看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Something you hear or see today could give you the inspiration and soothing comfort you need to work through a difficult situation, dear Scorpio. Up until this point, you may wonder how you will get through this brief phase, but you will. You are stronger and more versatile than you realize, and you always find a way to deal with whatever life throws at you - even if your inspiration and motivation comes at the last minute. So, relax and do not worry - it will all work out in the end. 今天你所聽到或看見的某些東西也許會帶給你靈感,並且讓你減輕壓力、放輕鬆,藉 此撐過困境。親愛的天蠍。在那之前,你可能會納悶自己要怎麼樣挺過這個暫時的階 段,但是你可以的。你比自己認為的還要強壯和靈活,就算你的靈感和動力在最後一 刻才出現,但是你總是能想出辦法應對人生給你的的各種難題。所以放輕鬆吧,別擔 心——最終一切都會好好的。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1547281763.A.6FE.html
G542672: 謝謝! 01/12 16:32
iwasdying: 謝謝! 01/12 18:31
et252784: 謝謝! 01/12 18:38
kkjin: 謝謝! 想要順利挺過 01/12 19:43
edna2017: 謝謝 01/13 01:34
meow1025: 準到哭 01/13 02:51
ccathy2076: 希望能挺過這個過渡期! 01/13 05:58