看板 SNSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
tiffanyyoungofficial 這個秋天 冬天, 和H&M一起 [情書] 我們9月27日在蠶室樂天購物中心見喔! See you soon @hm [兩顆心] . . Celebrating the launch of my global campaign & new single “Teach You” with H&M KOREA on 9/27 ALSO join me at the HOLLYWOOD H&M sunset take over on 10/3 [棕櫚樹][閃光] #hm #hmlovesmusic #teachyou 翻譯:@jin39_ss https://www.instagram.com/p/BoBvUQqg-ui/ https://i.imgur.com/TNKUJxn.jpg
tiffanyyoungofficial Instagram Story 1.https://goo.gl/rd8GwY https://youtu.be/kBOP2E7aCns
THANKYOU THALLAND [兩顆心] #TIFFANYYOUNGFANMEETINGTOURBKK 2.https://goo.gl/cx5jgo https://youtu.be/1HnQ28hdv7E
#TIFFANYYOUNGFANMEETINGTOURBKK 3.https://goo.gl/XPWu11 https://youtu.be/wR1cDaend_I
until next time #TIFFANYYOUNGFANMEETINGTOURBKK 4.https://i.imgur.com/RTIVF5o.jpg
THANKYOU THALLAND [不斷增長的愛心] @transparentfeed @tonykfilms new video up for you 5.https://goo.gl/XBMt9K https://youtu.be/4yb5656HYqQ
6.https://goo.gl/EiWH4g https://youtu.be/OU2LKHcMadM
☁[閃光]☁[閃光]☁ 7.https://goo.gl/232KMY https://youtu.be/OgT5-DLJoAE
@hm #hm #hmlovemusic [閃光] 8.https://i.imgur.com/R12fSlQ.jpg
@hm #hm #hmlovemusic [閃光] 9.https://goo.gl/ijQLh3 https://youtu.be/Z--Bg2dmKiM
how i really feel rn because i get to see you tomorrow [喜極而泣的臉] 10.https://goo.gl/ssjX5C https://youtu.be/eckbPh9ZvYg
BTW. cant forget HAPPY HYO DAY 9/22 @watasiwahyo 11.https://goo.gl/cXcRs6 https://youtu.be/wOZUff5EJeA
oldies but goodies 12.https://i.imgur.com/4NabGSo.jpg
i love you so much [兩顆心] ========= Tiffanyyoungofficial Celebrating the global campaign with @hm and the release of “Teach You” in LA on 10/3! Here’s the event info [圖釘][情書] Oct 3rd, from 6pm - 8pm Location: H&M Sunset Blvd 8580 Sunset Blvd, LA http://hm.info/1bsgv https://www.facebook.com/657392937718133/posts/860492260741532/ https://i.imgur.com/iTNnEg3.jpg
========= Tiffany Young Official THANK YOU THAILAND https://youtu.be/lG_nX-5WeRY
【黃美英吧中字】 https://goo.gl/TevBGj cr.黄美英吧 https://goo.gl/GHSiyC 翻譯:Yy_Ricyel 打軸壓制:park -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SNSD/M.1537637452.A.8BA.html
genieyang: 晚點見~ 09/23 13:00