看板 SNSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
tiffanyyoungofficial the return to the city I was born in. I literally broke down on stage in ugly tears, but it felt so beautiful and free. you make me feel like the woman I want to be on stage. I have a ton of #lipsonlips showcase tour memories in my phone , will look for more to post through the week before my quick trip to korea to visit you [眼冒愛心的笑臉][綁上緞帶的愛心] #lipsonlips https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNbM7uF8gf/ https://i.imgur.com/aM0T8KQ.jpg
tiffanyyoungofficial Instagram Story 1.https://i.imgur.com/IkDOxwp.jpg
@enews [Partying face][閃亮的心][皇冠] ========= @tiffanyyoung [舉雙手慶祝的人][微笑的臉] 9GAG @9GAG https://i.imgur.com/JtcNJ3B.png
https://twitter.com/tiffanyyoung/status/1108047202692169728 @tiffanyyoung 轉推 PeopleTV @peopletv K-Pop Star @tiffanyyoung Dishes on Dating History: 'I Was Ambitious' #PeopleNow https://Live.twitter.com/peoplenow https://twitter.com/people/status/1108020308248682504 @tiffanyyoung 轉推 Crystal Bell @crystalbell I've been on quite a journey with @tiffanyyoung these past few months. Here's a look at a woman and artist now fully in control of her own narrative. https://on.mtv.com/2ul21fY https://twitter.com/crystalbell/status/1108082873490440194 @tiffanyyoung 轉推 MTV NEWS @MTVNEWS .@tiffanyyoung on owning her narrative, and its reflection in her new EP: “ You have to be able to see past the pain, and I got to do that. Music has always been that for me” https://on.mtv.com/2ul21fY https://twitter.com/MTVNEWS/status/1108090261727600642 @tiffanyyoung HI. [帶著兔子耳朵的女人] @MTVNEWS https://twitter.com/tiffanyyoung/status/1108137515335081984 https://i.imgur.com/hddSElo.jpg
========= ELLE TAIWAN ELLE 3月封面人物 | TIFFANY 唸詩給你聽! https://youtu.be/v5P_ewYo2fc
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