看板 SLG 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Beta 15 出了 Patch Note宇宙無敵長 原文就有10張A4..... 我慢慢翻 =_= 然後用我流翻法 大致上是翻出意思 不逐句翻 Beta 15 Beta 15 requires a new campaign. **強烈建議開新的遊戲 不要用先前的存檔接下去 可能會有問題 Features/New Functionality * Functionality for new soldier voice packs is in game. Voicepacks will be assigned to soldiers of the appropriate nationality and may manually be assigned to any soldier of the designated gender. 有新的士兵語音包 然後新增的國家會自動分配到適合的語音 More voicepacks are in production and this list will be updated when they are complete. Many props to Long War Sound Editor TrackTwo for his tireless efforts getting this working, and special thanks to Firaxis, who helped us with some processing settings to get the voicepacks sounding similar to the vanilla ones. 接下來會去出更多語音包 然後謝謝Firaxis有提供技術支援 * A new bonuses system is in place: 全新的加成系統 1) Players may choose from a number of starting bonuses tied to which of the 16 council countries you put your first satellite. 你可以直接選擇要從哪個國家開始 而不是只能選五洲其中一州 You have multiple options for some countries. 同一個國家開場你也可以選擇不同的國家加成(和大洲加成不同) The bonuses aren't balanced against each other, so to some degree this is a way to play a somewhat customized campaign. 開場選擇的加成有的強有的弱 讓你擁有不同的遊戲體驗 2) When launching a satellite, a player gains a specific country bonus. These are less powerful than the starter bonuses, and some of the countries that offer less monthly $$ have stronger bonuses to make them attractive. 每打上去一顆衛星 你就可以拿到該國的國家加成 國家加成越強 給的$$$越少 加成比較弱的 給你比較多$$$ Some costs were rebalanced in light of bonuses now available. 因應新的國家加成 有些花費有作調整(目前已知衛星變貴 140->200) 3) Continent bonuses are now gained with ONLY full satellite coverage over all countries on the continent. 大洲加成現在要求一定要全洲都被衛星覆蓋才拿得到 之前選開場點直接拿大洲加成 沒了 Some have been rebalanced and the OTS discount is no longer tied to any continent. The strength of each bonus, and the country assignment, can be modified in DGC.ini. 大洲加成有調整 有更改 然後原本歐洲的軍官學校花費折扣 從大洲加成移除(改去國家加成了) 你也可以自己去DGC.ini修改 * XCOM will draw soldiers from roughly 90 new countries (with unique flags) in addition to the existing group, with dozens of new namelists by Uzifeline. 士兵出身多了90個新國家(不知道有沒有台灣 我還沒看到台灣的國旗 QQ) Countries include all of Europe (save microstates) and South America, with almost all of Central America and Asia, and lots of African countries. And New Zealand. Players can still control frequency of all countries providing soldiers with ini edits. Van Doorn gets UN flag, because he really represents all of us. SHIVs get XCOM flag in strategy game lists. 就是跟你說包含哪些國家 然後 General Van Doorn 的國旗是用UN的旗幟 * Major overhaul to Not-So-Long-War, which has been renamed Dyanmic War. Instead of planning missions monthly, with this option the aliens will check supply and threat to launch most missions constantly. This allows mission frequency in NSLW to be tunable with the ini setting -- even setting it to 1.0 will provide a different feel than regular LW, as missions per month isn't set, but probabilistic (although the variables are set to *on average* generate the same mission count if set to 1.0). You can set it to .3 for a much shorter campaign, or above 1 for even greater mission density. Not-So-Long-War 第二波設定被移除 換一個新的 Dyanmic War 其實這我看了不是很懂 有時間再研究... * You can now build seven MEC suits. MEC-1 is tier one, MEC-2 and MEC-3 are tier 2, and MEC-4 through MEC-7 are tier 3. 現在的Mec Suit分7種 一階一種 二階兩種 三階四種 They split along survivability/mobility lines and some grant body shield or jet boot module perks. MEC suit bonus will has gone down somewhat, and some MEC perk trees significantly reworked. 不同的Suit有不同的能力 有的內建噴射背包 有的內建Body Shiled 就是把Mec分工也劃出來 整個Mec的技能樹大改 * Critical wound bleed out timer now randomized between 2 and 5 turns. The timer is concealed to the player. 士兵被打到快死躺在地上 改成2-5回合隨機掛掉 而且你不知道還有多久 * Respirator implant item now does the following: (in addition to strangle and partial acid immunity) 殖入呼吸器修改 除了原本的免疫seeker綁人和部份酸液免疫外 1) Causes first death of mission to instead automatically be a critical wound 1. 每次任務中第一個被打死的會改成重傷躺地上 (我不知道是每個士兵分開算還是整個小隊一起算? 跟第二心臟一樣功能) 2) Adds 2 turns to bleed out timer 2. 躺在地上逼逼逼到葛屁的時間延長兩回合 (變成 4-7) 3) Transmits bleed-out timer data to central. It does not prevent will loss. 3. 