看板 Sagittarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sagittarius horoscope for Sep 13 2019 When a person is drowning, we might expect that they will be flailing their ar ms and screaming at the top of their lungs. But in reality, when someone is dr owning, there is often very little to notice. That's because their lungs are g asping for breath, and their arms are struggling beneath the surface just to s tay afloat. If someone in your life has been conspicuously low-key or acting u nusual in some way, their understated behavior could be the muffled call for h elp. If you sense this today, Sagittarius, reach out. You may be able to provi de words of support that will make a huge difference. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope — 當有人溺水時,大部分人認為他們會揮舞手臂並尖叫呼救。 但現實情況是,當一個人溺水時,往往不太會被注意到。 那是因為他們的肺裡已氣息稀薄,在水下揮動的手臂僅是為了保持漂浮。 若你身邊的某個人看來特別壓抑,或是某種程度上的怪異,他低調的行徑可能正是種微弱 的求救。 若你今天有這種感受,親愛的射手,請伸出援手。 你是有能力給與支持的話語,讓情況產生很大變化的。 — 在這邊跟各位版友說聲抱歉 最近狀況不太好 翻譯常常有一搭沒一搭的發 請各位見諒!我會盡量產出每天的譯文的! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sagittarius/M.1568313674.A.71A.html
misa4824: 話說我覺得自己也是那個需要被伸出援手的人啊QQ09/13 02:41
sway1991: 不要緊的!把自己照顧好才是最重要的:)也謝謝一直以09/13 02:49
sway1991: 來的翻譯,狀況不好的時候就不要勉強自己喔(抱)09/13 02:49
Keffton: 自己溺水中09/13 07:18
Keffton: 狀況不佳 要好好適度安排休息啊 剛好連假是個機會09/13 07:23
k78120209: 能看到misa大翻譯是我們幸運,能好好照顧自己更重要,09/13 09:00
k78120209: 謝謝misa大大09/13 09:00
deankobe: 我也覺得是我溺水耶 09/13 09:50
misha23: 覺得是自己09/13 10:36
smartjim: 我們就是掙扎了半天,然後一隻腳自己好了,然後自己救自09/13 13:15
smartjim: 己的那種人09/13 13:15
maykao: 沒關係 量力而為 期待你的翻譯喔09/13 15:55
謝謝你們的鼓勵 射版真的有夠溫暖QQQQ 雖然覺得很痛苦 但我還是試著去解決問題 今天狀況也有好轉了 你各位啊 溺水沒人救你 就想辦法自己爬起來懂不懂啊(逃 大家也要加油!希望我們都能一起好轉! ※ 編輯: misa4824 ( 臺灣), 09/13/2019 16:57:45
yusiyume: 謝謝里紗:)大家好像都在溺水啊!我們會找到繩子上岸 09/14 11:54
yusiyume: 的~ 09/14 11:54