看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may not want to reveal certain aspects of a project you are developing now, Scorpio. You are quite secretive in general, but you may feel especially guarded about this particular endeavor. There may be reasons to keep certain aspects of this top-secret. However, sharing some of your ideas and opening it up for feedback could help you make it as great as possible. This is a good thing to do this week. A lighthearted approach to a conflict you have been experiencing might be the best way to go. Even though this may be a serious matter, there will be a window of opportunity this week to step in in a lighter way and show how much you care. That alone could change the whole tone of the situation. There could be a financial error this week that you have recognized but have put off looking into. But the longer you procrastinate, the bigger this problem could become. So, get on it this week without fail. 你現在可能不想洩漏正在做的事的某些面向,天蠍。你通常是相當會隱藏的人,可是 你或許會對這件事格外有警戒心。保守高度機密也許是有理由的,然而,分享自己的 一些想法,並且開放給其他人回饋意見可以幫助你把事情儘可能地做到最好,而本週 正好適合這樣做。 用輕鬆的方式處理紛爭也許就是最好的方式,就算這可能是一件很嚴肅的事,本週還 是有機會出現一絲曙光,讓你用更輕鬆的方式更進一步,並且表現出你有多在乎,這 樣就可以改變整個情況的基調了。 本週也許會有財務上的疏失,你早就發現了,但是卻一直拖著不處理。不過當你拖延 越久,問題就會越來越大。所以本週就好好處理這件事吧,以免事情變得更糟。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1561519966.A.111.html