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各位版友,請教一個問題 it is ___ first time i've encountered the situation of my hotel having no wat er or electricity in the hotel. a)the b)x 我選a,the first 不是綁在一起的嗎? 但答案是b,求解~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ST-English/M.1461391136.A.122.html
kissinwang: 我的推論 the 是有限定~的意思 但是我不是英文專長 09/12 02:33
kissinwang: 好像沒寫完整 大家看不懂 從文意上看並無限定之義! 09/14 05:58
Colop: a is the correct answer to your question :) 09/16 07:31
sshyu954: a is the correct answer 09/28 21:40
kesenwang: "The" 是對的可是 "It is (the) first time I've encou 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: ntered the situation of my hotel.. " sounds really 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: weird. Usually we say something along the lines of 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: "That was the first time I've ever encountered a ho 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: tel without water or electricity" because you're ta 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: lking about a past event right? Also you can just 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: say "That was the first time I've ever stayed at a 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: hotel without water or electricity". So out of thos 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: e choices "the" it's a better choice - but it sound 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: s really unnatural with these rest of the sentence 02/10 18:49
kesenwang: and should be past tense. 02/10 18:49