看板 Sagittarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 21 2019 You may soon come to the realization that something you dabble in or see as a hobby happens to be something you are actually quite good at, Sagittarius. Whi le this may have always been something you have enjoyed and something that has always seemed to come easy to you, you may never have taken it very seriously . But whether this revelation comes to you through an observation by someone e lse or from your own sudden recognition of your talent, you may want to consid er that this gift could actually be quite lucrative as well. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope — 你可能很快就會意識到,你曾經有所涉獵,或是當作興趣的事情其實就是你的專長,親愛 的射手。 只是你一直都很樂在其中,而且這件事對你來說總是很容易,所以從未認真看待。 但無論這個意識來自別人的觀察,或你突然發現自己的天賦,你都會想要知道,這樣的禮 物是否如其看來這麼有價值。 — 這篇大概是我翻過最看不懂意思的運勢了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sagittarius/M.1566320194.A.579.html
kukt7211: 推 謝謝 有感~ 08/21 02:11
tomdanny75: 有利可圖就恐怖了 08/21 07:19
還是修一下好了 有利可圖怎麼看怎麼怪XDD ※ 編輯: misa4824 ( 臺灣), 08/21/2019 08:15:37
Keffton: 看到第一句今天又來迷湯我了 :p 08/21 08:31
tomdanny75: 如果可以中個樂透頭獎當禮物是蠻開心的啦 08/21 11:30
hipmyhop: 快要開獎的意思 08/21 12:17
star999: 應該也可以解釋成,興趣原來是天賦,而且其實可以拿來當 08/21 15:02
star999: 飯吃 08/21 15:02
tomdanny75: 覺得大概會知道禮物是什麼了 08/21 20:44