看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/03/2018 整體運勢 Romance is very much highlighted today, Scorpio. All the planetary energies indicate that you and your partner are operating on precisely the same wavelength. It's no wonder that the two of you have been getting along so well lately. Perhaps it's time to take the next important step in your relationship. No matter at what stage you are, there is always a a higher plane to aspire to. Begin now and you can be assured that you will both enjoy the altitude. 今天,浪漫的感受會被放大,天蠍。所有行星的能量都顯示出你和你的伴侶是絕對互 相理解的,難怪你們兩人最近相處得很好,或許現在是時候往下一個階段邁進了。不 管你現在在哪個階段,總是會有更好的階段值得你嚮往,現在就開始進行吧,很肯定 的是你們兩人都會享受這個情感的高度。 愛情運勢 You may find life and relationships a little unsettling today, due to the interplay of celestial energies. You generally like to present the nicer side of your nature to your partner (current or prospective), but when you genuinely need to talk about a problem that is bothering you, you don't find this so easy. It would help if you could stop messing around on the surface of life and get a little depth. 今天你可能會覺得生活和情感都讓你感到有點不安,這是因為行星的能量交互作用。 一般來說,你喜歡把自己比較好的那一面呈現給你的伴侶(不管是現在的或未來的), 但是當你平時需要跟伴侶討論一個困擾著你的問題,你又會覺得那並不是很容易。如 果你可以不要把事情阻斷,不要讓一切停留在僅止於表面的混亂,而是讓事情有一些 有深度的討論,這樣才會有所幫助。 工作運勢 The bubble will burst today and you may find yourself back at square one with a project or goal that is important to you. In short, an unrealistic idea that you have been counting on meets with reality and the situation does not look good. 今天,夢幻的泡泡會破裂,而你可能會發現對自己很重要的計畫或目標回到原點了, 簡言之,你有一個依賴許久的不切實際的想法會與現實背道而馳,而現在的情況看起 來不太妙。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) Looking at your house of significant relationships, all is well on that front, but it wouldn't hurt to go over shared finances to make sure you're both on the same page with saving and debt repayments. Meanwhile, your communication sector is begging the question, how can you use your communication skills to bring in more money? Writing, in particular, is lucrative. 看看你與一段意義重大的情感關係所共築的家,一切看起來都很好,但是無傷大雅的 是查看共有的財務狀況,以確保你們關於存錢和債務的還款有達成共識。同時,你掌 管溝通的部位正在懇求問題,你可以如何運用溝通技巧來賺更多錢呢?尤其是寫作, 會讓你賺大錢的。 健康運勢 Remember it's not the situation that matters, it's how you handle it. Continue to breathe consciously, focusing on your breath when you exercise and when you go to sleep as a way of heightening awareness. What you eat is important, but HOW you put food into your mouth is more important, today. First, make sure the food is appetizing to your body and mind. Next, arrange the food in a pleasing manner before beginning to eat. Center yourself. Eat slowly and enjoy. 記住,問題不在於情況如何影響了你,而是你如何處理影響了你自己。繼續保持有意 識的呼吸,運動的時候,專注在自己的呼吸,而睡覺則是一種提高意識的方式。今天 你吃了什麼很重要,但是你「如何」吃下肚更重要。首先,確保食物對你的身體和心 靈產生好的刺激,接下來,開吃之前,把食物擺放得好看一點,讓自己開心。專注在 自己身上,慢慢吃,並且好好享受。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1514971476.A.7ED.html
G542672: 謝謝 01/03 17:35