看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may have fond memories of a house you once lived in, a school you attended, or something else from your past that holds particularly emotional nostalgic ties. You may find yourself thinking a lot about that this week, Scorpio, and giving in to long-ago memories may be quite easy to do in the days ahead. Now that you have moved on from whatever it is that is on your mind, other people are in the place you once were. Someone else is living in your old home. New students are sitting in the classroom where you once studied. This may have a profound impact on you, but keep in mind that each of our paths is unique. You have many more wonderful experiences and memories to create. This week, you need to recognize that as your power and live in the moment in a very thoughtful and present way. You may have a heaping plate of obligations thrust on you late in the week. You may worry that you won't be able to get it all done in time to have a fun weekend. This is a great time to call in assistance from people who owe you favors. Don't feel bad about asking for help. 你可能對自己曾住過的地方、讀過的學校或是其他以前特殊的懷舊情感連結有著柔情 的回憶。或許你會發現自己在本週想了很多關於以前的事,天蠍,而接下來的這幾天, 你也許會很容易屈服於久遠的回憶。 不管你心裡懷念的是什麼,現在的你已經向過去說再見了,並且開始新的人生了,不 過其他人還留在過去。有個人還住在你以前住的地方,新的學生坐在你曾經坐的書桌 前,這可能對你有著深遠的影響,但是你要記住,每個人的路途都是獨一無二的,還 有許許多多美好的經歷與回憶等著你創造呢。 本週,你必須體認到當你的力量與生命正以非常周全和重視當下的方式進行著,你可 能有一大堆責任跟義務會在週四過後突然冒出來,或許你會擔心自己沒辦法準時完成 所有事,然後就沒辦法度過愉快的週末。不過這正是向那些欠你一次幫助的人求援的 大好時機,別因為找別人幫忙而覺得不好意思。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1560246363.A.5DC.html
jalll: 感謝翻譯分享~ 06/11 18:40
amy10318: QQ 06/11 22:37
et252784: QQ 06/12 00:21
b73747580: QQ 06/12 10:36