看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You have been waiting a long time for an answer. A question you asked or a request you made has not received a response yet, and you are probably losing your patience. You may think that this should have happened by now, and because it hasn't, you may fear that the response will be negative when it does arrive. Don't go there, Scorpio. Remain neutral and optimistic. Just assume that the very best thing will happen for you. And whatever the answer eventually is, it will ultimately be the right one for you. 你在等一個答案,而且已經等很久了,可是你問的問題或提出的要求遲遲沒有得到回 覆,而你很可能快要失去耐性了。你也許會認為現在就該有答案了,但是卻沒有,所 以你或許會害怕真正得到答案的時候,那並不是你想要的答案。不要這樣想,天蠍。 保持中立和樂觀,只要預想最好的會來到你面前就好。不管最後答案是什麼,對你來 說,最終那就會是對的答案。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1570526779.A.997.html
et252784: 正面思考 10/08 18:20
cdrn: 其實之前早就知道答案了,只是今日確定了,確實心碎,希望這 10/08 18:21
cdrn: 答案是最好的安排與結局。 10/08 18:21
wanting24: 早知道答案了,最好的不會是我的。 10/08 21:54
sbaopnn: 最好的屬於我 我得到的就是最好的 10/09 12:56