看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/14/2018 整體運勢 Visitors to your home today might engage you in discussions of innovative ways to increase your income, Scorpio. This may either be through the use of computers or through other forms of modern technology. You might find that you have a talent for such activity that you never realized before. You also might be enticed into going to a meeting or lecture on the subject. Open up your mind, but don't put your money where your mouth is yet. 今天,來到你家的訪客可能會讓你加入一個關於創新的方式來增加你的收入的討論, 天蠍。這可能是透過使用電腦或是其他形式的現代科技,你可能會發現在這方面,你 有著以前從來沒想過的才華。你也可能被引誘去參加一場跟工作專案有關的會議或講 座,保持開放的心胸,但是不要說大話,付諸行動吧。 愛情運勢 You may decide to stay in bed today, rather than have to get up and face the music. Although you dislike any sort of conflict, you would do better to wade in and begin to sort out the mess. If you can try and see the problem from your partner (current or prospective)'s perspective, you will be able to find it easier to make amends. You'll need to call on all your communication skills. 今天你可能會決定窩在床上,而不是起床和面對現實。雖然你不喜歡任何形式的衝突, 但是你會越來越好地努力完成,並且開始解決這一團混亂。如果你可以試著看清楚伴 侶(不管是現在的或未來的)的觀點的問題,你將可以發現賠罪容易多了,你將會需 要號召所有的溝通技巧來完成這一切。 工作運勢 Strong-willed people may stand in your way today. Do your best to avoid them altogether. Their thinking is not along the same lines as yours. Communication with these types of people is only going to complicate matters instead of clarifying them. 今天可能會有意志堅定的人群阻擋在你面前,盡你所能地避開這些人。他們的思考模 式跟你不同,跟這些類型的人溝通只會讓事情變得更複雜,而不會解決事情。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) You have energy in your house of work. This makes it easer to get through long days if you've been getting tired, or power through tough presentations, meetings, or paperwork. Mete out your reserves throughout the day so you don't blow it all before lunch. You may not have the power to completely change your situation yet, but you can make it a lot better than it has been lately. Persevere. 在工作的領域中,你是很有能量的,如果你已經很倦了,這會讓你更容易撐過這個漫 漫長日,或是有動力完成困難的簡報、會議或紙本報告。給自己一些儲備糧食,這樣 你才不會在午餐前餓昏頭。現在你可能還沒有力氣完全改變自己的狀況,但你最近可 以改善很多的,堅持下去吧。 健康運勢 Today's energy is all about knowing what you need in your life in terms of structure, and then abiding by this in the most original and true-to-form manner possible. For instance, if you love ice-cream and yet hate what it does to your body, it is paramount that you develop a love of Tofutti or some other, less troubling, substitute. If you do not take the initiative, something else will: your cholesterol level, for example! 今天的能量全部都是關於學習在整個人生架構中,什麼是你需要的,然後盡可能以最 原始和一如往常的方式去遵守。舉例來說,如果你喜歡的冰淇淋是對你的身體有負面 影響的,首先你該做的是試著喜歡豆腐凍或其他比較不會造成困擾的替代品。如果你 沒有主動處理的話,其他事情會的:例如你的膽固醇指數! -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1515905007.A.06D.html
G542672: 謝謝 01/14 17:06
hamilton: 感謝K大分享! 01/15 06:30