看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Child psychologists and parenting books will tell you that children need structure. Structure gives children a framework to work within, it outlines expectations, it prioritizes goal-making strategies, it creates a sense of security, and so on. But not surprisingly, not just children do. Adults need structure too, dear Scorpio, and this week, you would benefit from a more structured approach to an endeavor that you have tried thus far. You may be entering into something that requires a great deal of discipline, and creating a structured situation for this will make it so much easier. Be sure to keep both feet on the ground this week as you explore a possible new goal. It may seem quite enthralling and exciting, and you could get carried away by fantasies of what might be possible. But if you want to make a success of this, you will need to approach it logically and with realistic expectations. Be your authentic self as you try to win support for a cause you are championing. You may think that you have to put on airs, but by showing the depth of your passion and your genuine commitment, you will be extremely impressive. 兒童心理學家和親子教養書籍會告訴你小孩需要框架,框架賦予兒童一個發展的結構、 構築出前程與願景、擬定達成目標的策略、創造安全感等。但毫不意外的是不只有兒 童是這樣,大人也需要框架,親愛的天蠍。而本週,你會從不斷嘗試的更穩定的方式 當中得到好處。 你可能正要進入某個嚴格要求你的行為舉止的情境,為此而創造出有條有理的方法將 會讓你輕鬆許多。本週,當你在探索某個新的可能性的時候,務必要確保自己腳踏實 地。這看起來似乎相當吸引人,也很刺激,而你也許會被可能發生的一切所創造出來 的幻象牽著鼻子走。可是如果你想要成功的話,你必須實際一點,並且理智地處理。 當你試圖為自己所擁護的人事物贏得他人的支持的時候,你要做最真實的自己。或許 你會認為自己必須擺出架勢,不過藉由展現出你是多麼地有熱情和真誠地做出承諾, 你的表現將會非常令人驚艷。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1559054843.A.AFF.html
upinair: 謝謝翻譯 05/31 04:23