看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Something that you lost quite some time ago may come back to you - or the possibility of getting it back - could happen this week, Scorpio. This may be anything from some property you lost to a relationship that was once important to you. This is also likely something that you have thought about intermittently over time and wondered if this would be possible. But this can only happen if you want it to, so you will have to take whatever steps are available to you. Think about what is truly best for you. Redecorating or renovating your home - or perhaps something as simple as moving the furniture around - may be your mission at some point this week as you recognize a desire to shake things up and find ways to inspire your life. Even a small change of scenery of this kind can make you feel more comforted, more creative, and more inspired. You may want to save this for the weekend when you will have more time to experiment. 本週,你遺失許久的東西可能就快要回到你身邊了—也或許是要失而復得了—天蠍。 這也許是實際的物品,也或許是一段對你來說曾經相當重要的感情,也可能是在過去 那些日子裡時而想之,並且懷疑到底有沒有機會失而復得的東西。不過這只會在你想 要重新拾回的前提下才會成真,所以你必須採取一切可以為你所用的行動,想想看真 正對自己最好的是什麼。 重新裝潢或翻修你家—也或許是簡單如移動傢俱—在本週可能會是你的工作,因為你 意識到自己有一股慾望,想要調整某些事物,並且想辦法激勵自己的人生。就算是稍 微改變佈置的方式,也可以讓你覺得更舒服、更有創造力、更加倍受鼓勵。你也許會 想等到週末再做,因為你將會有更多時間可以進行實驗。 譯者碎碎念 太準啦!今天這麼晚發週運就是因為整理房間,整理了一整天啊~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1570464962.A.BF4.html
MPLeo: 失而復得.. 10/08 01:13
floraaaaaa: 希望如此 10/08 02:13
wanting24: 不期不待不受傷害XD但大概知道是想的完全不一樣的人, 10/08 08:09
wanting24: 大概。 10/08 08:09
G542672: 剛好最近超想重新整頓家具XDDD 10/08 09:26
ocean199010: 推失而復得,但不期不待不受傷害。 10/08 10:57
sbaopnn: I take back my power 10/08 16:34