穿了這個道具的士兵 你可以知道他逼逼逼多久會往生 Raised price for item. 當然 改的這麼強 造價也提昇了 * Long War classes have distinct icons now 各職業的圖示更新 * You can always enter build facility detail screen for readout on requirements ,even if you have insufficient resources for build 基地建設 就算你錢不夠還是可以點進去看該設施的需求跟建造時間 * Commander's Choice (pick each soldier class) now available as a Second Wave option. Removed "Alternate Sources" SW option. Thanks to Peasly Wellbott for letting us pick this up. 新的第二波選項:指揮官的選擇 開啟之後可以讓你的菜逼八任意轉職成你想要的職業 * Missions that can expire now have a countdown timer on the Geoscape UI. Geoscape will also pause when a mission is about to expire. 現在在地球儀那邊會跟你講任務多久會過期 而且快過期的時候會自動暫停 * Activated Tandem Warheads perk, which causes explosives to do full regular and environmental damage to the extent of their area of effect. This will be a high-level perk appearing on the Rocketeer, Engineer and Archer trees. 一個新的技能 爆破物的傷害不再隨離中心範圍遞減 變成全範圍都吃得到完整傷害 高階的工程師 火箭兵 和 Archer(拿火箭兵去切的Mec)可以拿到這個技能 * Added UFO Scanners foundry project. This is an upgrade for your interceptors that will show precise damage taken by UFOs in air combat (using XMarksTheSpot's new interception UI mod) If you have already completed the analysis of the UFO class you are facing. 製造工坊多一個幽浮掃描器的改善計畫 可以讓你看到幽浮的受傷情況(扣多少%) 你必須先分析過該種幽浮才看得到這些資訊 * Small items that grant non-perk bonuses (like Ceramic Plating or Armor Piercing Ammo) will now be described in your F1 HUD in tactical and have an icon with all your perks on the main tactical screen. 士兵身上帶的非消耗性道具 會有額外的圖示(像技能) 讓你知道他身上穿了啥 You'll see a bit of doubling up of icons, 'cause we're out. * Individual aliens and Exalts with certain perks will show different names in F1 detail if you have autopsied the species, giving a clue to their capabilities (and providing some flavor). 擁有特殊技能的敵人 你按F1看敵人詳細資料的時候 他的名字會給你一點提示 (對你還沒解剖之前會有幫助) eg Mutons with "Covering Fire" will be called "Muton Sentry" unless they have a stronger perk that takes precedence. 舉例: Muton有火力掩護這個技能的 名字就會變成 Muton "Sentry" 除非他有更強更高階的技能 - Spruced up the MEC conversion UI. 新的Mec UI(? 不清楚 還沒跑到Mec) - Reinstituted MEC repair and added repair of regular soldier items. Many items can now be damaged during (technically, after) combat and will have an increasing chance of needing repair following combat based on how many 'true' (non-armor) hp a soldier has lost. (Items will always function for the duration of a battle.) Armor, weapons, and small items that aren't infinite or fundamentally consumable (like grenades and ammo) are in the mix, although the chances they'll need repair is capped even if a soldier is killed varying on how likely something is to get damaged. (armor=higher chances; pistol=lower chances, etc) 上面兩段就是說裝備會壞 要修 Mec也是會壞 要修 (不能一套Mec甲一直用) 壞是打完任務才會壞 任務中間不會突然故障 然後不同部位的道具 壞的機率不同 像身體護甲就就容易壞 手槍壞的機率就比較低 Cybernetics Lab is now called "Repair Bay," is much cheaper, and may be built from campaign start. Cost to repair an item is initially set of 20% cash, meld, alloy and elerium cost, and a formula for time to repair is also in place that starts with a baseline of 60% of build time but goes down as you develop Advanced Repair and add engineers to your staff (minimum is 72 hours) 切Mec士兵的建築改名 改成維修站 一開始就可以蓋(還是要爬完科技才能切Mec) 修裝備的花費是造價的20% 時間是作新的60% 可以從製造工坊的計劃去改善 工程師變多也會縮短時間 不過在怎麼縮還是有個最短時間72小時 The following items are ini-adjustable: repair time% of baseline build time, resource cost as% of baseline resource cost, and you can turn off repair requirements entirely with one variable. Removed Second Wave option "More than Human" and replaced with Wear and Tear, which gives a chance that items will be damaged on missions and require repairs even when a soldier isn't hurt. 又改一個第二波選項 就算士兵出任務期間沒受傷 身上的裝還是有機會壞掉 The chance is initially set at 20% per item, and this value is ini-moddable. Many item costs are being adjusted downward to make up for reduced utility when they are in the shop. 開了這個選項之後 每個道具出完任務以後壞的機率就是從20%起跳 這個值也可以自己去改 ini檔 大部分的物品造價下降(因為之後你會常常需要修理他) - 後面還有好多 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1425355098.A.509.html ※ 編輯: Merkle (, 03/03/2015 11:58:39
THC13: 辛苦了 03/03 13:08
THC13: Wei Renmin Fuwu: Start with a Workshop and Repair Bay 03/04 03:43
ttnkuo: 有沒有漢化,漢化喔 03/04 12:29
v86861062: :D 03/24 02:06