看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels. The record shows, I took the blows, and did it my way." Those lyrics from a song made famous by Frank Sinatra in 1969 may capture your state of mind this week, Scorpio. You are a fiercely private and very independent individual. You may be feeling very proud right now about something you accomplished against the odds - and you did it on your own. That really is wonderful; but at the same time, don't allow that feeling to dictate the rest of the journey to come. You may actually need some assistance on this, and it could be a beautiful experience if you let someone else in. This week will be special in another way as well. A poignant moment with a significant other could come before the end of this week. This may be a revelation you have been longing to hear. Or, if you are single but hoping to find "the one," this could be a declaration of attraction or even love. Before the end of the week, you may have quite a lot to celebrate. Don't put it off. Crack open a bottle of champagne, or sparkling cider if that's your preference, and drink a toast to yourself. 「什麼是人?人又擁有什麼呢?除了自己,其實一無所有。說出自己最真實的感受吧, 而不是說出那些違背自己本意的話語。時間證明了我經歷過風風雨雨,並且活出了自 己。」這些歌詞是來自著名歌手法蘭克·辛納屈在1969年推出的勵志歌曲,也許在本 週能觸動你的心弦,天蠍。你是極度重視隱私也非常獨立的個體,此時此刻,你可能 對自己完成某件原本沒什麼勝算的事而感到非常驕傲——而且你是獨力完成的。這真 的很棒,可是不要讓那種感覺支配了其餘的旅程。或許你是真的需要一些幫助,如果 你讓其他人介入的話,這也許會是個美好的體驗。 本週也會在其他層面有特別的收穫,也許週末之前,那個重要的人會跟你一起度過美 好的時光。這或許是你一直以來很想聽到的消息。如果你單身,但是想要找到「對的 人」,這個消息可能是戀愛宣言,或者甚至是愛的告白。 週末之前,你可能有非常多要慶祝的事,不要拖延,打開香檳慶祝吧,或是你比較喜 歡氣泡酒也無妨,然後為自己乾杯。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1543803587.A.628.html
may8010: 希望是對的人~ 12/03 14:44
coasttear: 剛被拒絕QQ 12/03 16:06
G542672: 謝謝 12/03 16:16
et252784: 剛分手兩周 12/03 17:16
kkjin: 好想被告白啊…… 12/03 19:09
honga173: 每次看這個心都好煖 謝謝翻譯 12/04 00:13