看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2018年1月整體運勢 Happy New Year! Declare your independence and claim more personal space and time under the full moon on January 1. Friends and family have plenty of good plans, but your world will get bigger and richer when you focus on yourself. Friends and neighbors may distract you at the new moon on the sixteenth. Enjoy the social contact and don't worry about draining your energy. You have plenty of that now. On January 31, a second full moon ( and a lunar eclipse) could present you with a career opportunity that is fated to improve your standing and reputation. Look beyond your immediate self-doubts and do what's right. 新年快樂!在1月1日的滿月,宣告你的獨立性和要求更多個人空間跟時間吧。朋友和 家人有很多好的計畫,但是當你把重心放在自己身上的時候,你的世界會更加強大及 富裕。16日的新月,朋友和鄰居可能會讓你分心,享受社交的互動吧,不要擔心這會 耗盡你的能量,現在你正擁有大量的能量。1月31日會有第二個滿月(以及月蝕),會 顯示出你有一個命中註定的工作機會,進而改善你的地位和名聲。不要在意目前對自 己的質疑,儘管去做你認為是對的事吧。 愛情運勢—單身 There's a familiar energy emanating from the full Cancer moon on January 1, almost as if you've been here before. Your sense of intuition is high. Use it for healing and transformational purposes. Mercury spends time in responsible Capricorn on the eleventh, and your own sense of morality merges well with this combo. Let's just put it this way: You aren't the type to say you'll call when you have no intention of doing so. Mars says goodbye to your sign with some regret on January 26, but Sagittarius has its own positive effects on the powerful planet. You work hard but play harder. 1月1日的巨蟹座滿月散發出一股熟悉的能量,幾乎就像是你曾經經歷過一樣。你的直 覺能力相當強,把它運用在療癒和轉變吧。水星在11日的時候進駐有責任感的魔羯座, 你的道德感將會良好地與之融合。這樣說好了:你不是那種當你不知道為什麼要那樣 做的時候就會尋求協助的人。火星在26日帶著遺憾離開你的星座,但是射手座做為一 顆強而有力的行星,他有他自己的正面影響力。你會努力工作,然後更努力地去玩樂 享受。 愛情運勢—有伴 You identify with the deep emotional energy of the full Cancer moon on January 1. Luckily, your partner probably knows by now to give you some space when you're in "one of your moods." When Mercury spends time in precise Capricorn on the eleventh, your expectations about communication increase. Try to give your partner a little leeway, however. Waiting a few minutes before he or she texts you back isn't really an unforgivable offense. Mars leaves your intense realm for the adventure of playful Sagittarius on January 26, so get ready for some fun. You remember how to have some of that, right?! 1月1日的巨蟹座滿月使你感受到深層情緒的能量,幸運的是你的伴侶很可能現在就知 道當你正處於「你的某一種情緒之中」的時候,要懂得給你空。當水星在11日進駐嚴 格的魔羯座,你對於溝通的期望會增加,然而,你必須試著給你的伴侶一些空間。在 他或她回覆你的訊息的時候,等個幾分鐘,這樣做不是一種無法原諒的過錯。火星在 26日離開你那熱情的星座,而愛玩的射手座會接著展開新的旅程,所以準備好迎接一 些樂趣吧。你記得如何玩得愉快的,對吧?! 工作運勢 On January 1, you'll pass a professional test with flying colors when the full moon rises in your educational sector. After working hard to acquire valuable skills, you'll get a chance to put your expert knowledge to use. On January 9, the confident sun meets with Pluto, your ruling planet, in your third house of communication. Take this golden opportunity to speak truth to power. The new moon on January 16 is ideal for launching a promotional campaign, job search, or professional website. On January 31, the lunar eclipse could prompt you to leave a career path that is no longer working for you. 1月1日這天,當滿月在你的教育宮位升起,你將會成功地通過一個工作的考驗。努力 工作而獲得了珍貴的技術之後,你將會得到一個可以實際運用你的專業知識的機會。 1月9日,有信心的太陽與冥王星相遇,冥王星是掌管天蠍座的行星,在你的第三宮: 溝通宮位,把握這個絕佳的機會,勇敢說出真相。1月16日的新月適合提出升職的想法、 找工作或推行工作的網站。1月21日的月蝕可以激勵你離開那個再也對你沒有幫助的職 位。 金錢運勢 You have energy in your house of work. This makes it easer to get through long days if you've been getting tired, or power through tough presentations, meetings, or paperwork. Mete out your reserves throughout the day so you don't blow it all before lunch. You may not have the power to completely change your situation yet, but you can make it a lot better than it has been lately. Persevere. 在工作的領域中,你是很有能量的,如果你已經很倦了,這會讓你更容易撐過這個漫 漫長日,或是有動力完成困難的簡報、會議或紙本報告。給自己一些儲備糧食,這樣 你才不會在午餐前餓昏頭。現在你可能還沒有力氣完全改變自己的狀況,但你最近可 以改善很多的,堅持下去吧。 健康運勢 Electric Uranus turns direct in your health and wellness sector on January 2, which can have a positive effect on you. You might find it easier to stick to your health routines, which can leave you feeling much better in yourself. There is also less likelihood that your efforts will be disrupted the way they may have been over recent months and which made it difficult to get back on track. With expansive Jupiter and feisty Mars in your sign for much of January, your vitality remains high. Bolster your immune system by exercising daily and taking relevant supplements to help ward off coughs and colds. 1月2日,擁有強大磁場的天王星順行會對你有很積極正面的影響,他為你指導了健康 與實現健康的過程。你可能會發現堅持你的日常健康程序比較輕鬆,這會讓你對自己 的感覺更加良好。也有比較小的可能性是你過去幾個月的努力會被中途破壞,導致很 難回到正軌。一月會有擴張的木星和活躍的火星在你的星座裡,你的活力會持續高昂。 透過每天運動和攝取相關的營養品來支撐你的免疫系統,以及協助防止咳嗽和感冒。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515523493.A.AEF.html
G542672: 謝謝 01/10 04:07
adolph13: 每天都期待 01/10 21:37