看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/01 ~01/06/2018 整體運勢 A part of you may wish you were traveling as the new year gets underway. However, a very potent focus on communication and your local environment suggests that you could be kept very busy in your own area. There might be some creative opportunities you can turn your hand to. As the glowing sun aligns with ethereal Neptune, one encounter could prove fated and might even enhance your reputation. You could be feeling bold as the red planet in your sign encourages you onward and upward. 新年伊始,或許有一部份的你期望自己去旅行,但是有一個很有影響力的關於溝通的 重點,以及你本身的環境會顯示出你可能會在你的領域非常忙碌。你會有一些有創意 的機會讓你去把握,當閃耀的太陽遇上縹緲的海王星,有一個經歷原來是命中註定的, 而且可能會讓你的名聲更加響亮。當紅色的行星在你的星座裡鼓勵你向前進和向上攀 升,你可以感覺到無所畏懼。 愛情運勢—單身 You have a special knack for figuring out what really makes people tick, which definitely works to your advantage in the dating world. You can spot a phony or flake from a mile away in the first part of the week! You're very knowledgeable about the topic of discussion over the weekend, which attracts admirers looking for a smart companion. Luckily, you can turn it up or down depending on how you want to come across. 你有一個特別的訣竅,是關於理解是什麼讓人們運作起來,這絕對會在你約會的時候 對你有幫助。本週一開始,你可以發現一場騙局,或是一哩之外的雪花飛來。週末的 時候,你很了解你們討論的主題,這會吸引欣賞你的人來向你尋求美好的陪伴。幸運 的是,你可以接受或拒絕,取決於你想要如何被理解。 愛情運勢—有伴 Your perception at the beginning of the week is uncannily accurate. Your partner wants to know how you know what you know, but you'll never reveal your secrets! Besides, your secretive side is kind of sexy. You're extremely helpful over the weekend, and your partner can benefit from your experience and knowledge. You're also exceptionally humble, and you rarely expect anything in return when you extend a helping hand. 本週一開始,你的洞察力準確的近乎詭異。你的伴侶想要知道你是怎麼學會那些知識 的,但是你絕對不會透露出你的秘密!此外,你那隱藏的一面有點性感。週末的時候, 你絕對會很有幫助,而你的伴侶會受益於你的經驗和知識。你也是特別謙虛有禮的人, 當你伸出援手的時候,你不太會期待任何回報。 工作運勢 This can be an especially productive and satisfying time. What can you do to help recognize the contributions of co-workers? This period is ideal for team meetings or a careful review of what you've already started. It's lucky for research to find work or improve your current job situation. You can easily take the lead in any area that demands excellent customer service or improving the logistics of service delivery. 現在是格外多產和滿足的時刻,你可以做什麼來協助表彰同事的貢獻?對團體會議或 仔細回顧你已經開始做的事情而言,現在正是理想的時間點來完成。現在找工作或是 改善現在的工作環境都會很幸運,你可以輕鬆地在需要絕佳的客服技巧或改善物流的 配送服務的領域居於領導地位。 金錢運勢 Looking at your house of significant relationships, all is well on that front, but it wouldn't hurt to go over shared finances to make sure you're both on the same page with saving and debt repayments. Meanwhile, your communication sector is begging the question, how can you use your communication skills to bring in more money? Writing, in particular, is lucrative. 看看你與一段意義重大的情感關係所共築的家,一切看起來都很好,但是無傷大雅的 是查看共有的財務狀況,以確保你們關於存錢和債務的還款有達成共識。同時,你掌 管溝通的部位正在懇求問題,你可以如何運用溝通技巧來賺更多錢呢?尤其是寫作, 會讓你賺大錢的。 健康運勢 The big cosmic energy for you this week is going to bring feelings and health symptoms to the surface. Don't try to pretend they aren't there. Take note and take action. If you suddenly realize how tense and rundown you've become, take time to reflect on how you can make your life easier and so restore your health. Don't ignore your needs. 本週,宇宙的巨大能量為你帶出感覺與健康的徵兆,試著不要假裝那些不存在,做筆 記然後實際行動。如果你突然了解到你有多緊繃和疲憊,花一點時間來反思要如何讓 人生過得更輕鬆,這會有利於重建你的健康狀態,不要忽略自己的需求。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1514845300.A.CE1.html
G542672: 謝謝 01/02 10:27
sbaopnn: 看到愛情運突然有點傷心 01/02 21:32