看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/05/2018 整體運勢 Generally, you tend to be rather ingenious where work is concerned, Scorpio, but today you may feel that the fountain of innovation has totally dried up. No matter how hard you try, you probably won't be able to muster any new ideas whatsoever. Chances are your biorhythms are low, and therefore your mind is working at a slower pace than usual. Concentrate on routine tasks today. By tomorrow your ingenuity should be back on track. 整體而言,你會傾向於很巧妙地處理工作事務,天蠍,但是今天你可能會覺得靈感的 泉源完全枯竭了,不論你多努力地嘗試,你很可能會沒辦法聚集任何新的想法。機會 現在並不屬於你,因此,你的心靈正在以比平時更慢的步調運作。今天要專注在日常 的任務之中,明天你的巧思就會回來了。 愛情運勢 This would be the ideal time to host a party and invite along friends and acquaintances, both old and new. Although there will probably not be a great deal of passion involved, there could very well be a lot of romance and some extremely skillful flirting going on; and what is more, you will probably love every minute of it. 這會是一個辦派對的理想時刻,邀請朋友和認識的人來吧,不管是新人或舊人。雖然 很可能不會有太多熱情,但是會發生很浪漫、很高招的打情罵俏,此外,你很可能會 愛上這一切,享受每一分每一秒的調情。 工作運勢 Make sure that you are in control of your work instead of allowing your work to take control of you. Are you consciously working toward a greater career goal, or are you simply going through the motions of a daily job to pay the bills? You decide. 確保自己掌握工作的狀況,而不是讓工作掌控了你。你是否有意識地往更遠大的職涯 目標邁進?或者你只是隨著每天工作的狀態來繳清各種帳單?你自己決定吧。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) Looking at your house of significant relationships, all is well on that front, but it wouldn't hurt to go over shared finances to make sure you're both on the same page with saving and debt repayments. Meanwhile, your communication sector is begging the question, how can you use your communication skills to bring in more money? Writing, in particular, is lucrative. 看看你與一段意義重大的情感關係所共築的家,一切看起來都很好,但是無傷大雅的 是查看共有的財務狀況,以確保你們關於存錢和債務的還款有達成共識。同時,你掌 管溝通的部位正在懇求問題,你可以如何運用溝通技巧來賺更多錢呢?尤其是寫作, 會讓你賺大錢的。 健康運勢 The planetary configuration that is forming today will strengthen your psychic abilities. There is wisdom in cultivating these abilities, and that often means not acting on them right away. To help with the cultivation process, bring yourself into a centered place and make room inside yourself to house your intuitive energies. Getting to a yoga class is highly recommended, although be careful in choosing which class. It needs to be about your own focus and concentration. Choose a class that isn't too crowded. 今天形成的星象會加強你的超自然能力,要培養這種能力是很講求智慧的,而這常常 是指不要對他們有所作為。為了協助培養過程可以順利進行,把自己專注在一個點, 騰出空間來儲存你的直覺力。強烈建議你去上一堂瑜珈課,但是要注意選擇課程,課 程必須是關於你自己的焦點和重心,選一堂不會太擁擠的課程吧。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515065843.A.5CA.html
G542672: 發現這陣子的健康運勢,一直要我們上瑜珈欸XDD 01/04 20:41
khaos: 明天集團尾牙 哈哈 01/04 20:47
sc6791948: 上瑜伽伸展真的很舒服~我也是生病後開始學才體會到 01/05 09:16