看板 SNSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
接續前面的訪談 貓奴宅女的日常與個性 Other than work, what are you most interested in these days? Sogeum, the cat I’m raising, is totally her mom’s shadow. So she’s by my side 24 hours a day. When I sleep, she tries to sleep by my side, when I’m eating, she stares while sitting beside me, and even when I go to the bathroom, she meows in front of the bathroom door, asking to open the door. It seemed like she received an award from a cat contest recently? Yes, that’s right. Sogeumie received many awards at a cat contest. I wanted to have an experience that neither Sogeum nor I had ever done before. I got close to the breeder who sold me the cat and that person recommended it. They said when we receive an award, I will feel very proud. So that’s why I went, and the results were good and I was very proud. When we see your Instagram, you like characters from “The Simpsons” and gaming. We have a feeling you’re a mischievous girl. I don’t think I’m totally mature yet. I think I’m in trouble because I’m still immature. I better become more mature soon. That might be why, but when we see Sunny, we can always feel a bright energy. What is the driving force of that energy? When I say words like this, a lot of people don’t believe me, but I’m shy around people I don’t know. Truthfully, I’m very shy around people I don’t know, so it’s hard to become close. But when I get close, I get very close. I think that’s my driving force. If I’m around people I’m close to, I get energized and I become overflowing with playfulness. But if I’m not around a single person I’m close to, I become low spirited. What is Sunny’s biggest source of energy? Sogeumie. She is now 3 years old. Sunny is always bright and optimistic, but you must have times when you’re sad. Like I said before, I’m shy so when there are a lot of people I don’t know, my mood becomes down and I appear tired. Sometimes I’m misunderstood and people think something happened that upset me, or something happened that put me in a bad mood. So I’m trying hard to fix that but it’s not easy to fix a personality that is naturally shy around new people. 白色情人節有關的戀愛問題 Today’s editorial topic is ‘White Day’. If you have a boyfriend, what kind of present do you want to receive on White Day? I would like to receive anything that was personally made by hand. I even like something small. Paper crane, written letter, I even like things like handmade trinkets, so I want to receive a present that contains the heart. When you date, do you tend to remember and celebrate milestone dates? No. I don’t think I’m the type to put a lot of meaning into small milestones or be concerned about it. What kind of a person is Sunny’s ideal type? Truthfully, I don’t even know what my ideal type is yet. I’ve asked members before and they said “I don’t know your ideal type either”. So since before my debut, when I’ve been asked about my ideal type, I always respond “nice guy”. I think that just explains everything. I would like a nice and honest guy. We shot an editorial today with the theme of ‘White Day Episode’. What is the sweetest dream that Sunny is dreaming of going forward? I hope I don’t age, and that I’m continuously creative and always attempting new things. I think there are a lot of things I’m afraid of these days. I hope I don’t have those fears, and that I hope I’m not afraid when it comes to trying new things. So I’m trying to have several various dreams. Lastly, what is your wish for this year? As 10th year celebrations, my wish is for SNSD to do something to commemorate it with fans. I would like to do something that will really remain in our memories and will put us all in a good mood. Of course, something that is fun. That is my dream right now. We will anticipate it. If you anticipate it, it will weigh down my shoulders, but I am anticipating it too. (Laughs) cr. Stella @SonexStella -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SNSD/M.1490449034.A.072.html ※ 編輯: genieyang (, 03/25/2017 21:42:54
tbjtb31019: 一起期待10周年吧~ 03/25 22:08
PatriviaOops: 推推小太陽~完全貓奴啊XD 03/25 22:13
etigba009: 英文... 03/25 22:41
整理完才知道Sunny是這麼怕生的孩子 因為擔心翻成中文沒辦法完整表達語意 所以就只做整理 重點內容用顏色另外標示 ※ 編輯: genieyang (, 03/25/2017 22:50:19
Riemann: 謝謝翻譯 今天有在誠品買到這本 正想知道韓文內容是啥 03/25 23:03