看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Have you ever had an experience where everything seems to be falling apart and you held no hope that a good solution would turn up? But then, at the last moment, something happened to put everything in order? The relief would be powerful. You may be feeling hopeless about a current conundrum you are facing, Scorpio. You may be on the verge of giving up entirely, but the universe is watching out for you. This isn't over yet! You may certainly experience that last-minute relief. 你有沒有經歷過好像一切都崩潰了,而你對於良好的解決之道毫無希望,但是在最後 一刻發生了一些事,讓一切恢復原狀呢?鬆一口氣的感覺一定很強烈。你可能正處於 徹底放棄的邊緣,不過整個宇宙正在守護你,一切都還沒結束呢!你或許一定會在最 後一刻大大鬆了一口氣。 --譯者碎碎念-- 最後一句太矛盾了,先說「可能」,接著說「一定」會鬆一口氣,那到底是會不會鬆 一口氣呢??? -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1570107570.A.16D.html
wanting24: 鬆不鬆那口氣都無所謂了;謝謝K大 10/03 21:33
wei76119: 謝謝 10/03 21:42
G542672: 謝謝~ 10/03 22:36
et252784: keep the faith 10/04 00:05