看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/15 ~ 01/21/2018 整體運勢 Your mind may be working overtime, but this could be the reason that so many opportunities are now showing up for you. One could become a priority when benevolent Jupiter aligns with potent Pluto in your sector of communication this week. The new moon in this same zone encourages you to share your plans with others to get the support you need. However, the focus shifts to home and family affairs on January 17. It's time to indulge in some self-care and pampering. 你的腦袋可能已經超時運轉了,但是這可以是許多機會來到你面前的原因。本週,當 和藹可親的木星與強勢的冥王星在你的溝通宮位形成合相的時候,其中一個機會有望 成為你的的優先選擇,新月同樣落在這個宮位,會鼓勵你向其他人說出你的計畫,以 利取得你需要的支持。然而,焦點會在1月17日轉換到家與家庭事件,現在是時候讓自 己享受一些自我照護與放縱。 愛情運勢—單身 You're very sure of yourself, so it's intriguing when someone doesn't respond to your sexiness at the start of the week. Perhaps they're already taken or they're just not that into you. Possible? Yes. Probable? No. Get to the bottom of it so you can sleep at night! You're determined to uncover someone's secrets at the end of the week, but be prepared to be surprised. You have good hunches, but they aren't always accurate. 你對自己很有信心,所以在本週剛開始的時候,某人對你的性感興趣缺缺,那就有趣 了。或許他們已經不是單身了,或者他們只是對你沒有太大興趣。有可能嗎?是的, 你相信嗎?不,你並不相信。弄清楚真相,否則你晚上會睡不著的!這週要結束的時 候,你會下定決心要揭發某個人的秘密,但是準備好接受驚喜吧,你擁有良好的直覺, 但是它們並不總是正確的。 愛情運勢—有伴 Your confidence makes you a wonderful lover in the first part of the week. Even if you don't get a lot of one-on-one time, you make what you do get count. Like most of your sign, you've always been much more about quality than quantity. Your resourcefulness is one of your best assets at the end of the week, and you can learn almost anything about anyone. Is your partner hiding something? You're about to find out. 本週剛開始的時候,你的自信使你成為一個美好的戀人,即便你們沒有太多單獨相處 的時間,你們也會讓你們所做的一切有所回報。就像大部分的天蠍座一樣,你總是重 質不重量。週末,你的足智多謀是你最好的條件之一,而你幾乎可以從任何人身上學 到任何東西。你的伴侶是不是隱瞞著什麼呢?你會發現的。 工作運勢 Caution and foresight will help you make a more conscious effort to improve your job prospects. You build a better future under this influence if you don't obsess about what you fear most. Use your imagination to focus on what could be rather than what is. You will shine as well as discover real satisfaction by volunteering your time or assisting others. Your greatest strength lies in making the boss look good. 小心謹慎與先見之明將會幫助你改善你的工作前景,在這個影響之下,你會建立一個 更美好的未來,前提是你沒有被你最害怕的事物纏住。運用你的想像力,聚焦在事情 可以如何可能,而不是事情原本的樣貌。你會成功的,也會透過付出自己的時間或幫 助他人而發現真正的滿足。你最偉大的力量就在於讓老闆看起來很體面。 金錢運勢 This week you may want to make some home improvements or even get into the real estate market. Before you decide to become a professional home flipper, weigh the pros and cons of this type of investment. Wanting to assert your will could make you overly confident when it comes to negotiating. Make sure you have all the facts, even if it takes time to research potential purchases. 這週你可能會想要修繕家裡,或者甚至想要買房,在決定成為專業的炒房者之前,你 必須評估這種投資方式的優缺點。想堅持自己的主張會讓你在協商的時候對自己太有 信心。確保你掌握了所有的事實,即便這會花上許多時間來搜尋潛在的購買物件。 健康運勢 Your partner's health may be in question. Symptoms that had cleared may come back. However, under this influence there's a very good chance of finding a treatment that will eradicate the problem for good. But it may mean that you'll be caring for this person to some extent, whether emotionally, physically, or both. Don't forget to be good to yourself as well. 你的伴侶可能正在評估自己的健康狀況,已經痊癒的症狀可能會復發。然而,在這個 影響之下,其實有一個很好的機會,你們將會找到一種療法來根治這個問題。但是這 可能是指你必須花上一定的心思跟時間來照顧這個人,包括情感層面、身體層面或是 兩者都是,同時也別忘了對自己好一點。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1516072150.A.9A4.html
GFPS: ....感情運不妙!雖然我單身。 01/16 13:47
axd2698123: 感情運........ 01/16 14:10
meilovejane: 感情 01/16 15:01
sbaopnn: 面對非單身的 是也不必弄清楚什麼啦 遑論驚喜了 01/16 19:14
sbaopnn: 是驚嚇吧 01/16 19:15
beastwolf: 感情運令人擔心啊... 01/16 20:47