看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Do you feel there is a place in your life that has felt barren and empty for a long time, dear Scorpio? You may have lost hope that part of your life would ever be filled or restored. But it will be. Today you may begin to see signs that this is not only possible but indeed very likely. Don't allow the thought of this to fill you with fear that you will only get so close, and then it will evaporate. You may be afraid to have high hopes, but you should have the highest hopes. Good things are coming your way. 你會不會覺得生命中有一個部份變得無趣和空虛很久了,親愛的天蠍?或許你不再相 信那個部份會變得充實或豐富,可是會的。今天你也許會開始看見徵兆,讓你知道這 不只是有可能,甚至是非常有可能的。不要認為自己接近了那個機遇卻會撲空,也不 要因為這種消極的想法而感到恐懼。或許你很害怕要抱持高度的期待,但是你應該要 有最強烈的希望,因為美好的事物即將來到你的面前了。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1559937138.A.B1A.html
Missnanako: 推 06/08 10:10
theNBHD: 希望真的會 06/08 10:54
Scherbatsky: 謝謝 06/08 11:27
aggressorX: 越看越害怕 06/08 11:30
jjamy: 期待 06/08 11:46
Sillybao: 不期不待,不受傷害~ 06/08 13:01
shizuna18: 現在就是這個狀況 06/08 16:33
jalll: 抱著希望! 06/08 20:26
ja456: 期待 06/08 20:33
eddieliu: 期待 06/08 21:20