看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/12/2018 整體運勢 Recent successes in your career might inspire you to throw a celebration of some kind with a few close friends, Scorpio. You're feeling especially positive and particularly charming at this time, and your confidence is likely to contribute to a new sense of closeness to those around you. Love and romance should also go very well. You've worked hard and it's time to reward yourself. Have a successful day and an enjoyable evening. 最近你在工作上的成就可能會激起你邀請一些好友來參加慶功宴的想法,天蠍。在這 個時刻,你正擁有著到格外積極正面和特別迷人的感覺,而你的信心很可能會幫助你 身邊的人對你產生新的親近感。愛情與浪漫也應該發展得很順利,你已經努力了這麼 久,現在是時候獎勵自己了。祝你擁有成功的一天和快樂有趣的夜晚。 愛情運勢 This is a day when conversation becomes the way to build bridges between you and the person of your dreams. The energy radiating from the day's aspect enlivens your mental faculties so that you feel confident in initiating a discussion with that special person. Once you start to communicate, you will be surprised at just how much you have in common, and how much you really want to deepen the bond between you. 溝通是連結你和你夢中的那個人的一種方式,而今天正好適合這樣做。今天行星散發 出來的能量會使你的精神的機能活躍起來,因此,你會對跟一個特別的人開啟對話感 到有信心。一旦你開始溝通,你將會驚訝於你們有這麼多共通點,以及你們有多想要 加深彼此之間的連結。 工作運勢 You may catch yourself daydreaming instead of working today, but this is fine. The truth is that you are likely to find more answers in your daydreams than you will find in reality. Don't be afraid to stare into the clouds for the solutions you seek. 今天你可能會陷入白日夢之中,而沒有專心工作,但是沒關係,事實是你很可能會從 你的白日夢之中找到現實生活的答案。不要害怕凝視你在尋找的解決辦法的那團謎雲。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) You have energy in your house of work. This makes it easer to get through long days if you've been getting tired, or power through tough presentations, meetings, or paperwork. Mete out your reserves throughout the day so you don't blow it all before lunch. You may not have the power to completely change your situation yet, but you can make it a lot better than it has been lately. Persevere. 在工作的領域中,你是很有能量的,如果你已經很倦了,這會讓你更容易撐過這個漫 漫長日,或是有動力完成困難的簡報、會議或紙本報告。給自己一些儲備糧食,這樣 你才不會在午餐前餓昏頭。現在你可能還沒有力氣完全改變自己的狀況,但你最近可 以改善很多的,堅持下去吧。 健康運勢 If you find balancing many possibilities an exhausting and pointless exercise, consider changing your point of view and focusing that energy to your benefit. Try alternating as many different outlets as you can in your workout routine: swim one day, run another, and take a challenging yoga class in between to stretch and strengthen your muscles. Or try martial arts to keep yourself alert and fit. Remember to drink plenty of water in order to secure your inner source of productivity. 如果你覺得在許多可能性之中取得平衡是一種讓你筋疲力盡和沒有意義的練習,那麼 想想看改變自己的看法,以及專注在那個對你有益的能量。試著在你的日常健身程序 中輪流替換越多的發洩途徑越好:一天游泳、另一天跑步、上一堂有挑戰性的瑜伽課 來伸展和加強你的肌肉。或是試試看武術,讓自己保持靈活與強健的體魄。記得要為 你內在的生產力的來源而喝大量的水。 --------------------- 揪團告白囉(?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515719367.A.AE2.html
KEMP2118: 揪一個 01/12 09:42
G542672: 謝謝 ~ 01/12 11:28
b0690117: 剛被甩有機會復合嗎? 囧 01/12 14:24
peterhou8: 我也被甩了哈哈 01/12 17:45
konso: 今天跟暗戀的人出去真的氣氛很好 01/12 20:18
fabledqqman: 最近不是被已讀不回就是被封鎖 wtf 01/12 20:22
sbaopnn: 最近對愛情呈現隨便不在乎的狀態 01/12 20:28
DukeMonkey: 告白完 結果不意外 不美好 卻如釋重負 我該振作了 01/12 23:21