看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/08 ~ 01/14/2018 整體運勢 You could be on a personal mission over the days ahead, and this might show through your dedication and determination to turn an idea into reality. It might seem as though you need to be very persuasive to convince others to join you, but this might not be necessary at all. Your sheer enthusiasm might be what encourages others to come on board. What results from this could bring positive outcomes that truly benefit everyone. And with feisty Mars in your sign aligning with expansive Jupiter, anything is possible. 接下來這幾天,你有個自己的任務要完成,這可能透過你的貢獻和決心而把想法實際 化的過程顯示出來。似乎是你必須非常有說服力,才能說服別人加入你的行列,但這 可能完全不必要,你那純粹的熱忱可能就是鼓勵他人加入的緣由。而這可以帶來積極 的結果,並且對大家都有好處。好勝的火星正在你的星座裡,與熱情的木星合相,所 有事情都有可能發生。 愛情運勢—單身 If love is a two-way street, why do you feel like you're at a dead-end? You're the first to admit you aren't where you want to be, but the map to romance shows you're within walking distance to a better destination. You feel the pull between going out with friends and staying in at week's end, but comfort prevails. There's nothing wrong with spending a Friday or Saturday night reading a book or watching your favorite TV show. 如果愛情就在兩條街之外,為什麼你會覺得自己困在死胡同裡呢?你是第一個承認你 不想處在這個情境的人,但是通往愛情的地圖顯示出你離更好的終點只有幾步之遙。 週末的時候,你會在跟朋友出門和窩在家裡之間搖擺不定,不過舒適會獲勝,週五或 週六晚上讀點書或是看最喜歡的電視節目並沒有錯。 愛情運勢—有伴 Love is an endless give and take, and you're feeling some pressure to hold up your end of the bargain at the start of the week. What has you preoccupied? Because normally it doesn't take this much prompting to make you do the right thing. You like to solve things on your own, but reading love blogs and advice columns can help with a problem over the weekend. Let go of your pride and admit you need some help just this once. 愛情是無止盡地給予和收穫,本週一開始,你正在感受到一些阻礙最終協議的壓力。 你過去全神貫注投入的是為了什麼?因為按照往例,並不需要這麼多的刺激來讓你完 成正確的事。你喜歡自己解決事情,但是閱讀關於情感的部落格和建議專欄會幫助你 在週末的時候解決一個問題。放下自己的驕傲,並且承認自己需要一些幫助,哪怕就 只是這麼一次也好。 工作運勢 You may think that people wouldn't like or support you if they knew your faults. This can cause you to withdraw or make wrong assumptions. Make a resolution to stop these thoughts. You have strengths. Self-confidence will help you be more content and effective. You may help others but not meet your own needs. Do what you can to find job-related health benefits. You may pretend things are less difficult than they are. 如果別人知道了你犯的錯,你可能會認為別人就不會喜歡或是支持你,這可能會導致 你想退出或是做出錯誤的假設,下定決心來終止這些想法吧。你擁有力量,自信心將 會幫助你,讓你更加滿意和有效率。你可能會幫助其他人,但是卻沒有符合自己的需 求。盡你所能地去找出跟工作相關的健康的好處。你可能會假裝事情比實際狀況還要 簡單。 金錢運勢 You have energy in your house of work. This makes it easer to get through long days if you've been getting tired, or power through tough presentations, meetings, or paperwork. Mete out your reserves throughout the day so you don't blow it all before lunch. You may not have the power to completely change your situation yet, but you can make it a lot better than it has been lately. Persevere. 在工作的領域中,你是很有能量的,如果你已經很倦了,這會讓你更容易撐過這個漫 漫長日,或是有動力完成困難的簡報、會議或紙本報告。給自己一些儲備糧食,這樣 你才不會在午餐前餓昏頭。現在你可能還沒有力氣完全改變自己的狀況,但你最近可 以改善很多的,堅持下去吧。 健康運勢 You may be wondering what you can do to feel better. It may help to take a look at your diet and determine if you're eating in the best way possible for your health. Your feelings have a close relationship with your food. Keep a diary of what you eat and how you feel when you eat it. You may be surprised at what you find out. 你可能會很好奇要怎麼做才能讓自己過得更好,這樣做可能會對你有幫助:檢視自己 的飲食狀況,然後決定你吃進去的是不是對身體健康最好的。你的感受跟你吃的食物 密切相關,每天寫日記,記錄你吃了什麼,還有你吃下去的時候是什麼感覺,你可能 會被結果嚇一跳喔。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515417960.A.357.html
G542672: 謝謝 01/08 22:32
rockbye: 推 01/09 13:34
paipipi0123: 感謝 01/09 20:39