發展已經來到很高的水平,但要建造能夠飛行如此距離的太空船並在上面 載人是個很龐大的工作。因此,托爾人花了數十甚至數百年來探索他們所在的銀河的旋臂 。他們散佈到許多星系和行星上,而這些遠離托爾的世代也有了後代,「托爾人」這個辭 開始失去了其意義,而為後人所知的「永恆族」誕生了。 =============================== 剩下的會分批貼上來,這樣大家比較能消化 請大家務必批評指正我的翻譯,感謝! -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在太陽花學運和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1401983459.A.631.html