看板 Sagittarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sunday Aug 7 You have put in a lot of hard work lately, and you may be feeling the effects of stress and anxiety. You know you deserve a break, and you may feel that you should celebrate with an indulgence of some kind. Even though it is wise to take some time for yourself and to nurture yourself in whatever way works best for you, Sagittarius, you should be careful that you don't overindulge or choose a wrong path in your search for serenity and rejuvenation. Remain level-headed while you reach for relief. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 最近你已經很辛苦的工作,這可能使你感到壓力與焦慮。你知道你應該有個休息,而 你可能會想用某種形式的放縱去慶祝。 即使你最好能花一些時間給自己並用無論何種對你最好的方式去培養自己,射手,你 應該要注意別讓自己過度放縱或選擇錯誤的方式去尋找寧靜和活力。當你獲得安慰時請不 忘保持頭腦清醒。 .............................................................................. 通常真的放縱就反而更累了XD --
crazytank: 我閉著眼
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sagittarius/M.1470490868.A.9D3.html
tommy666: 壓力焦慮...準 08/06 22:16
bk33: 接近崩潰 08/06 22:57
lily1989: 極度忙碌 08/07 01:11
hanmyname: 這幾天的確很忙呢 8/11出國度假 08/07 06:00
dsaq: 很準!!!! 08/07 10:31
ccayumi102: 好準好準 剛過完各種體力活啊 08/07 18:46