看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
01/17/2018 整體運勢 Projects of all kinds that you could be working on with partners or friends could go especially smoothly today, Scorpio, as your thinking is especially sharp, clear, and logical. You and your friends are in an especially strong place right now, with trust and respect between you at an all-time high. Social events could bring stimulating discussions and stronger bonds between you and others. Work hard, but enjoy every minute of it. 今天你和伴侶或朋友合作的所有項目都會進行得特別順利,天蠍,因為你的思路格外 敏銳、清晰又有邏輯。你和你的朋友現在正立足於特別強而有力的位置,加上你們之 間的信任與尊重,已然來到史上最高點。社交活動可以帶來激勵人心的討論,以及和 他人之間更強烈的羈絆。努力去做,但是務必要享受過程的每一分每一秒。 愛情運勢 The energy from the planets restores harmony and peace to your love life after what may have been a fraught time. Today you can kiss and make up, do all the things that lovers do, and also just enjoy being together. You could even invite a few couples around for a party, which would come off particularly well, as people are in the mood to relax and have fun. 在經歷過一段憂心忡忡的日子之後,行星的能量修復了你和伴侶之間的和諧與和平。 今天你可以化妝、接吻,做所有情侶會做的事,或者單純享受窩在一起的時光。你甚 至可以邀請一些情侶去參加派對,這個派對將會非常完美,因為人們都處於放鬆的情 緒之中,並且盡情享受。 工作運勢 This is a terrific day for you to ask for a promotion, raise, or any special favor from someone in the workplace. If you are out hunting for a job, you can be sure that all interviews will go extremely well. Anything you want is within your grasp. 今天是個絕佳的日子,適合提出升職、加薪或是來自工作場合中某人的任何特殊請求, 如果你正在找工作,你可以確定所有面試都會近乎完美,任何你想要的都掌握在你手 中。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) This week you may want to make some home improvements or even get into the real estate market. Before you decide to become a professional home flipper, weigh the pros and cons of this type of investment. Wanting to assert your will could make you overly confident when it comes to negotiating. Make sure you have all the facts, even if it takes time to research potential purchases. 這週你可能會想要修繕家裡,或者甚至想要買房,在決定成為專業的炒房者之前,你 必須評估這種投資方式的優缺點。想堅持自己的主張會讓你在協商的時候對自己太有 信心。確保你掌握了所有的事實,即便這會花上許多時間來搜尋潛在的購買物件。 健康運勢 Giving yourself room to do what is right for you may bring up issues of "fitting in with the group." Sometimes what is "right" changes, and you must break with the past. Resistance to change comes from fear that a particular love source will disappear as soon as we shift. Grounding yourself in your own reality through physical exercise is a powerful way to practice meditation without doing anything much out of the ordinary. Remind yourself that self-love is what we need most. 給自己空間做對的事,可能會帶來「融入群體」的問題。有些時候,「對的事」是會 改變的,而你必須和過去做個了斷。反抗改變是因為當我們轉變的時候,我們很害怕 某個特別的情感來源會就此消失。不用特地做什麼特別的,只要透過運動為自己打下 厚實的基礎,這就會是一種練習冥想的很有力的方式。提醒自己,我們最需要的就是 好好愛自己。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1516127648.A.055.html
G542672: 的確是修復了一段關係.. 01/17 06:18
beastwolf: 好, 要好好愛自己 01/17 13:58