看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/13/2018 整體運勢 A strange communication could come from a person who doesn't leave a name and whose voice you don't recognize, Scorpio. It might, however, sound important and therefore could bother you throughout the afternoon. How can you return a call when you don't know who the person is? Don't make yourself crazy. This isn't worth agonizing over. If it's important, the person will call back. Remember that as you move through the day. 你可能會收到一段奇怪的對話,那個人沒有留下他的名字,而你也認不出他的聲音, 天蠍。然而,這可能聽起來很重要,因此你整個下午都會感到困擾。當你不知道打來 的人是誰,那要怎麼回撥呢?不要把自己逼瘋了,這不值得讓你那麼煩惱。記住,如 果這很重要的話,那個人會再打給你的,好好過日子吧。 愛情運勢 Things may seem to be progressing rather slowly, or even have come to a halt concerning one particular relationship, and the celestial configuration isn't really helping. Even if you want to make some kind of conciliatory move, your partner (current or prospective) is not in the right frame of mind. It may be better to take some time out, think things through, and allow some answers to suggest themselves. 你們可能會進展得相當緩慢,或者甚至考慮結束一段特別的情感關係,而且今天的星 象對你們不是很有幫助。即使你想要做一些和解的舉動,你的伴侶(不管是現在的或 未來的)現在並不是處於良好的心智狀態之中。比較好的做法是花一些時間出門走走, 深思熟慮整件事情,並且讓答案不證自明。 工作運勢 Someone will to try to talk you into a new scheme today. Your first reaction will be to rebel against it and insist that an older approach is best. Be careful of jumping too hastily to this conclusion. Consider something new and you will be rewarded. 今天某個人會試著說服你去做一個新的計劃案,而你的第一反應將會是反抗,然後堅 持原本的方式才是最好的。注意,不要太匆促地跳到結論,深思熟慮那個新的事物, 你會有所回報的。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) You have energy in your house of work. This makes it easer to get through long days if you've been getting tired, or power through tough presentations, meetings, or paperwork. Mete out your reserves throughout the day so you don't blow it all before lunch. You may not have the power to completely change your situation yet, but you can make it a lot better than it has been lately. Persevere. 在工作的領域中,你是很有能量的,如果你已經很倦了,這會讓你更容易撐過這個漫 漫長日,或是有動力完成困難的簡報、會議或紙本報告。給自己一些儲備糧食,這樣 你才不會在午餐前餓昏頭。現在你可能還沒有力氣完全改變自己的狀況,但你最近可 以改善很多的,堅持下去吧。 健康運勢 Today's planetary alignment gives you the freedom to take your feelings seriously, without being tricked by the "serious expectations" you may put on yourself at other times of the month. What does expanding your horizons mean to you? It might be time to find out - or, if you know what gives you a boost, go ahead and ask for it! Even something as humble as a walk on the beach with your dog (or a friend, or a friend's dog!) could be the answer to opening up to your true feelings. 今天的星象賦予你慎重看待自己的感受的自由,而不會像在本月份的其他時間,被你 可能加諸在自己身上的「嚴肅的期待」所矇騙。對你來說,拓展視野是什麼意思呢? 這可能需要時間來驗證,或者如果你知道什麼可以激勵你,那就去做吧,並且勇敢地 爭取!即使某件事情很微小,像是跟自己的狗狗一起去海灘散步(或是跟朋友或者是 朋友的狗狗!)都可以是讓你真實的感受顯現出來的答案。 --------------------------------------- 昨天建議告白,今天說分手,好幽默喔! -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515760948.A.372.html
cloki: 平淡是福... 01/12 22:00
marrylamb: 每天在坐雲霄飛車XD 01/13 00:51