看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The circumstances you are dealing with now in a relationship or with a living situation may not be ideal at the moment. Perhaps you can envision how things could be better in the future, Scorpio, but right now you may be frustrated and ready to give up. Before you do, though, you need to focus for a while on what is good about your present situation. Things will change for the better if you hang in there and resist the urge to give up. You are on the precipice of a positive change. Don't give up. 你正在處理的事—不論是跟感情或家庭有關—現在的狀態可能不是很理想。或許你可 以預見未來會更好,天蠍。但是在此時此刻,你可能覺得很挫折、很沮喪,而且準備 要放棄了。在放棄之前,你必須專注在自己目前的狀態有哪些好事。如果你撐下去, 克制放棄的衝動,事情就會好轉的。你正處於絕處逢生的邊緣,所以千萬別放棄。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1560274725.A.AA7.html
aggressorX: ... 06/12 01:54
side13: 好我不放棄!!QAQ 06/12 02:10
et252784: 大家加油 06/12 03:12
jalll: 美好值得堅持 06/12 08:09
gf1115: 謝謝QQ 06/12 09:45
beastwolf: 撐住! 06/12 10:17
duck2745: 好吧再撐一下 06/12 11:18
shizuna18: 我再撐 06/12 11:39
wanting24: 唉都撐八個月了還要我撐..難怪會胖,宰相肚裡能撐船啊 06/12 11:45
floraaaaaa: 好準!嚇到我了 06/12 11:52
eddieliu: 值得堅持的事 06/12 12:02
sabrinalin: 謝謝QQQQ 06/12 15:27
lp1029: 撐得好累… 06/12 16:04
candyrose: 已經撐半年了... 06/12 17:13