看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
It might be best for you today, Scorpio, if you could steer yourself away from the crowds and find a private, comfortable place where you can concentrate. The crowds and social activities might be too distracting, even though a social vibe is more up your alley right now. But if you seek out a space where you can focus solely on what you have to do, you will acclimate quickly, and you'll feel like you are right where you belong. Once you're there, everything should fall perfectly into place. 今天如果你可以讓自己遠離群眾,找一個隱密又舒服的地方,讓你可以專心做自己的 事,天蠍,這樣也許才是對自己最好的選擇。就算此時此刻,你的環境充滿了社交的 氛圍,但是人群和社交活動可能會讓你太過分心。可是如果你找到一個可以讓你獨自 一人專注在你必須做的事的地方,那你很快就會適應和融入,而且你會覺得自己就是 歸屬於那個地方。一旦你到了那裡,一切必然都會按部就班地明朗化。 譯者碎碎念 冬天快到了,歸屬之地就是被窩,該做的事就是冬眠 ( ′ ▽ ` )ノ -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1543248750.A.44D.html
perhapsthen: \冬眠/ 11/27 00:44
G542672: \棉被萬歲/ 11/27 01:10
Neverfor: 圖書館我來了== 11/27 05:17
lizzie20408: 棒 11/27 08:36
happyjwl: 天冷了懶洋洋 11/27 23:30